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FDIC seized it before they
送交者: 水滴~ 2008月09月26日07:44:28 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
回  答: WM是负资产,要是没人买,客户就惨了。枯木朽株 于 2008-09-26 07:28:58
sold it to JPM. I assumed that FDIC will insure 100K for each account. But my local branch told me that 100K is for per household. Anyway, I wired most of my household money out 2 weeks ago. However, my kids have their "school saving account" with them too. Since they are under 18, they are belong to my household. They don't have other accounts in other places. I have been their loyal customer for many many years. Its gone now!

Guess the employees who will have their jobs, but the other dept, such as mortgage lending, purchasing, investment, etc, may have massive laid off. They have 4000 local employees, it will affect local economy.
  如果是 joint accounts, - 枯木朽株 09/26/08 (133)
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