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Thank you too
送交者: k19 2008月10月25日18:14:15 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 也回K19下面的帖小寒* 于 2008-10-25 14:35:14
Have you heard of Andrew Lahde. What is happening is no surprised for some of us. Yes there is a lot of crap that is going in in US. Like someone said, if you are not mad, you are not paying attention.

I am just a guys easily get pissed off. LOL But trust me, the things are much worse than people know. We can discuss about all the good news and bad new at here. Hopefully, we can help each other out. So are you trading Oil or Natural gas?
I remember before the Ike so many went long to bet oil going up. LOL. Glad that I did not put a trade then. I just felt the consumption will go way down. That is why I can't go long or short on oil. Too bad that Bonne Pickens went from couple of billion to millions. Not good.

Great to know you my friend. Let's find a way to make more money. Hehehehe
  I trade both. - 小寒* 10/25/08 (212)
    I wish I know you long time ag - k19 10/25/08 (179)
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