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The Exceptions to Medical Examination Form I-693
送交者: Peter93 2014年12月12日11:30:17 於 [加國移民] 發送悄悄話

The Exceptions to Medical Examination Form I-693 Filing Requirement



I did the medical examination in my home country before getting the visa to enter the United States. Do I need to do the Form I-693  medical examination this time, when I file USCIS Form I-485 for adjustment of status in the United States?




Generally, all aliens applying for USCIS Form I-485 for adjustment of status in the United States should file Form I-693 for medical examination. But if an alien applicant has already had a medical examination before as part of an immigration application process within the one year, the alien applicant may not need to do to the medical examination again.


For example, if an alien applicant has already had a medical examination done before as a K visa holder or a V visa holder, the alien may not need to do the Form I-693 for medical examination again. 


Also, if the alien applicant is a refugee, he or she may not need not submit Form I-693 if he or she is applying for adjustment of status one year after the first admission in United States, and there were no medical grounds of inadmissibility during the medical examination in his/her home country.





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