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Some References
送交者: QingXingChen 2008月11月03日09:38:08 于 [茗香茶语] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 秦河: 在西人公司的两次不愉快经历秦河 于 2008-11-02 10:11:43
I agree with this writer. I have worked for almost 10 years in a company in which I am the only Chinese or Asian among about 100 people. As far as I remember, I have experienced twice the same thing as the writer did during these years. I just used exactly the same way to deal with it as most Americans do in the situation. There are basically 2 ways to deal with it: straightforward and humorous .
For instance of the straightforward kind, you could talk directly to that woman:
I don't like your tone. It doesn't sound well-educated.
I guess you got up from the wrong side of your bed this morning.
If you have no respect to others, others cannot respect you. Is this what you want?
For the humorous part, you can talk to the equipment ( the computer) in front you:
Come on, do not pretend. You got attitude, you s----. What the---.
Look at this computer. It is like some people. She is not well-educated.
Of course, you can think of many other ways to deal with it. But in American office environment, strong sense of humor is the best and the most often used.
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