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送交者: 绿野仙人 2020年02月03日20:50:08 于 [茗香茶语] 发送悄悄话


S Government has used Biological Weapons on the Public 2


Declassified files show secret chemical, biological tests

我只给你帖一点点。我可以很肯定地告诉你们。美国政府用美国公民做实验是肯定的。而且是多次的。这是完全不可置疑的。任何人怀疑这个不是无比的无知就是就是无比的无耻。alex jones过去就给过很多文件说这件事。真的非常可悲居然还有专家在这里用那种非常可笑的东西来搪塞大家。你们真的那么无知,那么容易被这种低级的谎言欺骗吗?我真的没时间。不然我给你们找出一大堆资料出来。帮助恶人一样有恶报!!!!



Americans to Lethal Bacteria to Test Biological Warfare


STORYJULY 13, 20054

The Homeland Security Department last month released what they said was nontoxic gas into New York’s Grand Central Station to trace how chemicals might flow through the terminal in a terrorist attack. We speak with biological and chemical terrorism expert Leonard Cole, who asks what this “nontoxic gas” actually was. He wrote a book about how–in the 1950s and 1960s, U.S. government scientists ran a series of tests to determine how easy it would be to expose large numbers of people to a lethal bacteria. [includes rush transcript]

In the aftermath of the London bombings, the U.S. Government raised the terrorist threat level to Orange, or “High.” The alert was particularly applied to the nation’s trains and subway systems. Although far less money has been spent on security measures for public transportation than for the airline industry, experts say subways and trains may be particularly vulnerable to chemical and biological attacks. Late last month, the Homeland Security Department released what they said was nontoxic gas into New York’s Grand Central Station to trace how chemicals might flow through the terminal in a terrorist attack.

But some government simulations of chemical and biological attacks in the past have been somewhat different.

In the 1950s and sixties, scientists from the Fort Detrick biological weapons program ran a series of tests to determine how easy it would be to expose large numbers of people to a lethal bacteria. Containers of nontoxic bacteria were planted in the New York subway, bacteria was secretly pumped into the Pentagon ventilation system and clouds of bacteria were released in San Francisco. And germs that were meant to sicken but not kill humans were tested on conscientious objectors in the military.

  • Leonard Cole, an Adjunct Professor of Political Science at Rutgers-Newark in New Jersey. An expert in biological and chemical terrorism, Cole is also the author of “The Eleventh Plague, The Politics of Chemical and Biological Warfare,” and “The Anthrax Letters: A Medical Detective Story.”

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