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Have you ever used laser hair
送交者: AlienA 2023年12月20日23:29:54 于 [茗香茶语] 发送悄悄话

Due to the nature of my work, it is quite serious to stay up late at night, and I am basically inseparable from computers and mobile phones. Although I can maintain 8 hours of sleep a day, I am still under a lot of pressure. I started losing hair about two years ago. I lost a lot of hair every day. I think it’s scary. Maybe I have a lot of hair and haven’t noticed that the baldness is particularly serious. It’s just that my hair feels a lot thinner. I recently saw a product called a laser hair growth cap, which is said to be the same as treating hair loss through laser irradiation in hospitals. I don’t know if it is effective. I want to buy one. Have you ever used laser hair growth cap? Which brand is easier to use?

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