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送交者: 阿黛 2009年02月25日14:02:02 于 [竞技沙龙] 发送悄悄话
引子:在一个月白风清的深夜,我和蚂蚁头儿畅谈澳网,他不赞同我往心爱胃爱肠子也爱的斯波概迪里加糖。。。。 A Trillion Ants of FuryBY拖泥 The blazing sun flared down on my aching back as I trudged up the last quarter of the steep slippery hill. When my exhausted feet reached the top, they sprang back to life. I wanted to yell out loud but my tongue stopped my voice from coming out. I stared down flabbergasted like I was in a trance. My jaw dropped wide open in amazement. I was about to assault my target but my legs had turned to Jell-O. What was I thinking? It all began on a hot sum- wait let me rephrase that. It was a blistering summer day. Everyone was caught in the heat but I was keeping cool. I was walking along the muddy bank of my friend’s creek taking in the fresh scent of the pine growing in the forest. I inhaled some of the clean pure air until my best friend Ben said, “Let’s go smash anthills!” What’s an anthill? Do ants bite? Do they hurt? Those were the questions that popped up in my mind. I partly knew what an anthill was. I thought it was some type of ant home. I had a sudden urge to go but somewhere in my mind my brain said no. Go! Stay! Go! Stay! My feet said go but my brain said no. I decided that I shouldn’t go but this time curiosity got the best of me. I decided to go. We began to climb up the hill. Every step drew me closer into what I was about to see. Finally, I began to see big heaps of dirt. I pulled myself up and stared in amazement. “Wow!” I exclaimed. We took a minute to gaze at the heaps of the dirt. Finally we started walking through the thick, tall, scratchy grass. Finally we reached a fairly sized anthill. I guess Owen was as excited as I was because he leapt onto the massive pile and began stomping on the hill. As I prepared to jump paused for a moment. I could already see myself jumping around like a lunatic. I jumped onto the anthill. The dirt held its place but there was a size 4 footprint engraved deep inside the dirt. I guess me and Owen put the ants in a wave. Not a heat wave but a wave of fury. The ants scattered around like they were guarding a precious jewel. Ben jumped on the anthill. I guess you could call us the Ant Disturbing Trio because we can make a regular anthill turn into a messy ant war. Ouch! The ants began to bite. A scorching pain flew right through my leg. It felt like I fell in a patch of fire weed. I swatted the ants off of me. I looked at the spot where the ant had struck. There was a bright red patch on my leg. I got up and headed back to the creek. We began to journey through the thick scratchy grass once more. We took a right turn just to see an open field of grass. “Are we lost?” I said. “Nope. We just turned the wrong direction” said Ben. We turned back and I began to see the creek again. Splash! I jumped into the creek. The water felt like the best pain reliever in the world. I got back up and ran up the hill. This time I felt as light as a feather. I dashed up the hill to meet an anthill. I took a great big leap and sprang onto the hill just as Owen had. Boom! Boom! Boom! Ants were pouring out. We were destroying their hill. They were biting us like mad freakazoids. We were having loads of fun but there was twice as much pain. This was probably the best ant war in 1,000,000,000,000,000 centuries. “This is awesome” Owen exclaimed! For nearly 30 minutes we had the time of our life. Finally we succeeded. Fort Ant Hill was in ruins. The anthill had marks, footprints, holes, and other stuff I never would imagine. When we got tired of the bites we decided to go back down to the creek. I would never forget the experience I had the summer of 2008. I would know it as The Summer of the Ants. I took one last brief look and thought about the trillion ants of fury. I could still see some fire ants marching around to protect the last of the hill. I knew next time they would still be there, deep inside the hidden anthill just when I came back next time. When my friends weren’t looking, I turned around and hissed, “I’ll be back”…
  这汤尼,挑动蚂蚁斗蚂蚁? - 袈裟道人 02/26/09 (135)
  完了,洋码子,满视野蚂蚁,呵呵  /无内容 - dadahan 02/25/09 (135)
  Tony! Let's talk!  /无内容 - 麻衣神道 02/25/09 (127)
  羡慕阿黛一把!  /无内容 - 快乐园丁 02/25/09 (108)
  Go, Tony, Go, Kill that ant!  /无内容 - 红山狼 02/25/09 (144)
    就是,儿子闯祸了娘顶着,胡怕胡啊:))  /无内容 - 阿黛 02/25/09 (105)
    TONY黛. 这文章一看就是大高才生 - 阿胖~ 02/25/09 (224)
      噫?我明明听见那时辰你打呼噜来着,咋啥啥都知道:))  /无内容 - 阿黛 02/25/09 (160)
  Tony这英文,真不错。是孩儿他娘教的吧?  /无内容 - 南天门 02/25/09 (231)
    孩他娘这会儿忙着查字典呢:)) - 阿黛 02/25/09 (221)
      下面的咸鱼烧肉很不错,传授一下秘方吧?谢谢  /无内容 - gobelieve 02/25/09 (199)
        呵呵,还真要看看两把刷子? - 阿黛 02/25/09 (200)
          哪里来的咸鱼啊? - 阿胖~ 02/25/09 (190)
            阿胖啊,你咋不向着自家姐妹呢, - 阿黛 02/25/09 (208)
              哈哈,这样的婆婆得多念几次:) - 阿胖~ 02/25/09 (188)
                据可靠消息,鱼不在管辖之内。 - 阿黛 02/25/09 (186)
                  真的假的?要是真的,下次我带一箱子:) - 阿胖~ 02/25/09 (143)
          唔,一般俺要加点八角,烧的时候移到砂锅里。  /无内容 - gobelieve 02/25/09 (152)
            好,我还有两块鱼,要不借你烧烧? - 阿黛 02/25/09 (95)
  This is awesome - w2mazi 02/25/09 (191)
    1万亿蚂蚁狂暴 - gobelieve 02/25/09 (206)
      哇,这回我还真看懂了, 这是可怕的, 哈哈  /无内容 - w2mazi 02/25/09 (119)
      呵呵呵,这就是传说中的麻文?  /无内容 - 阿黛 02/25/09 (166)
        可怕吧? 和和 - w2mazi 02/25/09 (158)
          也还好啦,像日文似的, - 阿黛 02/25/09 (201)
  俺拒绝看英文!!!  /无内容 - gobelieve 02/25/09 (84)
  顶拖泥!不好意思,咱撞车了,my bad!  /无内容 - 奥运银牌 02/25/09 (151)
    这是不是也叫那啥啥犀的? 呵呵,欢迎流浪归来!  /无内容 - 阿黛 02/25/09 (75)
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