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送交者: 无名练箭 2004年08月29日14:42:52 于 [竞技沙龙] 发送悄悄话

To Whom It May Concern

I have enjoyed your programs during the 28th Olympic game. Thank you. However, one thing has really tainted the quality and seriousness of your work. When you critized the possible use of dope in this Olympic game, you used as the background the snapshots when the Chinese athlete, Liu Xiang won the men's 100m hurdle. Although the commenter did not mention Liu's name, the message was conveyed to all audience that YOU suspected that Liu might also have been involved in some drug problem. This suspicion is completely ungrounded because he has NEVER been found linked with any dope issue and his drug tests during this Olympic game have not smelled suspicious.

In the recent years, he has shown huge upside in recent international events, including the Golden League in Aug 2003. His progress has been recognized by other prominent competitors. Alan Johnson once said that he has nothing but respect for his taller opponent Liu Xiang. So his outstanding per????ance in this game is not absolutely unexpected.

If I try to understand your suspicion, it is probably based on the fact that before Liu, no Asian had won the 1st place in men's 100m hurdle in the history. But this logic is absurd and sounds very race-discriminating. As Asian is becoming an important part of Canada, I won't be surprised to see many Asian Canadians make breakthroughs in various fields and contribute to the prosperity of Canada. I DO hope you won't throw irresponsible suspicion towards their honesty and hard work.

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