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医学证据 - 什么条件下会使得一个外国人申请人不予受理?
送交者: Peter93 2015年12月20日12:13:49 于 [美国移民] 发送悄悄话

What Conditions Would Make an Alien Applicant Inadmissible on Medical Ground?


I need to prepare the immigration medical exam for my I-485 status adjustment. What conditions would make an alien applicant inadmissible on medical grounds? and does it includes physical or mental abnormalities?


Many U.S. green card applicants need to have an immigration medical examination, and pay an exam fee to get immigration medical examination results, using USCIS Form I-693 (Report of Medical Examination and Vaccination Record). The  immigration medical examination must be done when applying for an U.S. immigrant visa from overseas, or applying to adjust status inside the U.S. The purpose of the medical exam is to determine if an alien applicant has any health conditions that need attention prior to immigrating.

The following conditions would make an alien applicant inadmissible on medical reasons: 1) Alien applicants who are found to have a communicable disease of public health significance, including, chancroid; gonorrhea; granuloma inguinale; HIV/AIDS; infectious leprosy; lymphogranuloma venereum; infectious state syphilis; and infectious tuberculosis. 2) Immigrant visa and adjustment of applicants who have not received all of the required vaccinations. 3) Alien applicants who have current physical or mental disorders, with harmful behavior associated with that disorder, or past physical or mental disorders, with associated harmful behavior that is likely to recur or lead to other harmful behavior. 4) Alien applicants who are found to be drug abusers or drug addicts

There are other medical conditions, which can be categorized as Class B, and include physical or mental abnormalities, diseases, or serious/permanent disabilities. The waivers can be granted for Class B medical conditions. While it is natural to worry about the outcome of the exam, an alien applicant should be prepared to helping you relax.

There are a few exceptions, such as refugees and fiances adjusting status who are usually for situations where the person already had a medical exam overseas, as a condition of coming to the United States, and therefore does not need to repeat the exam for the next application. But the person might need to provide evidence of up-to-date vaccinations.


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