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送交者: 老酷鷹 2004年09月24日12:33:38 於 [競技沙龍] 發送悄悄話


The Phantom of the Opera 劇情簡介:

Christine 唱歌,音質如玉,至純之美。
Raoul(她的男朋友) 說,“Bravo !"
Phantom 說,“我會帶你去摘取音樂殿堂的皇冠。".

Christine 摘下Phantom的面具,他痛苦至極,因為面目醜陋。



Phantom放棄殺人,羞愧難當,消失了。”我愛你,Christine 。。。“


Christine 唱: Think of me

Think of me,
think of me fondly,
when we've said
Remember me
once in a while --
please promise me
you'll try.

When you find
again,you long
to take your heart back
and be free --
if you
ever find
a moment,
spare a thought
for me ...

We never said
our love
was evergreen,
or as unchanging
as the sea --
but if
you can still
stop and think
of me ...

Think of all the things
we've shared and seen ---
don't think about the things
which might have been ...

Think of me,
thnk of me waking,
silent and
Imagine me,
trying too hard
to put you
from my mind.

Recall those days,
look back
on all those times,
think of the things
we'll never do --
there will
never be
a day,when
I won't think
of you ...

Phantom 唱:
I have brought you
to the seat of sweet
music's throne ...
to this kindom
where all must pay
homage to music ...
music ...

You have come here,
for one purpose,
and one alone ...
Since the moment
I first heard you sing,
I have needed
you with me,
to serve me, to sing,
for my music ...
my music ...

Night-time sharpens,
heightens each sensation ...
Darkness stirs and
wakes imagination ...
Silently the senses
abandon their defences ...

Slowly, gently
night unfurls its splendour ...
Grasp it, sense it --
tremulous and tender ...
Turn your face away
from the garish light of day,
turn your thoughts away
from cold, unfeeling light --
and listen to
the music of the night ...

Close your eyes
and surrender to your
darkest dreams!
Purge your thoughts
of the life
you knew before!
Close your eyes,
let your spirit
start to soar!
And you'll live
as you've never
lived before ...

music shall surround you ...
Feel it, hear it,
closing in around you ...
Open up your mind,
let your fantasies unwind,
in this darkness which
you know you cannot fight --
the darkness of
the music of the night ...

Let your mind
start a journey through a
strange, new world!
Leave all thoughts
of the world
you knew before !
Let your soul
Take you where you
long to be!
Only then
can you belong
to me ...

Floating, falling,
sweet intoxication!
Touch me,trust me,
savour each sensation!
Let the dream begin,
let your darker side give in
to the power of
the music that I write --
the power of the music of the night ...

Christine 唱:

You were once
my one companion...
you were all
that mattered ...
You were once
a friend and father --
then my world
was shattered ...

Wishing you were
somehow here again ...
wishing you were
somehow near ...
Sometimes it seemed,
if I just dreamed,
somehow you would
be here ...

Wishing I could
hear your voice again ...,
knowing that I
never would ...
Dreaming of you
won't help me to do
all that you dreamed
I could ...

Passing bells
and sculped angels,
cold and monumental,
seem, for you,
the wrong companions --
you were warm and gentle ...

Too many years
fighting back tears ...
Why can't the past
just die...?

Wishing you were
somehow here again ...
knowing we must
say goodbye ...
Try to forgive...
teach me to live ...
give me the strength
to try ...

No more memories,
no more silent tears ...
No more gazing across
the wasted years...
Help me say

Phantom 唱:

Wandering child...
so lost ...
so helpless...
yearning for my
guidance ...


You have come here
in pursuit of
your deepest urge,
in pursuit of
that wish,
which till now
has been silent,

I have brought you,
that your passions
may fuse and merge --
in your mind
you've already
succumbed to me,
dropped all defences,
completely succumbed to me --
now you are here with me:
no second thoughts,
you've decided,
decided ...

Past the point,
of no return --
no backward glances:
the games we played
till now are at
an end ...
Past all thought
of "if" or "when" --
no use resisting:
abandon thought,
and let the dream
descend ...

What raging fire
shall flood the soul?
What rich desire
unlocks its door?
What sweet seduction
lies before
us ...?

Past the point
of no return,
the final threshold --
what warm,
unspoken secrets
will we learn ?
Beyond the point
of no return ...


You have brought me
to that moment
where words run dry,
to that moment
where speech
into silence,
silence ...

I have come here,
hardly knowing
the reason why ...
in my mind,
I've already
imagined our
bodies entwining,
defenceless and silent --
and now I am
here with you:
no second thoughts,
I've decided,
decided ...

Past the point
of no return --
no going back now:
our passion-play
has now, at last,
Past all thought
of right or wrong --
one final question:
how long should we
two wait, before
we'are one ... ?

When will the blood
begin to race,
the sleeping bug
burst into bloom?
When will the flames,
at last consume
us ...?


Past the point
of no return,
the final threshold --
the bridge
is crossed,so stand
and watch it burn ...
We've passed the point
of no return ...

Phantom 走了,只留下了他的面具。所有的燈光都打在它上面,漆黑的舞台上,只在一個小小的角落,留下了這個慘白的面具,看上去怵目驚心。

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