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Banks are buying bad assets!
送交者: 水滴~ 2009月03月29日09:59:18 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
回  答: warning:global meltdown is comItsScheme 于 2009-03-28 17:20:24

The banks is going to use $7 co-pay to get rid of their $100 worth of bas assets and US is going to print $93 to feed the bankers stomach. The bank will collect more bad assets to get more money from Gov.

Unless every country in the world starts to rebel against USD as reserve currency, USD will not "devalue." Their army can be used to garantee the USD power. So in the end, other countries pay for "world financial crisis" created by US and US can "recover", at least for this time, right?

In the long run, USD lost its credibility, it will become harder for US to exploit the others. But for now, the meltdown may not come immediately. However anything can be wrong. 人算不如天算。A lot of times, it is 机关算尽太聪明,反误了卿卿性命。
  financial system in US is not - ItsScheme 03/29/09 (354)
    Look at your credit cards... - Press1forEnglish 03/29/09 (289)
  I believe that article was - ItsScheme 03/29/09 (240)
  Hehe, You are absolutely right - Press1forEnglish 03/29/09 (252)
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