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送交者: deliver 2013年08月17日06:46:31 于 [茗香茶语] 发送悄悄话

很多人都说美联储是私有的, 但又号称为中央银行。 从媒体那里听起来像是政府机构。 究竟咋回事, 应有专门介绍, 但一般是长篇大作, 可能还是专业化法律语言, 下面是简化的白话文表述。 不正试, 是从美国人的Post 来的。




It is a private entity that is "authorized" by congress (congress delegated its constitutional authority). And as such can also be abolished by congress. All profits beyond operating expenses and a small profit margin are returned to the American people. So while yes you are technically correct it is "run by" private industry, it is truly controlled by congress. The only reason they are doing as they are doing today is because Congress is not doing their job and controlling the purse strings of government. They are full steam ahead on spending and the Feds must support that.

The FED is a private bank. The FED was shut down/ or kicked out twice by the American people before 1913. It was started a third time by big bankers on jykyll island, SC. The Fed/central bank was established a 3rd time because of president Woodrow Wilson. The feds/big bankers came to woodrow wilson during his campaign for presidency. They offered to fund his campaign to where he would win the election in exchange for signing in the federal reserve as our nations "central bank" , Wilson did just that. Wilson was later quoted in sayin that it was his greatest regret he ever made. BTW Thomas Jefferson also warned the U.S about not letting a central bank into our country , for it would ruin the country in time. He was right. The federal reserve is as federal as federal express. The reason the central bank used the term "federal" in their title is to make it seem like its a part of the government. Thats also why they allow the president and congress act/ appoint a new chairman. Wilson also signed in the FED on December 23rd while congress was on holiday vacation btw.

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