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Hard to tell
送交者: jyx 2008月10月13日10:57:42 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 我怎么觉得,6degrees 于 2008-10-13 10:02:20
I agree that no one knows whether this is a bear rally or really hit the bottom. However, looking at some extremely low P/E of many stocks (even w/ the lower earnings discounted), I'd rather to take the chance to accumulate some, say 25%+ of your cash. If it drops further, you can commit another 25% or more. To ride the recovery you have to be in the market somehow.
  Low P/E may not be meaningful. - 6degrees 10/13/08 (216)
    depends on which companies - jyx 10/13/08 (176)
      I do not think any company - 6degrees 10/13/08 (166)
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