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Please rescue being ruined Germany
送交者: 风潇潇 2024年06月16日22:52:01 于 [加国移民] 发送悄悄话

Sent June 3, 2024

1... Humanize medication by integrating the philosophy of TCM

2... Humanize democratic legislature by setting civil legislature

Rational Germans are the hope for rescuing democracy ruined world

Please rescue being ruined Germany

Humanize legislature & medicine by the civilization of China

To Dr. Henning Hoff

Executive Editor at Internationale Politik Quarterly, Germany hoff@dgap.org

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1... Internationale Politik Quarterly,

2... BMW Foundation

3... German Council on Foreign Relations

4... Winklhofer Lab, Ruhr-Universität Bochum

5... German-Chinese Friendship Association

6... China

Dear Dr. Henning Hoff

This is Frank (Hongde) Li from Canada an immigrant from PR China.

It was your article Europe's Vote, Europe's Future inspired me to write to you, and share to your colleague and many elites in Germany.

Please remove hope from vote; it was the vote to have ruined your motherland and the life of your families and your countrymen.

Germany is No.1 vote player and made government in unhinged compass by red and green lights signaling to have ruined Germany in deindustrialization to be called as sick man of Europe. As smart German elites; please take the lessons and dump the childish vote into garbage bin; then turn to rescue own motherland and whole world by humanizing legislature and Western medicine.

Please read Why German Economy Can Fly Against Economic Recession, and then look at your motherland by the rational vision of a man from Far East China on the opposite side on the Earth. Then you will be moved by the outstanding practices of your countrymen, which was the reason that made the term of Made in Germany equal to No.1 in quality globally; which peaks world decades.

But one thing was terrible; which was following the practice of vote of the inhuman idea that has been in enabling low quality people ruining human world by driving the power of the State Apparatus. It was the vote enabled your ancestor Adolf Hitler to brainwash your nice countrymen as manic War Warriors; thereby provoked WWII to have swept Europe and killed dozens of millions.

Please review the contributions of your ancestor Gottfried Leibniz; it is no one able to compete until this day. Suppose that the idea of Leibniz had been practiced, then Europe would have followed the way of China in social governance by Examination choosing learned people on power; as that European missionaries praised as meritocratic constitution that placed merit over birth and gave political power to scholars; and then your former chancellor Willy Brandt would not have to kneel down to Warsaw Ghetto Uprising memorial.

Now, it's not too late to take a dose of regret medicine by integrating the civilization of China to make up the flaw of Western civilization to enjoy a humanized life; which is to humanize democratic legislature and Western medicine to healthy 120 years.

Today China developed much easy way without the need of examination; which is by entrepreneurs; scientists; reporters, etc., as lawmakers in self-reliance no need of payment; the top leadership is a politburo of 7 members that gradually promoted from grassroots; without the meeting consensus; no one talks at will; thus avoided the personal dictatorship with the most strict accountability.

But in Germany, for avoiding unrest and acceptable concern; we must avoid touching the interests of lawmakers, and then copy the way of China to form a civil legislature taking 30% vote right to parallel run with the Gov-one to patch the democratic flaw.

Please contact Dr. Michael Schaefer, the Chairman of BMW Foundation and Oliver Zipse, the Chairman of the management board of BMW, and then Michael Schaefer & Oliver Zipse will promote the formation of civil legislature by strong social influence.

Words to Dr. Michael Schaefer, Chairman BMW Foundation

I learn you from CCTV talk show with host Benny Sa in years ago and being touched by your rational speech and then searched and more touched by your rational achievements and gave a impression that whatever you once engaged, you made it outstanding; which is just the vast majority lacked; but it is urgently needed. Here I have two requests:

1.. Provide fund for Dr. Verian Bader proving handily remedies clinic use to uproot the dilemma in healthcare. But the research projects must be specified to avoid research results being unable to be clinic used. In past decades; the most of medical fund wasted uselessly in the studies that seem meaningful; but useless in actual; such as genetic therapies.

2.. Promote the formation of civil legislature to save Germany and world from the ruin of democratic players.  

We must recognize the truth that it is the entrepreneurs, who work as the organizer in making life necessaries and revenue to support the existence of society, no entrepreneurs no society; so that entrepreneurs have absolute right to make policies, rather than those lawmakers who intended seek parasite life as evil vampire living on blood sucking of people then ruining the life of people.

Please look at your motherland where has been democratic players ruined in deindustrialization and again to be called as the sick man of Europe; the only way out is at the formation of civil legislature to dilute the damage of those democratic players.

Attached articles will give you a brand new vision to view the world from the root level of the origin of civilization and you will understand that why China is human civilization; the West is opposite, so that it has been in killing since ancient to this moment.

Please recommend to Medias publish my emails and sections The keys of China developed as humanized civilization, 2.13... The landmines have laid properly in terminating democracies; in attached article The origin of civilization & rescue from dooming.

