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申时行: Sonnet XIII
送交者: 万系 2009年10月16日21:57:57 于 [茗香茶语] 发送悄悄话
That moment of familiar crave puts bruise,
Back to where it got all its ugly teeth.
Do you think that I do not know the truth?
Did not I say that you were fraught with ruse?
You sure have reasons for your betrayal,
Social, political, ec'nomical,
To justify your being so brutal,
To steal and to rob from an honest soul.
Why then I think of you at this moment?
And crave to die in your dangerous arms?
As if you were the only implement,
With which death could inflict all of its harms.
Well done, my dear, I will not remember!
Well done, my dear, I am yours forever!
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