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送交者: pifu01 2020年12月22日19:29:06 于 [茗香茶语] 发送悄悄话

I found an article from a conservative source that explains Trump’s electoral loss , that has actually made a few folks who believe the election was stolenstop & think

Believe me when I tell you that I understand that any actual facts are mostly instantly discredited by Q folks because their confirmation bias can’t tolerate it, but I’ve now been in two situations where I offered to read any one article a Q person or Stop The Steal person posted with an open mind if they would agree to read one I gave them and this article by The National Post has actually made some headway & progress with it . If anyone thinks it might help, I just wanted to post it here https://www.nationalreview.com/magazine/2020/12/31/it-must-have-been-stolen/amp/?__twitter_impression=true

Specifically, I’ve had people over & over as their first reaction say “ How can anyone believe 80 million people voted for Biden. To which I’ve always responded that 80 million people didn’t vote for Biden, I didn’t. No 80 million people voted against Trump & if that had mean voting for a pile of wet dog hair for president, that’s what I would have done . I’ve said that Trump & the MAGA folks have been laughing it up and doing stuff for four years to “Trigger the libs” and it worked, we got triggered and this is the result and this article explains both of those points.


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