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war or peace
送交者: 高天阔海 2024年02月24日07:34:15 于 [茗香茶语] 发送悄悄话

rest in peace, we all say

when someone dies

War and Peace, a famous 

Russian book that many people know

but only a few read

world peace

has lasted for nearly eighty years

since the second world war

and yet

two wars are raging today:

one in Europe, one in Middle East

The people who live there must die

for peace. yet

we could not find peace

not in Ukraine, not in Gaza

and yet

not even in the United Kindom, nor in the United 

States, nor in Australia, nor in Germany... protests

demonstrations, vandalisms, physical attacks,

verbal and psychological attacks, physically or virtually

happen in the western countries

many people do not want peace

instead, they want justice

But what is justice?

What Is Justice?


an eye for an eye, the bible says

is that justice?

if it is, then we need more wars

and we have to kill each other until the last 

man standing, until the dead silence 

on this planet

is that justice?

Hamas is doing that, fighting from time to time

killing and being killed from time to time

for a long time now. have we got justice 

or peace in Gaza?

absolute justice is impossible, a historian says

if you must choose between justice and peace

choose peace

God grant us 

serenity to accept what we can’t change 

courage to change what we can

and wisdom to know the difference 

peace is possible and feasible

is within our control. justice is

an admirable ideal, however, is it ever

within our control? have we ever achieved justice?

rest in peace, we all say

when someone we loved dies

it is the best wish we can give, but maybe

other people would say: 

rise in war?

War and Peace, a famous Russian book 

that many people know

but only a few read. do you want war,

or peace?

two wars are raging 

the people who live there must die

for peace. I would die for peace

I will pursue justice but knowing 

that we will never achieve absolute justice

in 1789, the Frenchmen tried to realize justice

and created a bloody revolution, had they 

achieved justice? 

claiming the absolute truth and justice

the communist revolutions 

went even farther. now we see

in all the communist regimes

of the last century, such as

the Soviet Union, the PRC, the North Korea

history has witnessed violence and violence

and endless violence, 

blood spilled all over the countries, 

but where is


war and peace, a constant struggle, a pendulum

in our human world. war or peace: the options 

in front of the humanity. how many times 

we chose peace?

it is our turn now

to choose

war or peace

peace or justice

the stakes are high

our lives, our children's lives

and the lives 

of the children of theirs

peace is a thought

make love not war was a beautiful thought

from yesterday

make peace not war is a beautiful thought

for today

my fellow earthlings

life is short and precious

do you choose to make peace or war

do you choose to save or destroy lives

live and let live, the Beatles sing

make peace so we live and let them live

so everybody lives

in peace

rest in peace, we all say

when so many lives disappear 

in Ukraine, in Gaza

War and Peace, a famous 

Russian book that many people know

but only a few read

war or peace

what would you choose

God grant us 

serenity to accept 

what we can’t change 

courage to change 

what we can

and wisdom to know 

the difference 

war or peace

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