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送交者: epei 2004年11月05日15:44:48 於 [茗香茶語] 發送悄悄話







你們老說美國人傻,起碼是選小布的人傻,說THEY DESERVE HIM。那你說他們會因此損失什麼呢?小布要變成希特勒?別逗了,價值觀的風向標一貫跟時裝一樣,今天東明天西,保守力量今天強大了,但在美國這樣的國家,我還真看不出就能回到中世紀。

美國人選小布還真不傻。他們和小布有共同的道德觀共同的利益,這點他們跟克里坐不到一條板凳上去。紅脖子們一天沒跟精英們分享共同的道德觀和價值觀,一天就不可能做出跟精英一樣的選擇。選跟自己一樣的人,紅脖子們跟精英在這點上是一致的。 在做選擇題上,智商不是決定性因素。

傳統的價值觀是不能輕易拋棄的, 穩定的社會實際上依賴這種傳統,而更為寬容的道德觀和價值觀則能保護少數人的利益,增加社會的公平度同時減少因為少數人不見容於大眾帶來的震盪。一個成熟的社會體系是要求得兩者之間的平衡的。這是中庸之道在社會道德領域的體現,這樣的社會才能保證持續發展,把社會動盪的可能減到最低。



一女孩全家都是典型的紅脖子,周圍的鄰居實際上還都是滿有錢的,可是他們對生活的局限認識,讓人咂舌。 女孩是家裡唯一的叛逆,常和父親辯論。她不明白為什麼布什可以隨意武力侵略他國,他父親說,打得好,我才不管他們死多少,只要我們安全。

宗教比他們的生命還重要,從宗教里延伸出來的道德觀左右着他們的生活方式, 另一同事未婚妻全家也是紅脖子的家庭,從來不關心國內大事,新聞只關心自己小鎮的就好,更不要說國際的了。在外面看起來挺客氣的,可是關起門來大罵老黑和我們這些移民,那種咬牙切齒,就差戴個白頭套了。

紅脖子不都是你們想象的農民。他們很多保持着歐洲家庭的習俗,女士有嚴格的坐相站相說話方式,規矩之嚴,是在蘭州的人民難以想象的。他們不是沒有接受過普及教育,可是因為他們對傳統價值觀的嚴格遵守,導致他們拒絕和時代同發展而落後於其他地方。 這種意識形態上的固步自封,以宗教和宗族的優越感表現出來,發展得輕點是封建遺老,重點的話就和小希很相近了(如果他們有機會的話)

雖然我不贊成說他們蠢,但我知道他們絕對沒有能力象巴黎上面說的那種分析能力。對於他們來說,對墮胎和同性戀的反感,大於一切. 他們從宗教里延伸出來的道德觀主宰着他們的思維,就這麼簡單。他們或許提倡持有槍支的自由,可是絕對反對貿易的自由。如果有一點點思想的,就會知道布什自己的道德觀和紅脖子們推從的道德是背道而馳的,切尼更有個同性戀的女兒. 共同利益就更談不上了,布什的政策在經濟上嚴重的損害了這些人的利益. 不過他們是不會深究的,或許是不能,或許是不願, 我不想隨意猜測.

我只是沒有想到,這樣的人有這麼多, 5千萬,小豆說的"我們再也沒有'他不代表我們'藉口了",我很理解她的絕望.


The World is Grey

Sorry about ranting in English. But I feel like I need to get this off my chest and I don’t have time right now. I keep on typing things out and then hitting the delete key since the words don't even begin to capture a fraction of what I'm feeling right now. Yesterday I went through the day having to fight back the urge to weep, which kept popping up with great frequency and at the most inopportune moments (e.g. the Prof, “what do you think of the impact of nanotechnology on computer architecture”; me “hmm…oh…whaa?” ). The day ended at last and I got home and had myself a really good, bawling, snot-running cry in the shower. I've been trying to remember the last time I cried that hard. I think it was 9/11.