My writings will wake people that the civilization of China is human one and compare the reason of world increasingly unlivable; which will favor of the formation of civil legislature; and the waked people will willing promote the formation of civil legislature.

No German people would like to spend own hard earned money to feed social garbage ruining own home place.

Thus after generations, the partisan politics will be self finished to end it attracting social garbage ruin human life.

Please read an American wrote article The Triumph and Terror of Wang Huning, you will understand the long term policies and strategy of China in the way that is against the way of the West has been playing and has been ruining Germany and world.

Please see YouTube video:

Aug, 24, 2023:  My Friend Tried The Subway in China (First Time)

Sept 03, 2023:  Why are you told China is bad?

May 29, 2024:  How I see the UK after 3 years living in China (I went home and was disgusted.).

Words to Dr. Verian Bader, Winklhofer Lab, Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Dear Dr. Verian Bader, I learn you from Mar 6, 2018 report Neutrophil-generated HOCl leads to non-specific thiol oxidation in phagocytized bacteria; please reduce the study on micro curative mechanism; which was too far to meet the urgent clinic needs; but waste own life time and social resources; please turn to study on holistic therapeutic effect that is able to clinic use immediately.

Such as, you have studied HOCI, it should experiment directly by mice and livestock to reach clinic usable.

1... Inhale it mixed air

Kill virus in respiratory tract on Covid-19 or avian influenza, determines the methods of safer-effective concentration, inhaling duration and the impact on various physiological indicators. I infer that the therapeutic effect of HOCI will act as a cure for all and will be much better than that of the cure for all of vinegar by lungs absorbing in blood circulation to reach systemic treatment.

Now the infection of new variant of Covid-19 surge again, we need a final solution to end this endless harm.

In the U.S. there was report in May 1, 2024, More Than Half of Cats on Farm Where Bird Flu Infected Cows Died After Drinking Milk.

For curing Bird Flu Infected Cows; the best way and the only feasible way is the Fumigation by vinegar and HOCI; please test in Germany by mice in Lab; and then go to the U.S. to rescue those Bird Flu Infected Cows. Later, it will happen in Germany also.

2... Intake HOCI derivatives

Such as, sodium hypochlorite.

The chemicals that can produce atomic electronegativity; natural medicinals, melatonin, vitamins and minerals of Orthomolecular medicine will make people disease free 120 years; but the antibiotics and genetic products can only damage human life.

Waiting for good news

And thanks for you all

Frank (Hongde) Li, May 3, 2024 in Canada

Share to

1... Internationale Politik Quarterly, Germany

Editor-in-Chief: Martin Bialecki: bialecki@dgap.org

Uta Kuhlmann: kuhlmann@dgap.org

Joachim Staron: staron@dgap.org

2... BMW Foundation

Dr. Michael Schaefer, Chairman: info@bmw-foundation.org

Oliver zipse, CEO of BMW: jutta.gehring@bmw.de

3... German Council on Foreign Relations, Germany

Tom Enders & Guntram Wolff:  info@dgap.orginfo@dgap-consulting.com

Wiebke Ewering: ewering@dgap.org

Dr. Jan Stöckmann: stoeckmann@dgap.org

Laura Strömpel: stroempel@dgap.org

Panja Thingvoll: thingvoll@dgap.org

Yulia Loeva: loeva@dgap.org

Dennis Eden: eden@dgap.org

Anja Runge: runge@dgap.org

4.. Winklhofer Lab, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany

Dr. Verian Bader: verian.bader@rub.de

Prof. Dr. Konstanze F: konstanze.winklhofer@rub.de

M.Sc. Sarah Chaban: sarah.chaban@rub.de

Alicia Dammers: alicia.dammers@rub.de

Dr. Maria Georgina Herrera: maria.herrera@rub.de

Dr. Laura Krause: maria.herrera@rub.de

5... German-Chinese Friendship Association (DCF)

Luoding Lammel-Rath:  info@dcfev.org

6.. China


李世默 复旦大学中国研究院 zgyjy@fudan.edu.cn
施一公 西湖大学 syg@westlake.edu.cn
金一南 复育智库 fuyu@fuyuzhiku.com

Date: 2024年5月26日周日 11:11
Subject: How to rescue Singapore and World

Rescue Singapore and World by humanizing medicine & legislature.

To Chin Soo Fang, Senior Correspondent at The Straits Times

Fax: (65) 6319-8275, chinsf@sph.com.sgstforum@sph.com.sg

Share to

1... Straits Times: **Lee Huay Leng; **Wong Wei Kong; **Teo Lay Lim, **Susan Long.

