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I am still short,
送交者: cibc1 2009月04月28日13:22:01 於 [股市財經] 發送悄悄話
回  答: still keep shorting? andSeawaves 於 2009-04-28 12:59:47
would like to sell more if it ever gets back to $104-$105. I think it could go to $90-$95 in the next few months, and possibly lower down the road. But please keep in mind TLT is a ETF for 10 yr+ bonds, it moves very slow, and can be influenced by government paticipations. If tomorrow the Fed says it will buy all the notes the treasury dept offers in the next aution, or any global crisis, hummm... TLT could have a dead cat jump.

Over time though, with all the $$$ needed to stimulate the economy and printing machines keep running, longbond prices will come off and yield will go higher. This may be one of the very few investment strategies I am sure of these days. :-)
  thanks. - Seawaves 04/28/09 (323)
    70ish so far  /無內容 - cibc1 04/28/09 (213)
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