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送交者: 彎刀 2003年01月13日10:44:39 於 [競技沙龍] 發送悄悄話




ESPN 評論員Ford關於Shaq的種族歧視言論的評論

From ESPN.com Jan.10, 2003

Brian NYC: Good piece about Shaq on NBA Insider. Do you think he's a racist? I think the comment he made was tasteless and the reporter who wrote the article about it was right that there would be an uproar if a similar comment was made toward an African American athlete. I think an apology and/or an explanation from Shaq is needed. Thanks.

Chad Ford: Were Shaq's comments at Yao Ming racially charged? Absolutely. Did he intend them to be racial slurs? Only Shaq knows the answer to that. But what people tend to lose sight of when we talk about issues like this is that just because there wasn't an intent to do harm doesn't mean that there wasn't harm. I have received a ton of e-mail from Asian readers who were deeply hurt by Shaq's comments. I think Shaq would be surprised. Those close to him say he doesn't have a racist bone in his body and he was just trying to be funny. Of course they said the same thing about Fuzzy Zoeller.

Also from Houston Chronicle " Yao takes high road on Shaq's comments "
Jan. 11, 2003, 6:59PM
... ...
When asked if O'Neal owed him an apology, Yao said: "I think that's something he'll have to decide ... for himself."

But if O'Neal was joking, Yao sent one back, pretending O'Neal was simply trying his best to speak Chinese.

"Chinese is hard to learn," Yao said. "Even when I was little, I took a long time to learn Chinese."

Later, he even said he might seek O'Neal's advice.

Yao, who wants to buy a car and learn to drive it, was asked what sort of vehicle would accommodate his 7-5 frame.

"I think," he said, "I'll have to go ask Shaq."

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