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My final post to pifu
送交者: k19 2018年06月12日23:30:38 于 [茗香茶语] 发送悄悄话

Look, I do not care if you agree or disagree with whatever I said. You have rights to say whatever you like. That is fine with me.

But the moment you attack my belief and my teacher. You crossed the fucking line. 

You understand? You can attack me anyway you want and however much you want. I don't give shit about it. But not my teacher nor my belief! If you are true buddhist, you should know better not to do that. That is the very first thing I learn. If you talk about politics, then stay with it. Not to drag it into belief. For seasoned buddhists, they understand the more they know, the more they understand they know less. Nobody brag how much they know more about buddhism. That is only for amateur. Because the moment you brag you know more about Buddhism than others, you know shit. If you are as smart as you said, you should know how wrong it is to attack my teacher. It is none of your business. Nor do you possess the true wisedom to judge. Stay away from this kind of attack.  

I hope you understand what I am saying.

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