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男朋友用假戒子求婚, 我该怎么办?
送交者: idlelife 2007年12月26日14:14:39 于 [茗香茶语] 发送悄悄话

I am sorry that I have to describe the story in English because my typing in Chinese is awful. I hope you, who may have more experience in relationship, could provide some advice or insights to this incident. This is a true story and I really want to get opinion from you.

S is working at Microsoft Redmond campus and so is her boyfriend, who joined Microsoft one year ago after getting his PhD degree and was introduced to S by one of her friends, who happened to talk to him on the bus to Microsoft campus. At the begining, S didn't have so much feeling on him at all. From most of her friends' eyes, her boyfriend looks quite old compared to his true age (37) and in fact he looks ugly and unhealthy. Even worse, he doesnt' have any friend after more than one year in Redmond and he didn't behave like a normal person when he started the relationship with S. S almost decided to break up with him in July because he didn't care of her so mcuh before she introduced her boyfriend to her parents in July. However, S' dad suggested that she continue the relationship because she was no longer a young girl. On the other hand, the rest of S' family suggested she break up with him because he doesn't seem honest to her - he didn't take S to the classmate reunion in Los Angelos even S really wanted to go with him; when his female classmate came over to Seattle, he went to meet her alone; when S asked to meet her for dinner, he found all kinds of ????use to make it impossible; he told S that he feels headache when he drives and then it is almost always S who is the driver when they go out; however, he can drive to Los Angeles for the reunion. Until now, S hasn't met any of his friends, classmates, or family.

But magic happened suddenly after S dad suggest that she should continue the relationship. They went out together and stayed overnight for a few trips. S became trully in love with her boyfriend. It was a 180-degree turnaround. She became so attached to her boyfriend and overlooked all the problems between them, such as the value of life and religion difference. Even all her friends and her family suggested that she should at least meet some of his friends or family before making any big decision, on the Christmas eve, when S' boyfriend proposed to her with a FAKE ring, she accepted the proposal, which left her family in great sadness.

This is the story. I want to know, if you were S, will you accept this ring?

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