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I think
送交者: layworld 2008月10月18日11:08:07 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 现在全球联合救市,初见成效枯木朽株 于 2008-10-17 00:04:49
most people do not really understand the result of not saving those major financial institutions, which is depression...

I think that the top management team of the Unite States will not give up effort in saving the financial system, and that the system is not too bad to be saved. Therefore, in the long run, I am still quite confident about the economy. Short-term and mid-term wise, I think that stock market can not go too high due to lack of confidence from most investors.

Time will cure, and it takes time to cure...
  政府大概不会将股市托回高处。 /无内容 - 枯木朽株 10/18/08 (213)
    估计政府要将股市稳定在某一段位,所以华尔街炒家纷纷卖股权  /无内容 - 枯木朽株 10/18/08 (184)
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