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I am just trying to give him
送交者: fangemin 2009月03月04日21:38:08 於 [股市財經] 發送悄悄話
回  答: if the corp you bought went bkk19 於 2009-03-03 23:19:26
some comfort. Whoever believes in those "poor dad rich dad" seminars would eventually be a sad dad. Just like I said before, those brothel owners made a fortune during the 1849 gold rush while most of the gold miners remained poor. At least you might get some fun when you pay for sex. I don't see any fun for anyone to pay to listen to those suckers talking about how to make money. If they really know how to make easy money, why do they want to tell you?
  because they love you.... /無內容 - free2005 03/04/09 (311)
    OMG, I am very touched. What - fangemin 03/06/09 (223)
  Hehehe - k19 03/04/09 (241)
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