2... Singapore: **LEE Hsien Loong, **Tharman Shanmugaratnam, **Lawrence Wong, **Kishore Mahbubani **George Yeo, **Ong Ye Kung,

3... Canada: **Denise Labelle, **Radhika Desai, **Alan Freeman

4... U.S.A.: **Bill Gates, **Jeffrey Sachs, **Joseph E. Stiglitz,

5... PR China**  , **李世默 **施一公 **金一南

My Bloghttps://blog.creaders.net/uindex.php

Medicine: https://blog.wenxuecity.com/myblog/72696/116993.html


Since Mar. 2020, for killing Covid-19 in respiratory tract by vinegar & HOCI, I failed hundreds emails, phone calls, even bought a fax machine to fax. The report that Chin Soo Fang wrote Singapore faces new Covid-19 wave of inspired me a new hope.

Read this topic, you will understand the sad reality; the pandemic Covid-19 was easily containable; it should not destroy world economy. You will be shocked by the facts that western civilization has dehumanized too many people losing human nature in psychotic inhuman play and trusted reliable Western medicine has also dehumanized too many people as killers actually in killing people.

Truth seeking career enabled Media Professionals able to view reality objectively without intellectual flaw in dogma that traps the mind of vast majority. The Media Professionals at The Straits Times are the group gained ability to save ruined world.

Please look at increasingly unlivable world; even if we are lucky not democratic players provoking war atomic cremated; but we still cannot avoid the finishing by increasingly unaffordable life spending and increasingly murderous life threats home yard.

Because of, European looting & killing bloody soiled civilization is too barbaric with a notorious dark history and much evil modern days, so that people have been whitewashing to beautify it as only perfect human civilization in world, which has distorted the cognitive functions of too many people and made them take stupid as smart; take wrong as right and crazily promote inhuman for human.

For a long time, in the entire world, whether it is politics, economy, medicine, ideologies, everything were disguised under west made illusory beautiful Burqa, evil being democracy enabling inhuman one ruined motherland unlivable; even own home ruined in murderous life threats; the life has badly ruined; but Western civilization brainwashed people are still priding for enjoying true human life.

2007, Prof. Niall Ferguson wrote The War of the World: Twentieth-Century Conflict and the Descent of the West: why the twentieth century history was bloodiest by far? Why did unprecedented material progress go hand in hand with total war and genocide? The rise of democracy during the 20th century should have reduced the incidence of war, however, the waves of democratization were followed by increases in the number of civil wars and wars of secession with around 19 or 20 million people were killed in around 100 military conflicts. 

If we track the inducement of the wars in past decades; mostly was provoked by the individual people; who were for the promotion of democracy, freedom, or free world; for which, some individuals use their occupied certain Gov-power to drive the power of State Apparatus to overthrow government and provoke social riots; so that people cannot make livings in home place and have to enter the waves of refugees to make  other countries unlivable; which evidenced evil that democracy is to grant Gov-power to evil individual ruin world.  

People mistakenly believe that the wealthy life in democracies comes from democratic governance. In fact, their wealth mostly comes from the plundering of the world, in past and nowadays. With the left of the highly qualified generation of WWII, and the means of plundering are cutting off by world people, the wealthy democracies are suicidal entering state of unlivable and cannot be reversed.

When Western civilization idiotically brainwashing people with distorted ignorant cognition endlessly provoke disasters, Western medicine also has been doing the same by brainwashing people endlessly yell unscientific and unproven to scare people dare not self-help by handily remedies; otherwise, the Covid-19 would not kill 20 million to have emptied Government finance & destroyed world economy.

Please see attached articles; you will be shocked by the ignorant play of western civilization dehumanized too many people. The only hope is at that by Confucian Collectivistic Civilization of China humanizes Western Individualistic Civilization evilly dehumanized world.

At first, rescue Singaporean from the harm of Covid-vaccines

Humanize medicine from being greedy tools to service people, then by China’s humanized medicine TCM humanizing Western medicine to view people as a human, and then dump harmful vaccines and antibiotics into garbage bin to cure diseases by diet vinegar & handily remedies.

Home self-help taking 500mg vinegar capsules x2/50kg and x3/75kg in 4 times daily; it can cure Covid-19 within 2 days; which is able to cure and prevent the most of airborne infectious diseases to empty emergency room of hospitals; while multi-combines with melatonin, vitamins and other cheaper handily available remedies, we will be able to cure chronic degenerative diseases and reduce the occurrence of illness; by taking daily once as health-keeping to timely repair the lessons of aging, it will extend our prime life to disease free healthy 120 years.

My experience; evening, taking 2x500mg vinegar capsule + 3mg melatonin can get a sober mind with better concentration.

This is significant for reporters who need a better concentration, but brain fighting itself cannot make concentration. In Canada, I asked many runners, all of them are working on brain costing jobs, such as, accounting, programming, investing; and so on. They tired running only for getting a sober brain with a sober concentration, it is really a pity. Thanks vinegar & melatonin.

