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ZT: sarah palin's speech:
送交者: 唯一 2008年09月04日05:54:55 于 [茗香茶语] 发送悄悄话
Text of Republican vice presidential candidate, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's speech to the Republican National Convention on Wednesday, as prepared for delivery: ___ Mr. Chairman, delegates, and fellow citizens: I am honored to be considered for the nomination for vice president of the United States ... I accept the call to help our nominee for president to serve and defend America. I accept the challenge of a tough fight in this election ... against confident opponents ... at a crucial hour for our country. And I accept the privilege of serving with a man who has come through much harder missions ... and met far graver challenges ... and knows how tough fights are won — the next president of the United States, John S. McCain. It was just a year ago when all the experts in Washington counted out our nominee because he refused to hedge his commitment to the security of the country he loves. With their usual certitude, they told us that all was lost — there was no hope for this candidate who said that he would rather lose an election than see his country lose a war. But the pollsters and pundits overlooked just one thing when they wrote him off. They overlooked the caliber of the man himself — the determination, resolve, and sheer guts of Senator John McCain. The voters knew better. And maybe that's because they realize there is a time for politics and a time for leadership ... a time to campaign and a time to put our country first. Our nominee for president is a true profile in courage, and people like that are hard to come by. He's a man who wore the uniform of this country for 22 years, and refused to break faith with those troops in Iraq who have now brought victory within sight. And as the mother of one of those troops, that is exactly the kind of man I want as commander in chief. I'm just one of many moms who'll say an extra prayer each night for our sons and daughters going into harm's way. Our son Track is 19. And one week from tomorrow — September 11th — he'll deploy to Iraq with the Army infantry in the service of his country. My nephew Kasey also enlisted, and serves on a carrier in the Persian Gulf. My family is proud of both of them and of all the fine men and women serving the country in uniform. Track is the eldest of our five children. In our family, it's two boys and three girls in between — my strong and kindhearted daughters Bristol, Willow, and Piper. And in April, my husband Todd and I welcomed our littlest one into the world, a perfectly beautiful baby boy named Trig. From the inside, no family ever seems typical. That's how it is with us. Our family has the same ups and downs as any other ... the same challenges and the same joys. Sometimes even the greatest joys bring challenge. And children with special needs inspire a special love. To the families of special-needs children all across this country, I have a message: For years, you sought to make America a more welcoming place for your sons and daughters. I pledge to you that if we are elected, you will have a friend and advocate in the White House. Todd is a story all by himself. He's a lifelong commercial fisherman ... a production operator in the oil fields of Alaska's North Slope ... a proud member of the United Steel Workers' Union ... and world champion snow machine racer. Throw in his Yup'ik Eskimo ancestry, and it all makes for quite a package. We met in high school, and two decades and five children later he's still my guy. My Mom and Dad both worked at the elementary school in our small town. And among the many things I owe them is one simple lesson: that this is America, and every woman can walk through every door of opportunity. My parents are here tonight, and I am so proud to be the daughter of Chuck and Sally Heath. Long ago, a young farmer and haberdasher from Missouri followed an unlikely path to the vice presidency. A writer observed: "We grow good people in our small towns, with honesty, sincerity, and dignity." I know just the kind of people that writer had in mind when he praised Harry Truman. I grew up with those people. They are the ones who do some of the hardest work in America ... who grow our food, run our factories, and fight our wars. They love their country, in good times and bad, and they're always proud of America. I had the privilege of living most of my life in a small town. I was just your average hockey mom, and signed up for the PTA because I wanted to make my kids' public education better. When I ran for city council, I didn't need focus groups and voter profiles because I knew those voters, and knew their families, too. Before I became governor of the great state of Alaska, I was mayor of my hometown. And since our opponents in this presidential election seem to look down on that experience, let me explain to them what the job involves. I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a "community organizer," except that you have actual responsibilities. I might add that in small towns, we don't quite know what to make of a candidate who lavishes praise on working people when they are listening, and then talks about how bitterly they cling to their religion and guns when those people aren't listening. We tend to prefer candidates who don't talk about us one way in Scranton and another way in San Francisco. As for my running mate, you can be certain that wherever he goes, and whoever is listening, John McCain is the same man. I'm not a member of the