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送交者: Justdoit 2003年01月05日19:28:22 于 [竞技沙龙] 发送悄悄话

超级杯赛:Oakland 胜 Tampa Bay

国联决赛: Tampa Bay 胜 SF美联决赛:Oakland 胜 Pittsburgh

国半决赛1: Tampa Bay 胜Atlanta 国半决赛2: San Francisco 胜 Philadelphia (小宝力挺!)

美半决赛1:Oakland 胜N.Y. Jets 美半决赛2:Pittsburgh 胜 Tennessee

外卡赛:N.Y. Jets 胜 Indianapolis Atlanta 胜 Green Bay (冬天里Green Bay终于输在家门口!)Pittsburgh 胜 Cleveland San Francisco 胜 N.Y. Giants

俺最愁掐算比分:这橄榄球每队40几号人+ 天气+ 时差 + 球迷饮啤量+ 夏威夷姑娘肤色深浅 (越深越好看)等等, 变量巨多, 俺这方程还在调试中。_______________________________________________NFL Playoff Glance Associated Press, 1/3/2003 08:09

All Times EST Wild-card Playoffs

Saturday, Jan. 4 AFC Indianapolis at N.Y. Jets, 4:30 p.m. (ABC)NFC Atlanta at Green Bay, 8 p.m. (ABC)

Sunday, Jan. 5 AFC Cleveland at Pittsburgh, 1 p.m. (CBS)NFC N.Y. Giants at San Francisco, 4:30 p.m. (FOX)Divisional Playoffs

Saturday, Jan. 11 and Sunday, Jan. 12 AFC Indianapolis, Cleveland or N.Y. Jets at Oakland Indianapolis, Cleveland or Pittsburgh at TennesseeNFC Atlanta, N.Y. Giants or Green Bay at Tampa Bay Atlanta, N.Y. Giants or San Francisco at PhiladelphiaConference Championships

Sunday, Jan. 19 AFC Championship and NFC Championship 3 p.m. and 6:30 p.m.Super Bowl

Sunday, Jan. 26 At San Diego AFC champion vs. NFC champion, 6:18 p.m.Pro Bowl

Sunday, Feb. 2 At Honolulu AFC vs. NFC, TBA (ABC)

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