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送交者: 愛肘子 2005年08月16日08:53:49 於 [茗香茶語] 發送悄悄話

八卦幾位獲得沃特曼獎(NSF最高榮譽)的數學神童 (BY 立刻大叔、一塔湖圖)

Charles L. Fefferman這傢伙是當之無愧的神童. 他當年跟Elias M. Stein念PH.D的時候, 給本科生上習題課, 年紀比班上的大部分學生都小. 有個朋友當時在Princeton讀本科, 第一天同宿舍的幾位新生湊到一起, 說說當天的奇聞. 其中有個傢伙說他的習題課老師又英俊又年輕, 年紀比班上的大部分學生都小, 結果沒人相信, 後來大夥跑去看了看才發現是真的.

Charles L. Fefferman有個弟弟叫Bob, 也是Stein的學生, 比Charles晚了幾年, 倆人是同行里的同行, 後來Bob在芝加哥大學做教授, 數學系主任, 前幾年去當院長(Dean, Physical Sciences Division) 去了. 1998年他們的師叔Alberto Calderon (芝加哥大學)死了, Charles為之去芝加哥做演講, Bob在介紹Charles的時候大力吹捧Charles, 用了不少象GREAT的話, 搞的Charles很不好意思的樣子. Charles一上來, 第一句話就是: "Bob, 俺得假裝咱倆根本就不認識".

William P. Thurston這傢伙是不是神童俺不敢斷言, 不過天才的稱號是絕對沒問題的. 他關於三維MANIFOLD的GEOMETRIZATION 猜測(馬馬虎虎地說, 三維MANIFOLD可以分成八類具有簡單的幾何結構的東東, 然後用球或TORUS把他們沾起來), 在二十多年裡是低維拓樸里最重要的問題, 龐加萊(Poincare)猜測只是其中的一個特殊情況. 俄國人Grigory Perelman最近的工作是一個極大的進展, 但是否徹底解決還沒有多少人下斷言.

Thurston本來是UC Berkeley的教授, 在九十年代中期是陳省身在Berkeley創辦的美國國家數學所的所長. 不過Thurston的政治手腕和行政能力比陳先生差姥姥家了, 幹了沒幾年就被董事會趕跑了. 他一氣之下就去UC Davis呆了幾年, 前不久又去了Cornell. Thurston的兒子也和他家老頭做一個方向, 在Harvard做了一段時間的POSTDOC後, 也在找事. 聽說他兒子是個GAY, 不過想想也不奇怪, 在Berkeley那種環境長大的嘛.

Harvey M. Friedman這傢伙是搞邏輯的, 他18歲做教授, 當時是吉尼斯記錄. 不過這哥們喜歡吹牛, 老愛跟人提過去的狗屁光輝歷史, 大家都煩Y的. 有一年系裡來了位漂亮的秘書, 他就跑去跟人套瓷, 女秘書不搭理他. Harvey還不死心, 就問秘書: "你知道我有個吉尼斯記錄嗎"? 這位漂亮的秘書也不是草包, 馬上就回了一句: "YEAH, 世界上最矮的數學家吧." (Harvey大概只有1米6左右).

田剛就不八卦了, 最近他被老丘整得夠煩心了, 咱老實人不給人添亂.

美國國家科學基金會(NSF)最高榮譽: 沃特曼獎(1976-2005)

沃特曼獎(Alan T.Waterman Award):

This is the National Science Foundation's most prestigious honor for young researchers,
and is given once a year to the most accomplished scientist/doctor/engineer (all fields)
working in the US and under the age of 35 years.

學、醫學、社會科學或其他學科的研究成果.The Alan T. Waterman Award is the
highest honor awarded by the National Science Foundation.

Congress established the Alan T. Waterman Award in August 1975 to mark the
25th Anniversary of the National Science Foundation and to honor its first
Director. The annual award recognizes an outstanding young researcher in any
field of science or engineering supported by the National Science Foundation. In
addition to a medal, the awardee receives a grant of $500,000 over a three year
period for scientific research or advanced study in the mathematical, physical,
medical, biological, engineering, social, or other sciences at the institution of the
recipient's choice.