permanent political establishment. And I've learned quickly, these past few days, that if you're not a member in good standing of the Washington elite, then some in the media consider a candidate unqualified for that reason alone. But here's a little news flash for all those reporters and commentators: I'm not going to Washington to seek their good opinion — I'm going to Washington to serve the people of this country. Americans expect us to go to Washington for the right reasons, and not just to mingle with the right people. Politics isn't just a game of clashing parties and competing interests. The right reason is to challenge the status quo, to serve the common good, and to leave this nation better than we found it. No one expects us to agree on everything. But we are expected to govern with integrity, good will, clear convictions, and ... a servant's heart. I pledge to all Americans that I will carry myself in this spirit as vice president of the United States. This was the spirit that brought me to the governor's office, when I took on the old politics as usual in Juneau ... when I stood up to the special interests, the lobbyists, big oil companies, and the good ol' boys network. Sudden and relentless reform never sits well with entrenched interests and power brokers. That's why true reform is so hard to achieve. But with the support of the citizens of Alaska, we shook things up. And in short order we put the government of our state back on the side of the people. I came to office promising major ethics reform, to end the culture of self-dealing. And today, that ethics reform is the law. While I was at it, I got rid of a few things in the governor's office that I didn't believe our citizens should have to pay for. That luxury jet was over the top. I put it on eBay. I also drive myself to work. And I thought we could muddle through without the governor's personal chef — although I've got to admit that sometimes my kids sure miss her. I came to office promising to control spending — by request if possible and by veto if necessary. Senator McCain also promises to use the power of veto in defense of the public interest — and as a chief executive, I can assure you it works. Our state budget is under control. We have a surplus. And I have protected the taxpayers by vetoing wasteful spending: nearly half a billion dollars in vetoes. I suspended the state fuel tax, and championed reform to end the abuses of earmark spending by Congress. I told the Congress "thanks, but no thanks," for that Bridge to Nowhere. If our state wanted a bridge, we'd build it ourselves. When oil and gas prices went up dramatically, and filled up the state treasury, I sent a large share of that revenue back where it belonged — directly to the people of Alaska. And despite fierce opposition from oil company lobbyists, who kind of liked things the way they were, we broke their monopoly on power and resources. As governor, I insisted on competition and basic fairness to end their control of our state and return it to the people. I fought to bring about the largest private-sector infrastructure project in North American history. And when that deal was struck, we began a nearly forty billion dollar natural gas pipeline to help lead America to energy independence. That pipeline, when the last section is laid and its valves are opened, will lead America one step farther away from dependence on dangerous foreign powers that do not have our interests at heart. The stakes for our nation could not be higher. When a hurricane strikes in the Gulf of Mexico, this country should not be so dependent on imported oil that we are forced to draw from our Strategic Petroleum Reserve. And families cannot throw away more and more of their paychecks on gas and heating oil. With Russia wanting to control a vital pipeline in the Caucasus, and to divide and intimidate our European allies by using energy as a weapon, we cannot leave ourselves at the mercy of foreign suppliers. To confront the threat that Iran might seek to cut off nearly a fifth of world energy supplies ... or that terrorists might strike again at the Abqaiq facility in Saudi Arabia ... or that Venezuela might shut off its oil deliveries ... we Americans need to produce more of our own oil and gas. And take it from a gal who knows the North Slope of Alaska: we've got lots of both. Our opponents say, again and again, that drilling will not solve all of America's energy problems — as if we all didn't know that already. But the fact that drilling won't solve every problem is no excuse to do nothing at all. Starting in January, in a McCain-Palin administration, we're going to lay more pipelines ... build more new-clear plants ... create jobs with clean coal ... and move forward on solar, wind, geothermal and other alternative sources. We need American energy resources, brought to you by American ingenuity, and produced by American workers. I've noticed a pattern with our opponent. Maybe you have, too. We've all heard his dramatic speeches before devoted followers. And there is much to like and admire about our opponent. But listening to him speak, it's easy to forget that this is a man who has authored two memoirs but not a single major law or reform — not even in the state Senate. This is a man who can give an entire speech about the wars America is fighting, and never use the word "victory" except when he's talking about his own campaign. But when the cloud of rhetoric has passed ... when the roar of the crowd fades away ... when the stadium lights go out, and those Styrofoam Greek columns are hauled