Then what the value is for extended our life span? Or what do we do by purposefully extended our life time?

To humanize Western civilization dehumanized world

Humanized people have recognized that inhuman democratic players have dehumanized world in the edge of ruin.

Nowadays, social governance has evolved as legislature makes policies as orbit; then society runs accordingly; so legislature acts as social brain and lawmaker is the brain cell; dehumanized world revealed that the brain cells dehumanized. To save world by learning to China form legislature by quality entrepreneurs, scientists, etc., as lawmaker in self-reliance no need of payment; but in democratic joking Singapore; it must run in civil by taking 30% of vote right to parallel run with Gov-legislature as patch to make up the flaw of democratic play.

As rational group, the Media Professionals at The Straits Times will certainly join as body of the civil legislature. In this way, mankind can get rid of the threat in survival by reckless democratic players; who use the name of the good democracy to suppress the bad autocracy; but exert their evil mentality; the unlivable world was made in such way by name for good to make bad in actual. Badly the European bloody soiled inhuman Western civilization has fabricated countless such kind of toxic ideologies for reckless one playing in such inhuman way.

Then we will be made an example in Singapore as model convincing others to follow; thereby rescuing world by containing pandemic Covid-19 and humanizing social governance; by such an acceptable roundabout way saves the life of people and our families.

Then Media Professionals at The Straits Times will save world by the philosophies of China medicinally politically.

Dear Chin Soo Fang

This is Frank (Hongde) Li from Canada, a technical immigrant from mainland China in 23 years ago. I am a Metallographist once worked in a Steel Research Institute; reading and writings was my daily work with optimal condition for free reading; which enabled me in viewing clear the pros and cons in the civilization between the East and the West across history; especially in comparison of their developed social elements. 

In Canada; experienced the politicians in democracies, who are well fed by people in rosy faces, but  argue in parliament without basic etiquette. The impact of two opposite civilizations of China's Confucian peace seeking based East and the European looting and killing war seeking based West forced to review the meaning of civilizations; and accordingly wrote some articles. Please see attached articles The origin of civilization & rescue from dooming and Integrate TCM philosophy to humanize medication.

Your reports that Singapore faces new Covid-19 wave inspired me searched your writings and the  introduction on LinkedIn and being convinced that you are rational capable reporter  in worth to cost time talking about.

As rational reporter, you are certainly worrying for that the new wave of Covid-19 will further worse it has destroyed world economy. Officials have to constantly urge vaccinations will furtherly empty the government finance.

However the most worry is not that; but the survival threat; today, with abundant material wealth, people should enjoy a happy life than ever before, but democracy enpowered democratic players are ruining human life.

You are lucky born in Lee Kuan Yew iron-wrist hammered Singapore by Confucianism under the beautiful cheating disguise of democracy. 

Confucius, the founder of Confucianism, who was not just preaching; but once killed Shao Zhengmao, who did not commit any crime, but only showed his criminal potential in eloquent and good at sophistry, which could easily deceive public making riots. This is the nature of Confucianism for ensuring humanized living environment.

Rational practice of Lee Kuan Yew cultured you with potential to re-humanize dehumanized world. The main tasks for re-humanizing is that trusted Western medicine regards human as inhuman; and trusted democracy grants Gov-power to inhuman.

The reasons were extremely simple; which is that in Western medicine, it has ignored complex of human body and the complex of physical physiology. In democratic politics, it has ignored the complex of human quality and the complex of crowd psychologies.

 1... Humanize human medication

Humanize human medication is to humanize people by humanized medical philosophy of TCM to make people view human as human as emotional organic whole from lifeless assembly.

The suicidal mutation of the Covid-19 Omicron virus reduced its infectivity to have made people mistakenly believing that the pandemic Covid-19 is over and cheered for that the life has returned to normal. But now, the new Covid-19 variant KP.2 from JN.1 is going to dominant in many countries with sharply increasing the rate of infection.

Today we have been torturing by pandemic Covid-19 for more than 4 years; people trust-addicted scientific experimental based Western medicine has developed neither effective drugs nor vaccines; but it exhausted government finance. The reason is that Western medicine has the same magic of democracy to make people take wrong as right.

It were just such kind of people who siezed Gov-positions in promoting bad for good. Such people cannot be educated, but must be convinced.

1.1... TCM is suitable for human life

Human body is complex organic system in dynamic developing under the impact of unknown or known but uncontrollable factors; so that it must be regarded as Chaotic System to deal with by Chaos Theory, in this concern, the macro dialectic philosophy Daoism guided Traditional Chinese medicine –TCM is suitable for human life; while the micro precision seeking philosophy Reductionism guided Western medicine is opposite; this was the reason that western medicine has to coined incurable diseases and chronic degenerative diseases.