Candidates must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents and must be 35 years
of age or younger or not more than 7 years beyond receipt of the Ph.D. degree
by December 31 of the year in which they are nominated. Candidates should
have demonstrated exceptional individual achievements in scientific or
engineering research of sufficient quality to place them at the forefront of their

Criteria include originality, innovation, and significant impact on the field.

AwardYear Name Institution Field -- Alma Mater, PhdYear

1994 Gang Tian (田剛), NYU (數學) -- PhD Harvard, 1988 (Now at Princeton)
1984 Harvey M. Friedman, Ohio State (數學) -- PhD MIT, 1967 (18歲拿到MIT博士,
吉尼斯世界記錄Guinness Book of World Records: 18歲成為斯坦福大學助理教授 )
1979 William P. Thurston, Princeton (數學) -- PhD Berkeley, 1972 (Now at Cornell) (費爾茨獎, 1982)
1976 Charles L. Fefferman, Princeton (數學) -- PhD Princeton, 1969 (當代神童之最。

1997 Eric Cornell, NIST and Colorado (物理) -- PhD MIT, 1990 (諾貝爾獎, 2001)
1995 Matthew P. A. Fisher, UCSB (物理) -- PhD UIUC, 1986
1986 Edward Witten, Princeton (物理) -- PhD Princeton, 1976 (費爾茨獎, 1990)
1980 Roy F. Schwitters, Harvard (物理) -- PhD MIT, 1971 (Now at UT Austin)
1978 Richard A. Muller, Berkeley (物理) -- PhD Berkeley

1992 Shrinivas R. Kulkarni, Caltech (天文) -- PhD Berkeley, 1983

1998 Christopher C. Cummins, MIT (化學) -- PhD MIT, 1993
1996 Robert M. Waymouth, Stanford (化學) -- PhD Caltech, 1987
1988 Peter G. Schultz, Berkeley (化學) -- PhD Caltech, 1984 (Now at Scripps Research Institute)
1985 Jacqueline K. Barton, Columbia (化學) -- PhD Columbia, 1979 (Now at Caltech)
1981 W. Clark Still, Columbia (化學) -- PhD

2004 Kristi Anseth, Colorado (工程學, Tissue Engineering) -- PhD Colorado, 1994
2001 Vahid Tarokh, MIT (工程學, EE) -- PhD Waterloo, 1995 (Top 10 Most Cited Authors in Computer Science) (Now at Harvard)
1991 Herbert Edelsbrunner, UIUC (工程學, CS) -- PhD Technical University of Graz, 1982 (Now at Duke)
1999 Chaitan S. Khosla, Stanford (工程學, 化工) - PhD Caltech, 1990
1990 Mark E. Davis, Virginia Tech (工程學, 化工) -- PhD Kentucky, 1981 (Now at Caltech)

2003 Angelika Amon, MIT (生物學) -- PhD Vienna, 1993
2002 Erich D. Jarvis, Duke (生物學) -- PhD Rockefeller, 1995
2000 Jennifer A. Doudna, Yale (生物學) -- PhD (Now at Berkeley)
1993 Deborah L. Penry, Berkeley (生物學) -- PhD
1989 Richard H. Scheller, Stanford (生物學) -- PhD Caltech
1983 Corey S. Goodman, Stanford (生物學) -- PhD Berkeley
1977 William Schopf, UCLA (生物學) -- PhD Harvard 1968

1982 Richard Axel, Columbia (醫學) -- MD Johns Hopkins

2005 Dalton Conley, NYU (社會科學, 社會學) -- PhD Columbia, 1996
1987 Lawrence H. Summers, Harvard (社會科學, 經濟學) -- PhD Harvard, 1982 (哈佛大學校長)

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