So it feels like the world is ending. And in many ways it is, even though I keep trying to focus on the fact that it's just another four years. We endured four years of Ashcroft and Cheney and Rumsfeld, we can surely do it again, I tell myself. That only works if you don't think about the decades-long generational stamp this Administration is in process of applying to our judiciary. That only works if you don't think about Iraq and the coming civil war that should break out sometime next spring. Now basically we have a republican majority in the senate and the house. Daschle lost, Kerry lost, and now at least two and potentially four of the seats in the house are up for reappointment by a president whose supreme justice of choice is Clarence frickin’ conservative Thomas, who believes that there is no such thing as right to privacy in the constitution. And for those of you who are gay, pack up your belongings and leave the country, for you are plaque and this country would rather have bloodshed in other countries and be out of work than give you rights.

How much damage can you do to a country in the space of four years? I really think we're about to find out. To think I've waited for a change to die for so long, and this is the result.

The thing I can't stop thinking about is that not only did we lose the election yesterday, we also lost our excuse. That oh-so-important 'please excuse - we didn't elect this idiot' one. That was my only consolation during the worst insanities of Bush's first term, the knowledge that the majority of my fellow citizens had rejected Bush and his agenda in 2000, the reality that we were trapped on a bus driven by a crazy man and couldn't get off. But now, we own him. He now truly represents the majority of people who voted. We chose and our choice was this.

Some small part of me thinks we are getting the government we deserve. That we have picked our partner and he's made up the bed and we deserve to lie in it. But then I think of the 55,384,497 people (a number which will go up, by the way, they're still counting votes) who said "No" to Bush and "Yes" to Kerry and I think that they, that we, at least, don't deserve this. The world certainly doesn't deserve it. All I can say to my friends living in foreign lands is that we tried. So, so hard. And I'm so very, very sorry that it just wasn't enough. I would ask for your forgiveness and patience, but I think you're probably just about out of those. So I'll simply ask you to remember that more than 55 million of us didn't want this. That millions of us opened our wallets and gave of our time and energy to try to make sure this didn't happen. That millions of us stood for hours in line at the polls, in the rain in some places, and until the early hours of this morning in others, to try to make sure this didn't happen. In the end, it just wasn't enough. But we tried. We tried.

Ah, the world is grey and cold. And it will not lift its head to look at me.













昨天看到橡皮一氣呵成的民主狗頭論,心下里的確是纏抖了一哈:(( 我很想知道同學們來到美國的初衷是什麼?!就我個人來說,我在國內的生活條件很不錯啦,我很想看看並想了解我從小就比較景仰的自由,民主制度到底是什麼樣的是我的最大目的。










從昨天高院改變聯邦法院判決,允許ohio選舉當天challange voter就預示了共和黨的勝利。4年前高院把總統職位判給了布什。今年共和黨又利用法律阻擋新選民註冊。不少法律糾紛被拖延。布什上台再任命幾位一夥的大法官,麥卡錫時代降臨。


To: 數據數據

Your understanding of how Hitler came to power might be wrong

In a country which has more than two major players in politics, whoever can win about 42-45% of popular votes in an legislative election will usually get an easy majority government, which means that this party is going to control more than half of the seats in a parliament.

Hitler’s 37% win certainly gave him a minority government. Although his party didn’t win a simple majority in the parliament, which means 50% +1 seats or more, it still had more seats than any other parties. Therefore, Hitler was entitled to ???? a minority government and as the leader of his party, he automatically became the prime minister.

The tricky part of a minority government is, it relies on the support of the opposition parties to pass any bills that they put forward. If the oppositions unite and vote against the government in a confident vote, then the government is defeated, the parliament is disbanded and another election has to be called. So, usually a minority government can’t push its own agenda too aggressively because they simply can’t guarantee their bills can be pasted. This might be the reason why Hitler was considered lucky. Against the common wisdom that a minority government should be moderate and compromising to sustain its life, Hitler actually went extreme and grabbed even more power as the result. This was certainly an irregularity that happened at a special time in the special circumstances.

Just some interesting in????ation, the average longevity of Italian government after the WWII is probably less than two years. The Itatians always have minority governments and most of the governments didn't last long.


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