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送交者: Mayi 2017年02月24日14:20:29 于 [竞技沙龙] 发送悄悄话


Chris Cuomo’s response on what to tell a girl who ‘doesn’t want to see a penis in the locker room’

Chris Cuomo’s response on what to tell a girl who ‘doesn’t want to see a penis in the locker room’

CNN’s Chris Cuomo spent time Thursday debating folks on Twitter about the transgender bathroom issue when one thread took a personal turn:

Image source: Twitter
Image source: Twitter
Image source: Twitter
Image source: Twitter

But then another Twitter user jumped into the conversation with a pointed question: “What do you tell a 12-year-old girl who doesn’t want to see a penis in the locker room?”

Cuomo had an answer — and it’s been causing quite the stir:

Image source: Twitter
Image source: Twitter


With that, Cuomo launched a defense of his tweet in the face of those outraged by it, particularly users who believed he implied the girl in the scenario is part of the problem:

Image source: Twitter
Image source: Twitter
Image source: Twitter
Image source: Twitter

But there were plenty of other retorts from those wondering what’s so overprotective and intolerant about parents not wanting their 12-year-old girls to be exposed to male genitalia in locker rooms:

Image source: Twitter

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