Dec. 21 2011, I once wrote article Chinese Medicine - A Promising Therapeutic Approach, excerpt some as below.

TCM takes Daoism as guidance in viewing human body as emotional organic whole of all parts are connected and influenced; by natural therapies and compound medication of natural medicinals restoring Yin-Yang balance as treatment. In thousands years ago; it has found that psychological factors are in decisively affecting the occurrence and development of disease, so that it believed that the treatment is seven-tenths in psychotherapy, only three-tenths in medication and said that there is a clown in town will be better than that there is a dozen of doctors.

TCM has developed unique methods in diseases diagnosis and treatment by natural ways, such as Pulse diagnosis, Tongue diagnosis, Acupuncture, Massage, especially a large number choice of natural drugs.

According to the statistic of national investigation of mainland China in the 80's of 20th century, there are 11,146 plants, 1581 animals and 80 minerals as medicinal using. The <Dictionary of Traditional Chinese Medicine Prescription> selected nearly 100 thousands of experience-based formulas from prescriptions of TCM since there are written records in the history of China, which covering almost all known diseases. Thanks the scientists of China, they have made many useful modern researches on Chinese medicinals by emulating the methods of western medicine, and to have had those experience-based formulas updated and produced great many OCT drugs in the forms of convenient for using. Such as, injections and sugar covered tablets with the labels of providing treated-ranges, precautions and dosages.

Modern studies from the level of molecular, protein and gene found those natural drugs containing a wide range of bioactive constituents. Some of them have therapeutic effect that is similar to that of synthetic ones in killing the pathogenic agents directly, and some of them have nutritional effect that is similar to that of orthomolecular medicine. For ill-debilitated patients, nutrition is even more important than that of drugs. I think that this is the unique advantages of natural drugs, and also it is the unique advantages of TCM.

Modern researches revealed that some of Chinese medicinals can improve human immunity, such as, boosting the weight gains of immune organs, increasing the number and activity of the phagocytes, NK cells and so on. Therefore, in subjective viewing, TCM is to regulate the physical balance, but in objective practicing, the process of the regulations plays a role of improving the immune function, then the pathogenic agents to be killed by enhanced immune system. Although, in TCM there are no concepts of modern immunology, such as, immune organs or immune cells, the experience-based formulas were never to have considered on immunity, however, some of preparations by those formulas are playing the therapeutic role through enhancing human immunity. More significant is that when the physical balance of patient is restored, the most of uncomfortable symptoms of patient would be largely improved, such as, poor appetite, angst and insomnia, patient would feel much better not only in physical but also in psychological. Indeed, the physical improvement also plays the role of psychotherapy. The recovery of the diseases can certainly be accelerated.

The compound prescription is unique therapeutic method of TCM, which is to put many different natural drugs together as one dose. Studies have proved that drugs in compound using are able to generate synergy effect of multiplying the positive effect of each other. The findings revealed the mystery that preparations by experience-based formulas of TCM are more effective on some specific diseases and provided clear guidance for selecting effective natural drugs aiming on specific pathogenic. This is the reason that, in my hand, Chinese natural drugs seem to have gained magic in treating some thorny diseases, such as, Schizophrenia, fat liquefaction of incision and so on. Chinese medicinals will be a powerful therapeutic approach on the diseases both communicable and non-communicable, which not satisfied by the treatment of synthetic drugs. Clearly, Chinese medicine is promising resource in developing new therapeutic approaches both drugs and therapies. Also it has huge market potential.

Drug giants turn to TCM seeking way out

Recently, after huge expenditures on drug R&D failed, several pharmaceutical manufacturing giants announced the withdrawal of the drug development on Alzheimer’s.

A few years ago, there were pharmaceutical giants withdrew from new version antibiotic R$D due to the rapid mutations of the virus to have largely shortened the marketing time of new developed antibiotics.

The reality is urging us to serious consider the way out for the dilemma in human health care. The best way is to explore therapeutic approaches that are easy in home use, cheaper in private affordable, so that people can be self-help in health keeping and diseases treating; by which helps people get rid of fully relying on unaffordable mainstream medicine and thereby get rid of the harm of wrongful social governance and greed of people’s inborn nature that free play in over commercialized world.

For such a concern, that folk ancestral medicine may provide help.

Among variety of the folk ancestral medicines, the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) was the best one with the profound theories of thousands years accumulation in written records, which provide effective methods in diseases diagnose and treatment with broad availabilities in natural medicine - 11,146 medicinal plants, 1581 medicinal animals and 80 medicinal minerals with nearly 100 thousands of experience-based formulas.

The convincing therapeutic effects of natural Chinese medicinals have encouraged the FDA, EU and Canada to issue laws to promote its popularization by treating it as OTC in the name of supplements or food additives.

In Cuba, due to short of money, they promote preventive medicine and hardly seek cheaper effective medications, in which, Chinese medicine has been playing a key role.

