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来个长一点的:(7) Don't Cry Joni
送交者: 南二楼 2007年10月20日02:27:16 于 [竞技沙龙] 发送悄悄话

Jimmy, please say you'll wait for me
I'll grow up some day you'll see
Saving all my kisses just for you
Shine with love forever true

Joni was the girl who lived next door
I've known her I guess ten years or more
Joni wrote me a note one day
And this is what she had to say

Jimmy, please say you'll wait for me
I'll grow up some day you'll see
Saving all my kisses just for you
Shine with love forever true

Slowly I read her note once more
Then I went over to the house next door
Her teardrops fell like rain that day
When I told Joni what I had to say

Joni, Joni please don't cry
You'll forget me by and by
You're just fifteen and I'm twenty-two
And Joni I just can't wait for you

Soon I left our little home town
Got me a job and try to settle down
But these words keep on my memory
The words that Joni say to me

Jimmy, please say you'll wait for me
I'll grow up some day you'll see
Saving all my kisses just for you
Shine with love forever true

I packed my clothes and I called the plane
I had to see Joni I had to explain
How my heart was filled with her memory
And that's my Joni if she married me

I ran out the way to the house next door
The things were like they were before
My teardrops fell like rain that day
When I heard what Joni had to say

Jimmy, Jimmy please don't cry
You'll forget me by and by
It's been five years since you've been gone
Jimmy, I married your best friend John


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