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Thanks buddy.
送交者: k19 2009月01月18日11:43:46 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
回  答: like your analysisgoofizer 于 2009-01-18 08:40:43
I am learning from everyone everysingle day. Nobody know what will happen tomorrow. But there are few people know the trend well. Peter Schiff is the one I followed for few years. But I never followed his trade. Keep reading and find the one that makes most of the sense.

The problem with today's trading is that MSM won't tell you what is really happening. They always tell you as an after fact. When everyone heard the news, it is already late. So it is more important to pick up tiny bit and start to watch. You normally will take a lot of pain first. But when everybody got the news. It will become the time for you to cash out.

Like BAC CFC deal etc. Ken Lewis is telling you that nobody anticipated it. Hahaha that is so laughable. We were yelling and screaming what an idiots he was doing that deal. And many used the number to demostrate how bad it was. Those guys are either a big liar or big dumbass or both.

CA will postpond payment on tax refund, wealfare checks, and student grants on Feb 1. This will not end well. American are ignoring it.
  worst yet to come - goofizer 01/18/09 (304)
    You are right. - k19 01/19/09 (263)
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