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送交者: 吾弃郎 2013年08月15日21:28:55 于 [美国移民] 发送悄悄话

有私事需九月中旬短期(4 Weeks)到中国探亲,但新闻说中国签证分类变样了,申请手续也更复杂了---据说现需要提供国内亲人邀请信和身份证,于七月一日施行。不知真假,特此写博求救!




  • F - non-commercial visit
  • L - tourism
  • G - transit visa
  • Z1 - work in China over 90 days
  • Z2 - work in China less than 90 days
  • X1 - long term study
  • X2 - short term study
  • M - commercial or trade activity
  • Q1 - family reunion
  • Q2 - short visit visa
  • R1 - highly skilled specialists
  • R2  - Highly skilled specialists (less than 180 days)



    2. Visa Types

    Chinese visas fall into four types: diplomatic visa, courtesy visa, service visa and ordinary visa. Ordinary visas are further divided into the following categories:

    1) A Tourist Visa (L Visa) is issued to a foreign citizen who comes to China for a short stay for tourism, family visit or other personal affairs.

    2) A Business Visa (F Visa) is issued to a foreign citizen who is invited to China for a visit, research, lecture, business, exchanges in the fields of science, technology or culture, advanced study, or internship for a period of no more than 6 months.

    3) A Student Visa (X Visa) is issued to a foreign citizen who comes to China for the purpose of study, advanced study or internship for a period of more than 6 months.

    4) A Work Visa (Z Visa) is issued to a foreign citizen who comes to China for the purpose of commercial performances or academic exchanges, and to his/her accompanying spouse and minor children.

    5) A Crew Visa (C Visa) is issued to a crew member of an international train, airliner or vessel who is a foreign citizen and comes to China for business.

    6) Journalist Visas (J-1, J-2 Visa)

    A J-1 Visa is issued to a resident foreign journalist in China and his/her accompanying spouse and minor children.

    A J-2 Visa is issued to a foreign journalist who visits China for temporary news coverage.

    7) A Transit Visa (G Visa) is issued to a foreign citizen who is to transit through China on his/her way to a third country or region and will stay at a Chinese airport for more than 24 hours or will need to leave the airport.

    8) A Permanent Resident Visa (D Visa) is issued to a foreign citizen who has been authorized to reside permanently in China.









    老冬儿 《申请回国签证的邀请函

    吾弃郎 谢冬儿--请送天朝签证邀请信格式

    逗先生 《中国签证拿到后的答谢贴(慎入)


    duanyi 《便利海外华人出入境 中国专设Q字签证

    潇飞云 《爹娘邀请在外国逆子回家函(通用格式)》---调侃文


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