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Only dumbass laughed at my
送交者: k19 2009月01月20日21:22:07 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
回  答: Another low life NEW born babyItsScheme 于 2009-01-20 20:22:48
English. Most of them are kids who don't know shit.

Language is a tool. We all know grammer to a certain degree. Since language does not come to us naturally, it is easy for us to make grammer mistakes. If I have time to tripple check whatever I said. I am sure I can cut down errors in high percentage. But who the heck have all the time to do that. I don't. Take it or leaave it. I am just so sick and tired of these bastards who have nothing to contribute but whine and bashing. we should give em all a big fat middle finger.
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