Reports: Natural and Traditional Medicine in Cuba: Lessons For U.S. Medical EducationCuba's Green Revolution - Natural Medicine Advances.

In addition, there was report that in the US, the not-for-profit and public hospitals have developed unsustainable.

28 August 2018, article Research Announcement: Moody's - US NFP & public hospitals’ annual medians show expense growth topping revenues for second year reports that: Expense growth continues to outpace revenue growth for US not-for-profit and public hospitals, and the widening gap places the sector on an unsustainable path. This is the second consecutive year expenses have topped revenues, and will remain the largest strain on NFP hospital profitability through 2019.

The report said, Revenue pressures continue to overshadow expense saving initiatives, while the median annual expense growth rate decelerated to 5.7% from 7.1%, but, annual revenue growth rate declined faster, to 4.6% from 6.1%."

The evidence of psychotherapy and restoration

More valuable, Chinese medicine emphasizing that psychological factors play decisive role in affecting human health with a long practice that treatment is seven tenth in promoting psychological rehabilitation, only three tenth in medication. Its correctness proved by modern double-blinded-placebo cured rate 50-60% and many self-recovered incurable cases.

1.. The people who live in a normal life after damaged-half-brain was fully removed, MRI scan found that some areas on right brain has developed as the function of disappeared brain.

2.. A British stroke man who has been 'left to die” by doctors, but himself stood up in 6 months through moving bodies by will, which started from a big toe, then other areas of body.

3.. The transplanted-cancer of rats disappeared or shrunk by group socially activities with large group of 25 in a larger room, but, has no changes for those rats were in small group of 5.

4.. A 10 years old British girl Kirsty Collier's heart grew back after a third was removed when she was in 4 months old due to heart attack.

Chinese medicinals can magnify the effect of psychotherapy by regulating physical balance.

The philosophy of Western medicine is the Reductionism that regards human body as assembly of inanimate parts, the treatment is to find and kill pathogens, which led it less effective for degenerative diseases. It is also increasingly ineffective for infectious diseases, due to quick mutation of the virus, which triggered the rise of TCM.

In medicine field, the emergence of systems biology and evidence-based medicine shows that medical philosophy has been quietly updating from Reductionism towards Holism by gradually increasing the holistic ingredients.

1.2... Synergistic effect can magnify therapeutic effect

1980s, Germany once made about 300 herbal studies and many other studies found that multiple medicinal ingedients can produce synergistic interaction; the more ingrediets combined the stronger cure effect the fewer side effects.

The facts proved the correctness of hounds years ago compound medication of TCM; which has revolutionized the concept of drugs - the beast medication comes from unlimited combination in regardless of natural or synthetic.

For example, if it used individually, lithium, trametinib and rapamycin can extend life span of fruit flies to 11%, if two of them combined to 30%, and if all of combined together to 48%.

The 13 natural medicinals made Lianhua Qingwen capsule of TCM achieved care rate over 90% in Covid-19 patients by 160 bioactive ingredients; 57 proteins, and 35 signal pathways.

Also, any disease is syndrome in multi-lesions developing; therefore, it is impossible to develop drugs by making clear of each symptom as Western medicine has been in doing. It is necessary to follow the compound prescription of TCM; which provided multi-medicinals at the same time will be able to cure multi-lesions as shotgun is able to hit multi-targets by multi-projectiles in blind shot 

1.3... Western medicine is not suitable for human life

Western medicine develops by taking philosophy Reductionism as guidance in regarding human body as lifeless assembly by subdividing body into micro units as protein, genes, etc., study the development of diseases, by developing synthetic drugs and genetic patches as treatment; without sense of psychology in decisively affecting disease development.

People will never believe that trusted scientific double-blind clinic trial of Western medicine acts as killer in past 60 years to have killed many people and helps Covid-19 kills 20 million and destroyed world economy.

I never deny the great contributions of Western medicine in saving human lives. However, in terms of medication of drug treatment, it has been in playing the negative role in large scale killing people.

1955, it found that placebo effect achieved 50-60% cure rate in similar with that TCM recognized in thousands years ago; and then found that the effect of many synthetic drugs are lower than that of placebo did with side effect, Western medicine has to take double-blind clinic trial test in single ingredient to prove drug effective than placebo did, thus, in the process of doing for good in doing bad; since then it has been dumping the best one in multi-ingredients.

It was just the deception in unquestionable scientific reliability; the double-blind clinical trial addicted many people as psychosis in yelling those medicinals are unscientific, that folk treatment is unproven; by such a way scaring people dared not self-help by handy remedies to save life. Otherwise the pandemic Covid-19 would not kill 20 million to have ruined life of people by destroyed economy.

The tragedy of Western civilization is that it made too many ideologies for reckless people doing bad for good.

