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that is what i was saying many
送交者: ItsScheme 2009月01月22日09:33:22 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
回  答: then on percentage wiseYani 于 2009-01-22 07:28:05
times before. I only described bit of the clue but not in such detail like this one here, but none of the people here follow the topic. Many even don't know waht i was talking about. Most people are herd who only follows what bank says "the traditional way" of mortgage.

yes, it is a very good strategy to make big money. right now, it is the lift time opportunity to make millions of dollars in this low rock bottom interest rate enviroment. But one has to be careful is that the longer dated futures has a wider bid/ask. also when approach the expiration morning, one has to hedge/manage the open gap properly, or oen will have a "sizeable loss or gain" that morning.
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