back to some studio lot - what exactly is our opponent's plan? What does he actually seek to accomplish, after he's done turning back the waters and healing the planet? The answer is to make government bigger ... take more of your money ... give you more orders from Washington ... and to reduce the strength of America in a dangerous world. America needs more energy ... our opponent is against producing it. Victory in Iraq is finally in sight ... he wants to forfeit. Terrorist states are seeking new-clear weapons without delay ... he wants to meet them without preconditions. Al-Qaida terrorists still plot to inflict catastrophic harm on America ... he's worried that someone won't read them their rights? Government is too big ... he wants to grow it. Congress spends too much ... he promises more. Taxes are too high ... he wants to raise them. His tax increases are the fine print in his economic plan, and let me be specific. The Democratic nominee for president supports plans to raise income taxes ... raise payroll taxes ... raise investment income taxes ... raise the death tax ... raise business taxes ... and increase the tax burden on the American people by hundreds of billions of dollars. My sister Heather and her husband have just built a service station that's now opened for business — like millions of others who run small businesses. How are they going to be any better off if taxes go up? Or maybe you're trying to keep your job at a plant in Michigan or Ohio ... or create jobs with clean coal from Pennsylvania or West Virginia ... or keep a small farm in the family right here in Minnesota. How are you going to be better off if our opponent adds a massive tax burden to the American economy? Here's how I look at the choice Americans face in this election. In politics, there are some candidates who use change to promote their careers. And then there are those, like John McCain, who use their careers to promote change. They're the ones whose names appear on laws and landmark reforms, not just on buttons and banners, or on self-designed presidential seals. Among politicians, there is the idealism of high-flown speechmaking, in which crowds are stirringly summoned to support great things. And then there is the idealism of those leaders, like John McCain, who actually do great things. They're the ones who are good for more than talk ... the ones we have always been able to count on to serve and defend America. Senator McCain's record of actual achievement and reform helps explain why so many special interests, lobbyists, and comfortable committee chairmen in Congress have fought the prospect of a McCain presidency — from the primary election of 2000 to this very day. Our nominee doesn't run with the Washington herd. He's a man who's there to serve his country, and not just his party. A leader who's not looking for a fight, but is not afraid of one either. Harry Reid, the Majority Leader of the current do-nothing Senate, not long ago summed up his feelings about our nominee. He said, quote, "I can't stand John McCain." Ladies and gentlemen, perhaps no accolade we hear this week is better proof that we've chosen the right man. Clearly what the Majority Leader was driving at is that he can't stand up to John McCain. That is only one more reason to take the maverick of the Senate and put him in the White House. My fellow citizens, the American presidency is not supposed to be a journey of "personal discovery." This world of threats and dangers is not just a community, and it doesn't just need an organizer. And though both Senator Obama and Senator Biden have been going on lately about how they are always, quote, "fighting for you," let us face the matter squarely. There is only one man in this election who has ever really fought for you ... in places where winning means survival and defeat means death ... and that man is John McCain. In our day, politicians have readily shared much lesser tales of adversity than the nightmare world in which this man, and others equally brave, served and suffered for their country. It's a long way from the fear and pain and squalor of a six-by-four cell in Hanoi to the Oval Office. But if Senator McCain is elected president, that is the journey he will have made. It's the journey of an upright and honorable man — the kind of fellow whose name you will find on war memorials in small towns across this country, only he was among those who came home. To the most powerful office on earth, he would bring the compassion that comes from having once been powerless ... the wisdom that comes even to the captives, by the grace of God ... the special confidence of those who have seen evil, and seen how evil is overcome. A fellow prisoner of war, a man named Tom Moe of Lancaster, Ohio, recalls looking through a pinhole in his cell door as Lieutenant Commander John McCain was led down the hallway, by the guards, day after day. As the story is told, "When McCain shuffled back from torturous interrogations, he would turn toward Moe's door and flash a grin and thumbs up" — as if to say, "We're going to pull through this." My fellow Americans, that is the kind of man America needs to see us through these next four years. For a season, a gifted speaker can inspire with his words. For a lifetime, John McCain has inspired with his deeds. If character is the measure in this election ... and hope the theme ... and change the goal we share, then I ask you to join our cause. Join our cause and help America elect a great man as the next president of the United States. Thank you all, and may God bless America.
