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送交者: junior 2003年11月18日21:11:55 于 [竞技沙龙] 发送悄悄话

Poor shooting sinks teams, but at least Yao is there
By ED HILT Staff Writer, (609) 272-7190 Associated Press

PHILADELPHIA - Most among the crowd of 18,486 Monday at Wachovia Center couldn't speak
Chinese. Some there to see Yao Ming, the Houston Rockets' 7-foot-6 phenomenon, were not
fluent in English.

It didn't matter. Bad games and missed shots are the same in any language.

In a game neither team deserved to win, the Rockets defeated the Philadelphia 76ers 74-

The Rockets shot 26-for-80, or 32.5 percent. The Sixers shot 23-for-73, or 31.5 percent.

The 66 points by the Sixers tied their second-lowest output in their history.

Their lowest is 57 points against Miami on Feb. 21, 1996. They had 66 two other times.

Allen Iverson had a season-low 15 points, shooting 4-for-19. And he was the Sixers' top
scorer. It was that bad.

Iverson was a game-time decision, due to a right-knee contusion sustained Friday
against the San Antonio Spurs. Iverson decided at game time to play. Iverson later said
it was a bad decision.

"I just want to play, but I have to be smart about it, and I don't think I was smart
tonight about going out there,'' Iverson said after his team fell to 5-6. "I'm not
making any excuses. I had shots I know I can make. But as far as my push-off and
getting to the basket the way I want to, and creating things out there, I was moving
like someone else. It wasn't me.

"It was kind of frustrating, but I think this was one of those times where instead of
me thinking about helping my team right now, I need to think about helping them in the
future. I want to make a smart decision and do what is right.''

The Sixers play Wednesday in Toronto. Coach Randy Ayers told Iverson he might sit out.

Iverson's condition was just part of the Sixers' problems Monday. Derrick Coleman (left
knee strain) and Glenn Robinson (left ankle sprain) didn't play. Kenny Thomas returned
to the lineup after missing four games with a lower back contusion, and it was obvious
he didn't have his total game. He had four points to go with eight rebounds in 21

The offense wasn't the only thing coming up short in this game. Yao Ming mania has
decreased considerably since Yao Ming's debut in Philadelphia last April as the
Rockets' rookie center and first pick overall in the NBA draft.

Groups of Asian-Americans still attended but not as many as in the first trip. There
were also some fans from Ming's homeland.

Si Jia, a 25-year-old from China, is in her second year studying at the University of
Pennsylvania. She took the opportunity to see Ming score 12 points to go with 14
rebounds, four blocked shots and three assists.

"We are very excited about him playing in the NBA, of course,'' she said. "He's quite
famous. That's why I came here.''

There were only a couple of TV crews from China, and not nearly as many local media on
hand to cover the return of Yao Ming.

Yao Ming did not speak to the media before or after the game, meaning interpreter Colin
Pine, who travels with Yao Ming, had the night off.

"People are still interested, but it's not the same as last year,'' Pine said. "It's
decreased a lot. A big difference. Even in Houston. He's more like a regular player

It didn't stop the Chinese media from asking others about Ming.

One reporter from a Chinese television network asked Steve Francis if he had picked up
any of the Chinese culture from being around Yao Ming.

Francis said not really. He was having enough trouble picking up all the new plays put
in by new coach Jeff Van Gundy.

The same reporter told Francis that the people in China want to know why Francis will
not pass Yao Ming the ball more.

Francis did not appear to be insulted. He said if Yao Ming is open, he'll pass it to
him. If not, he's not going to give it to him and that's just the way basketball is

She then asked Francis if he had any message for the people of China.

"Happy New Year, China,'' he said, smiling into the camera. "Steve Francis of the
Houston Rockets.''

It looked like Van Gundy, only 10 games on the job, might have to learn patience when
dealing with Yao Ming mania, even in its scaled-down version.

He was peppered with questions about Yao Ming pregame and postgame.

One Chinese reporter asked him about the physical differences among Chinese and
American players.

He wasn't touching that one.

Same reporter, different question.

"Do you think Yao Ming has more to improve upon because he's Asian?''

Van Gundy pondered the question for an instant.

"Because he's an Asian guy?'' Van Gundy said. "Believe me, Americans have a lot to
improve on, too.''

Watching the game Monday, he couldn't have been more correct.

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