I-140申請拒絕之後重新打開或重新考慮 |
送交者: Peter93 2015年04月26日10:45:01 於 [美國移民] 發送悄悄話 |
I-140申請拒絕之後重新打開或重新考慮 Can I File a Motion to Reopen or Motion to Reconsider after Form I-140 Denial?
Question: My Form I-140 immigrant visa application was denied after the Request For Evidence (RFE) response to USCIS. What should I do next? Can I file a appeal of a Motion to Reopen? or file a Motion to Reconsider?
Answer: A Motion to Reopen is a request to the original decision officer of USCIS to review a decision of the immigrant petition. The motion must be based on factual grounds, such as the discovery of new evidence or changed circumstances. If your Form I-140 immigrant petition was denied by USCIS due to a Request For Evidence (RFE) or a Notice of Intent to Deny, you can file a motion to reopen if you can show that:
•The requested evidence was not material; As another choice, you can also file a "Motion to Reconsider." A motion to reconsider is a request to the original decision officer of USCIS to review a decision based on new or additional legal arguments. The motion must establish that the decision was incorrect based on the evidence of record at the time of that decision, and it must state the reasons for reconsideration. A motion to reconsider must be supported by “any pertinent precedent decisions to establish that the decision was based on an incorrect application of law or USCIS policy.” Unlike a motion to reopen, new evidence or changed circumstances cannot support the filing of a motion to reconsider.
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