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Playing currencies is dangerou
送交者: k19 2008月12月24日08:47:25 於 [股市財經] 發送悄悄話
回  答: But whatever it is, my point鮮卑賀葛氏 於 2008-12-19 16:00:17
with 100:1 leverage, it will kill you before your thesis turned into reality.

You can be so right, yet lose your butt before what you believe become a fact. I don\'t think play currency is the way to go. I will buy coins.

What they are doing is simply put more money to fill the pot holes. The problem is that it is a black hole. It will only suck in more. The financial institutions lost way too much. All the fed can do is to stop the bleeding with bandaid for now. So everything will keep tanking and companies will keep failing. Until there is not enough manufactures and companies that is procducing to meet the dewindled demand, all of sudden price will go up. People have stuff will not sell. IMO it will happen later for sure. But not before many companies go bankrupt.
True, it is ver confusing. And timming is a bitch. I believe one thing. few people will make more money. If you make moeny in times like this, you are dare to make more investment and that investment will bring you more profit. For those lose a lot of money now, they will shy away from the best investment of the life time.

No pain(other people), No gain(yours).
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