1.4... Kill virus in respiratory tract to stop replication

The respiratory tract is a reservoir for airborne infectious virus entry, replication and spread along with normal breath, so that kills virus in respiratory tract is the best way to stop the replication and spread of the viruses.

The report of zero infections in China’s plants Iran by daily HOCl disinfection inspired me to conduct a meats plant zero infection in Canada; I found that daily once inhaling HOCl mixed air is able to prevent airborne infectious diseases to end pandemic COVID-19. Because disinfection and wearing masks in plant cannot prevent employees from being cluster infected at home.

Here needs to indicates that because of the special work environment of meets plant in low temperature and intensive manual operation of operators have to work shoulder to shoulder in difficult maintaining social distancing to have increased risk of coronavirus infections. Globally it is just due to the existence of the meet plant made the area in high infection rate.

Significantly; in my conducted plant, those people who work on daily disinfection have inhaled times more HOCI mixed air than others did; but they still do the same job after 4 years.

1.5... Vinegar and HOCL is the safe antiviral disinfectant

The long use proved vinegar safe in intake; the LD50 of Sodium hypochlorite is 290g/50kg in nearly double than that of vinegar LD50165g/50kg; so that the use of HOCL will be safe. Studies indirectly show that HOCL has full cover therapeutic effects as that of the multi-medcinals.

In 2019, article Disinfect the Natural Way indicates that human immunity is by releasing Hypochlorous acid - HOCl kills viruses and invading pathogens. So, since the birth of mammals, it is HOCl in functioning immunity.

Studies show that both of vinegar and HOCI can disinfect Covid-19 virus. HOCI is more effective than vinegar.

The Covid-19 infection and all of airborne infectious diseases can be prevented and cured by inhaling Vinegar or/and HOCI mixed air. By Vinegar or/and HOCI mixed air fills out emergency room, in couple of hours, the most of patients will be cured to home.

I infer that by spraying vinegar or/and HOCl in feedlots; we are able to avoid massive slaughterer of poultry and livestock. Significantly; studies show that vinegar can increase the immune cells and increase the outputs of the eggs and the meets of livestock, the HOCl will be much better.

I wet a corner of a handkerchief with diet vinegar; then cover my mouth and nose to inhale vinegar mixed air once a day before going to bed; which can prevent Covid infections and stop snoring.

Actually, diet vinegar and handily remedies are the best to cure Covid-19 infections effectively without the need of vaccinations.

1.6... Vinegar & melatonin has effects as multi-medicinals

Don’t addict on others; please Google by self, vinegar, melatonin, hypochlorite derivatives, some chemicals; vitamin C and B, individually, all have multi-therapeutic effect as multi-medicinals.

Diet vinegar affects various physiological activities; can de-structure Covid-19 virus, anti-cancer, increase immune cells in blood; and can regulate physiological indicators returning to normal.

Melatonin participate in various physiological activities; can promote nerve regeneration; rescue kidney failure stem cells, repair aging lessons; repair aging of nerve system and immune system.

Vitamin C and B participate in various physiological activities in decisively affecting health; many diseases are caused by the lack of these nutrients. Individually, Vitamin C and B all can cure diseases; the key is at use in megadose to ensure their concentration in blood.

Vitamin C and B belong to Orthomolecular medicine; which is a form of alternative medicine that aims to maintain human health through adding nutritional supplementation.

It can be imagined that if they all added into one dose, the synergistic interaction will magnify their therapeutic effect to incredibly powerful; and take regularly will uproot illness from buds and timely repair lessons of aging to extend prime life; it is easy to healthy 120 years.

1.7... Chemical electronegativity can cure all of diseases

People can't stop breathing, because the physiological activities of human body need the divalent electronegativity of oxygen atoms. Although the physiological activities are a complex process that needs to the participation of many intermediate and permanent derivatives in the process, but the basic driven force are the electronegativities of atoms.

I infer that therapeutic effect of vinegar is derived from the atomic electronegativities of the Oxygen in vinegar molecular. The chemical effect of atomic electronegativities are able to kill viruses and bacteria by damaging their covalent bond that is in bonding their structure; while the atomic electronegativities are able to stimulate the physiological activities of covalent bond structured human body; thereby producing wide range of therapeutic effects without the formation of drug resistance.

The medicinal use of atomic electronegativity is the potential hope for curing incurable chronic degenerative diseases by activating the physiological activates to knock open the physiological door of body to make other medicinals enter to take effect by getting synergistic interaction to magnify their therapeutic role.

Therefore, the medicinal use of atomic electronegativity is the potential hope for curing chronic degenerative diseases.

1.8... Derivatives of HOCI and Radicals will be best medication

The atoms and chemicals that can produce electronegativity will be able to medicinally used as the carrier of atomic electronegativities, such as, according to Periodic Table of Elements, the electronegativity values are F (4.0) > O (3.5) > Cl (3.0) = N (3.0) > Br (2.8) > C (2.5) = I (2.5) = S (2.5) , etc.; and Hydroxide Radicals, Carbonate Radicals, Sulfate Radicals, and so on.

