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Health Insurance for OPT students
送交者: kabba 2018年11月30日14:00:35 于 [美国移民] 发送悄悄话

A common problem that international students have after graduation is they do not understand the health care system in Untied States. After their graduation and start their OPT, they realize the school do not provide health insurance (also known as留学生保险) anymore. At this time, students need to start to find their own insurance for OPT (also known as opt保险).  Students may have a difficult time find the best insurance that fits them. This article will introduce two insurance companies provide insurance for international students.

Student Medicover

Price : $565/1303


Based on United Healthcare's insurance, reliable

Chinese customer service

Low deductible: $50-$100


Does not include school season sports injuries

Some school and school hospitals need to pay first, then pay compensation

PSI Insurance

Price: $438-1960


Medical networks, insurance claims, and user websites are all managed by UnitedHealthcare, which is very reliable

School hospital discounts: exemption from deductibles and co-payments, paying for hospitals within the network

Gold plans include medical examinations, flu shots

Platinum plans to pay less restrictions and have the highest deductible limit.


You can choose from a variety of plans, and you can see that the flexibility is very strong, but it is either too expensive or not good enough except for platinum.

Some school and school hospitals need to pay first, then pay compensation

No Chinese customer service


Before you OPT end, if you want to continue work in United States, you need to thinking about apply for H1B Visa ( also known as h1b 签证). You need to prepare for you H-B visa before your OPT end. The best time to start is January. You usually need 2 to 3 months to prepare application materials (also known as h1b 签证材料).  However, the application process for H1b  could be very complicated and confusing, so consult an immigration attorney (also known as 纽约移民律师) may be your best choice.

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