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送交者: cici930 2006年08月12日11:14:09 于 [茗香茶语] 发送悄悄话




By Jstar

There are three things I'd like to ask you:

1."蒋老师是一个典型的理想主义者" - Do you think that Jiang wanted the whole world to know about his suicide? If he knew that his wife would take the chance of his death to beg the whole world for money, would he kill himself?? Is there any need for Lu to let the whole world know about Jiang's death beside to get money??? If Lu really respect and love Jiang, should she save his face after his death????

2."当时卢姐已移民去加拿大,见老蒋迟迟不来加拿大,就辞去工作准备回国。这时老蒋已改变主意想去加拿大,自己买好机票后才打电话告诉卢姐去多伦多机场接他。这样,他们一家又才在加拿大团聚." Everyone knows that Jiang did not want to come to Canada at first and distroyed his immigration paper. When he finally decided to come, his wife had to go to the Immigration Offcie to get a new immigration paper for him. Now what you are saying is totally not true. Jiang could not came to Canada without letting his wife know because he did not have the immigration paper.

"说实话,我这段时间心情一直非常沉重。在飞往多伦多之前,我心中一直对卢姐隐隐有些不满,觉得蒋老师的死与她应该有很大关系,如果她不坚持来加拿大而跟老蒋回国,老蒋可能不会走上这条不归路。这两天我的所见所闻所感让我得知蒋老师之死的根本原因并非卢姐,而是多年内心精神世界的孤独感和长时间在加拿大无法让他发挥专长而郁积的抑郁症。网上有很多人无端地造谣中伤或横加指责,将老蒋的死因归罪于卢姐固执地呆在加拿大而不愿意回国或老蒋自己的自私和不负责任。所以,作为老蒋曾经的学生,我觉得自己有必要站出来,澄清一下事实的真相,反击那些泼向老蒋和卢姐的污水。"The example above can prove that Lu is lying to you. As many people said, Lu is a very special and capable woman. She can totally wash your brain in two days.

What facts do you have to support you 100% belive in what Lu said to you?

3. This afternoon, I was talking to a friend about Jiang's death. She told me that several weeks ago, in Toronto, there was a highly educated Chinese killed himself because of losing job. His new born baby girl was only three months old. Now his wife is selling the house and car because of the financial difficulty. Nobody knows about it except sveral close friends. Compare with this wife, what can you say about Lu? Lu made the whole China know about Jiang's death in order to get money, how much this will hurt Jiang's parents? Have you ever thinked about Jiang's parents? Do they want the whole world know about Jiang's death? Lu have successfully washed your brain.

Lu is taking the chance of her husband's death to try to collect enough money for her life time, and you are acting as her gun man. You ask people to donate to Lu's little daughter's education. Then how about the other man I just mentioned? His daughter is even younger then Lu's one. And how about the other Tsinghua alumnis who died in car accidents last year in Toronto and in USA? They all have small children. Shall we donate to all of them? Will you donate to all of them? Otherwise it is not fair. Why Lu deserve more money than other wives? As the mother, does Lu have the resposibility of raising her own children? Why the whole socity should pay for her children's education? There are so many children lost their father/mother each day, will you donate to all of them? Lu is such a cold blooded woman and caculating each step for her own best interest, you have been totally brain washed by her and now is used by her as a money collecting tool. You are acting like a fool! Where is you logic and brain, 清华人? I am from Tsinghua and been in the Tsinghua Alumni Association for 10 years.

Since I already read your article, I can't pretened that I never read it. 我决不是在骂你. Just feel that you need to wake up from the 魔法 Lu put on you. 老蒋已经被那个村姑逼死了, 现在你又被此村姑耍得团团转. 真替清华人悲哀!

First Lu blamed Canadina government for Jiang's death, and people bought it for several days. Now people do not think that way any more. So now Lu started to Blame Tsinghua for Jiang's death. Seems that you are really buying it. Do you still remember that you are a 清华人? When a cold blood 村姑 往清华脸上摸黑, 你就紧跟着大喊. In your de????ion, 清华核能研究院is not a normal place to work at all. That's totally not true. I have work relations with people work at there. 清华核能研究院is just like any other institute in the world, there are diferrent type of people. There is no place in the whole world that will fit Jiang perfectly! Remember, 清华核能研究院 is where the Rising star of Chinese high tech copany Nuctech (同方微视) comes from!! Nuctech has 70% world market share and 2Billion in annual sales and international sales accounted for over 60% of revenue. How blindly can you be to say those untrue lies regarding this great institution. It's the pride of Chinese scholars and hi-tech people!! Don't defume top Chinese scholars for the unethical gains of a 村姑!!!!

Since Tsinghua has no weight in your heart at all, please do not mention Tsinghua in your article in the future. We do not want to have anything to do with you.

Lu in order to escape from her responsibility in Jiang's death, She blames Canadian Government, Tsinghua University and even Israeli Government. It's totally BS and nonsense. You even buy her BS and believed in this ????. How did you get into and graduated from Tsinghua with this IQ level?? I had always thought people from Building #13 in Tsinhgua East Campus were wired. You seems to confirm this sterotype again.

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