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Here is my take
送交者: CyberCat 2009月04月29日11:34:05 於 [競技沙龍] 發送悄悄話
回  答:  由 於
1. If his wife goes back to him, evidence or not is irrelevant.
2. If they agree on a divorce, evidence or not is irrelevant.
3. If it is a contested divorce, at least in some states he cannot introduce evidence of adultry on the court. Even if it is allowed, he will have to first consult with a lawyer to find out how to obtain the evidence legally.

If you want to use the evidence against the doctor, be aware that you don't commit extortion.
    本來離婚最好就是請一律師. 一了百了. - 網貓 04/29/09 (178)
  看吧,我就說有敲詐的嫌疑,會有問題的。 /無內容 - 快樂園丁 04/29/09 (149)
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