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Yes I did...
送交者: Press1forEnglish 2009月03月20日05:45:26 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
回  答: Gutsy--buy some c now!西锅 于 2009-03-19 16:48:45
I bought 6000 shares of C when she dropped to $23 months ago.
I bought 12,000 shares of GM when she was $9 a while ago.
I bought .........

Now I have a paper loss of about $470,000.00.

It looks like they were not a good decision. Hey, don't blame yourself too hard. Everyone makes mistakes. Even Warren Buffet made a big mistake by losing more than $10b in stocks. Be happy.

Money is what you did not have when you were born and you do not have either when you are dead. Try to be happy, my brothers and sisters on this planet!
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