  嘿嘿。 - touche! 09/04/08 (373)
    MD,能把偶这久经色场出身入死的淫迷得神魂颠,没有 - 全伊拉克人民 09/04/08 (332)
      老全真率真呵!!!!  /无内容 - 豹子头林冲 09/04/08 (176)
        偶也是男人。有时不得不用JJ思维一哈。  /无内容 - 全伊拉克人民 09/04/08 (194)
          老全太好玩了!  /无内容 - 豹子头林冲 09/04/08 (102)
          哈哈哈哈哈哈!老全太玩了,俺要是佩林,一定嫁给你!  /无内容 - 豹子头林冲 09/04/08 (194)
            这佩林看上去不象44啊。照理,白女到了40都成唯一斑竹这样的  /无内容 - 全伊拉克人民 09/04/08 (204)
              唯一要长佩林那样,我今天就变新左派,嘿嘿。  /无内容 - 匪连长 09/04/08 (106)
                见色边色了  /无内容 - 豹子头林冲 09/04/08 (94)
                这就是她至今不敢公开照片的原因。那条胳膊,偶已经私藏了,呵呵  /无内容 - 全伊拉克人民 09/04/08 (116)
              斑竹的膀子佩林不如吧,老美的很粗糙的  /无内容 - 豹子头林冲 09/04/08 (183)
                那条胳膊,偶已经私藏了。以后到加拿大当联络图用  /无内容 - 全伊拉克人民 09/04/08 (161)
                  那夏天去加拿大,天气特热的时候去,或许能找到那条胳膊  /无内容 - 豹子头林冲 09/04/08 (140)
                    实在不行,逐个strip search  /无内容 - 全伊拉克人民 09/04/08 (114)
              大妈了,呵呵  /无内容 - 全伊拉克人民 09/04/08 (132)
      是啊。可以把porn collection都扔了。  /无内容 - 匪连长 09/04/08 (200)
        你丫是否暗示我有某些特殊收藏?都互联网时代了唉  /无内容 - 全伊拉克人民 09/04/08 (137)
          互联网时代就没有值得你珍藏的记忆么。 - 匪连长 09/04/08 (110)
    知识分子看竞选,怎么能看的明白?是聪敏反被聪敏误啊。  /无内容 - 6degrees 09/04/08 (109)
    作总统嘛,不需要天花乱坠胡蒙的能人,只要实在让人放心就行  /无内容 - 网上流浪 09/04/08 (143)
    反正总比反美份子文盲呕疤麻强点  /无内容 - NMFKM 09/04/08 (115)
      应该称“嗷叭骂“  /无内容 - 哥哥来了 09/04/08 (83)
    投票还有一个下意识的文化认同起非常重要的作用。嘿嘿。  /无内容 - 胡鲁 09/04/08 (109)
  嘿嘿。 - touche! 09/04/08 (246)
    真本事啊,光凭嘴吧啊? - 6degrees 09/04/08 (229)
      应该说没他老爹他能当美国总统? - touche! 09/04/08 (200)
        又外行了吧?十年二十年后再来评论布什。  /无内容 - 6degrees 09/04/08 (184)
          在这点上,偶怎么觉得竟然和你这共匪穿一条裤子了涅?  /无内容 - 全伊拉克人民 09/04/08 (195)
            TMD,俺哪里共匪了?俺是维护本民族长远利益。  /无内容 - 6degrees 09/04/08 (174)
    哈哈哈,是这么回事。小 - 唯一 09/04/08 (235)
        老革命家扶一把,带一断,送一程。嘿嘿。  /无内容 - 胡鲁 09/04/08 (97)
      这不是担心老马有个三长两短吗。  /无内容 - touche! 09/04/08 (113)
      但奎尔是老布的VP - TNNDQ 09/04/08 (173)
        hehe. 记错了  /无内容 - 唯一 09/04/08 (135)
