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News: NBA admitted mistake
送交者: 麻衣神道 2009月05月09日20:29:13 于 [竞技沙龙] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 小牛司机加油!super88 于 2009-05-09 15:49:17
Shortly after the Nuggets' controversial win over the Mavericks on Saturday, the NBA admitted that the refs "missed an intentional foul" committed by Antoine Wright.

Once the final buzzer sounded, Mark Cuban stormed the court and pushed aside a cameraman while he protested the non-call. Josh Howard needed to be held back from the referees and also wound up pushing a cameraman, bending the lens on his camera. It remains to be seen whether any punishment will be dealt out for the Mavs' misbehavior.
Source: Associated Press
  TOO LATE!100个错误不及 1个比赛结果。 /无内容 - 老鹰号 05/09/09 (94)
  那么明显犯规都不吹,库班人品太差了 /无内容 - super88 05/09/09 (144)
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