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He is not buying
送交者: k19 2009月02月20日20:44:23 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
回  答: Gee...小寒* 于 2009-02-20 20:28:01
He is selling.


Buffett: Time is right to jump back into stocks
updated 11:18 a.m. PT, Fri., Oct. 17, 2008

He is full of bullshit.
Here is the failed bank list:
So far there is no big banks put on FDIC other than IMB.
They have so much gurantee and bailout for the bigger banks. On paper FDIC probably only paid 25 to 40 billion dollars.I don't have the number. But it really does not matter anymore. It is a black box. We are not going to see what is in there.

If we let things to fall where it belongs. All the banks would be closed. That is why nobody knows what will happen.
  To be fair, - egghead1 02/21/09 (322)
    Nah, you call buy GS at 115 - k19 02/21/09 (198)
    He certainly underestimated - 小寒* 02/21/09 (331)
      probably. But his time horizon - egghead1 02/21/09 (337)
        May be so, but somehow - 小寒* 02/21/09 (174)
        10 years later, it will be - k19 02/21/09 (290)
          you two feel really - egghead1 02/22/09 (231)
            I am hopeful too - 小寒* 02/22/09 (331)
              hmm, - egghead1 02/22/09 (214)
                Like wise - 小寒* 02/22/09 (195)
  He is telling Americans to buy - 小寒* 02/21/09 (350)
    has Wallstreet relieved - Yani 02/21/09 (369)
      haha, how many times in the - k19 02/21/09 (139)
      I think it's just temporary - egghead1 02/21/09 (179)
      A little bit  /无内容 - 枯木朽株 02/21/09 (273)
        What wallstreet worried most - 小寒* 02/21/09 (253)
          The real problem is nobody - k19 02/21/09 (181)
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