    耍耍嘴皮子的政客,句号。  /无内容 - 6degrees 09/04/08 (161)
    民主党的大老操纵把克太,高尔,李巴门都赶下台。嘿嘿。  /无内容 - 胡鲁 09/04/08 (317)
      民主党大佬和共和党是一伙的,否则布什不可能两任  /无内容 - 三藏 09/04/08 (190)
        民主党太专注于内斗了  /无内容 - TNNDQ 09/04/08 (159)
          内斗是对的。政党应该松散,而不是黑社会  /无内容 - 三藏 09/04/08 (122)
      殷切希望民主党开始整风。不过如果这次小奥上台, - 数据清洁工 09/04/08 (225)
      自由派媒体毫无理由的叫嚷佩林下课,帮偏太明显了  /无内容 - 数据清洁工 09/04/08 (224)
        克太跑的时候左派媒体帮偏小奥一样明显。 - 匪连长 09/04/08 (175)
          我倒觉得媒体主要是太想把小奥推上去了 - 数据清洁工 09/04/08 (146)
            “太想推上去”,这不就是bias嘛。 - 匪连长 09/04/08 (112)
          把奥把马比做林肯的讲话和毛纪念堂照林肯纪念堂造一 - 胡鲁 09/04/08 (107)
        共和党这个违背人类价值观的团伙,应该严厉批判  /无内容 - 三藏 09/04/08 (152)
        这次媒体从开始到现在太BIASED啦  /无内容 - 唯一 09/04/08 (143)
    加入下次佩林和克太,你投谁呢?  /无内容 - TNNDQ 09/04/08 (290)
      of course, mrs. clinton。  /无内容 - 唯一 09/04/08 (240)
        卡忙  /无内容 - 6degrees 09/04/08 (219)
          ???  /无内容 - 唯一 09/04/08 (184)
            不理解支持克太的人是怎么想的。 - 6degrees 09/04/08 (217)
              右派小六,嘿嘿  /无内容 - TNNDQ 09/04/08 (106)
                俺是无党派自由人士  /无内容 - 6degrees 09/04/08 (109)
              da dao !  /无内容 - 唯一 09/04/08 (122)
      当然是克太。。。佩林思想太右了  /无内容 - 数据清洁工 09/04/08 (213)
        that is the point  /无内容 - VF 09/04/08 (133)
          如果佩林是民主党的就好了。嘿嘿  /无内容 - 数据清洁工 09/04/08 (134)
            民主党和资本主义相左  /无内容 - 6degrees 09/04/08 (138)
    是的,克 - 唯一 09/04/08 (291)
      这次大选,让俺更深入地了解了共和党。这得感想DNC,嘿嘿  /无内容 - 数据清洁工 09/04/08 (279)
        是的。人家 - 唯一 09/04/08 (278)
          我还想说句题外话:美国真是人才辈出阿。  /无内容 - 数据清洁工 09/04/08 (268)
            大概因为政坛活跃八,国内 - 唯一 09/04/08 (240)
              红墙内长大的书记总算讲出一句让阿拉解闷的话。  /无内容 - 网上流浪 09/04/08 (191)
                我怎么变成红墙内啊,我是墙外生长啦  /无内容 - 唯一 09/04/08 (203)
                  书记不要随便出墙哦,墙内是正出,墙外是私生哦,嘿嘿  /无内容 - 网上流浪 09/04/08 (115)
              :D  /无内容 - 数据清洁工 09/04/08 (141)
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