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送交者: jingchen 2018年04月06日14:54:01 于 [美国移民] 发送悄悄话


Vast sky

Empty sky

I walk along 

Under the empty sky

My empty heart 

Longing for the crowded dorm

I used to live in 

In the crowded dorm 

Our bodies, our ideas 

Bumped against each other 

Stimulated each other 

How many nights 

We kept talking, talking

About our dreams

Clean house

Sterile house

I live alone

In a sterile house

My sterile mind

Longing for the dirt roads

I used to walk along 

By the dirt roads

Are dirty dirts and fertile soil

Germs, crops and flowers

Germinated from the dirty and fertile soil

I walked along the dirt roads


Germinated from my fertile mind

We dreamed about big houses

With happy crowds

We dreamed about piano

Music filling the air

We dream about skates

Skating freely and effortlessly 

Big house is standing here.

But it is empty 

Piano is sitting here.

But no hand is touching it 

Skates are piling up 

But no feet are fitting them in 

How I wish 

To turn away from the paved streets 

Empty, clean and sterile 

How I long

To return to the dirt roads

Crowded, dirty and fertile 

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