The HOCl and its derivatives are not only safe in use; but also are more effective than vinegar did; due to there are two atoms O (3.5) and Cl (3.0) in higher electronegativity values. Studies show that it is able to anti-aging by facilitating to unfold the mis-folded proteins that caused by aging and potentially pathogenic; such as, in the Alzheimer’s disease, atherosclerosis, and arthritis.

Chlorine dioxide is stronger in therapeutic effects. According to post A word from Jim Humble, the chlorine dioxide can eradicate a wide range of disease, including cancer, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, HIV/AIDS, malaria, autism, infections of all kinds, arthritis, high cholesterol, acid reflux, kidney or liver diseases, aches and pains, allergies, urinary tract infections, digestive problems, high blood pressure, obesity, parasites, tumors, cysts, and much more.

The LD50 of chlorine dioxide is 292 mg/kg or 14g/50 in rat, oral, LC50 is 0.29 mg/L by inhalation. I infer that the safe and effective dose for medicinal use of chlorine dioxide should be 300 - 600mg/50kg in 4 times daily; by comparison with that of vinegar; the effect of chlorine dioxide is more powerful.

Dec 2021, article Chlorine dioxide is a more potent antiviral agent against SARS-CoV-2 than sodium hypochlorite said that by concentrated SARS-CoV-2 viruses were treated with various concentrations of ClO2 and sodium hypochlorite and 50% tissue culture infective dose was calcurated to evaluate the antiviral activity of each chemical. Altogether, the results strongly suggest that although ClO2 and sodium hypochlorite are strong antiviral agents in absence of organic matter but in presence of organic matter, ClO2 is a more potent antiviral agent against SARS-CoV-2 than sodium hypochlorite.

1.9... Carbonate Raducal has wide range of therapeutic effect

The best example for the medicinal use of chemical radicals is the use of Amorphous Calcium Carbonate.

Dec. 22, 2021, article Israeli drug prevents 100% of COVID patients from deteriorating in trial reports that all 18 COVID-19 patients hospitalized with moderate or severe symptoms who received the drug Amor-18 developed by Israeli biotech company Amorphical recovered and were discharged in a few days. Of the 19 individuals who were given a placebo, six had to be transferred to intensive care, and two died. As part of compassionate care, two other patients in a very serious condition were given the drug; both were recovered and were discharged.

Amor-18, which uses Amorphous Calcium Carbonate (ACC) as the main ingredient, was administered orally or by inhalation.

A Mandarin report said that Amorphous calcium carbonate (ACC) has significant effects in regulating microenvironment pH, local anti-inflammatory activity, enhancing immunity, affecting cancer cell metabolism, etc. Clinical results show that amorphous calcium carbonate (ACC) can be used as a creative new treatment for a variety of calcium-related diseases such as bone diseases, hypothyroidism, cancer (lung cancer, thyroid cancer, breast cancer, rectal cancer, prostate cancer, leukemia, etc.), inflammation, skin diseases, psoriasis, etc.

1.10...Genetic studies and its products can never benefit but harmful

In 2003, we once cheered for the completion of Human Genome Project with the happy that we could uproot all diseases as easy as that of adjusting the clock time by turning the hands of the clock. Since then, the medical spending was mostly wasted in the studies of genetic therapies and such stuff reported endlessly; but, until today, there no one is stable clinically.

Because of, human body is complex organic system; there are dozens even hundreds different gene-fragments in affecting one disease; and under the decisive affecting of the uncontrollable psychological factors.

It is already clear that even a single disease involves numerous gene segments, and there are many uncontrollable factors that influence the occurrence and development of the disease. Therefore, Western medicine's misguided genetic research will not produce beneficial results for humans. This is why, reported gene therapies cannot be stably used clinically.

American chemist, the Nobel Prize winner professor Linus Pawling, who was firstly studying how the atoms bonded as basic unit of life and accordingly wrote book of The nature of chemical bond. He once said that, if I were an atom, then the Length of protein will be up to the moon; which shows the hugeness and complexity of the structure of human cells. 

Human body composed of cells (genes) in huge numbers that can be compared with the huge numbers of the planets in Galaxy; so that human body is extremely complex organic system; there are dozens of gene-fragments in affecting the development of one disease and subject to many unclear and uncontrollable factors, especially the psychological factors in playing decisive role.

The manner of the study on genetic therapy and vaccines is as same as that of the kids want to change the Galaxy by jumping on Earth. I infer that the genetic research will never produce the result that is able to good for human life, besides evil used dooming human life by messing human harmony organic system easily as that of covid-19 virus in doing. 

Those who report on surprising gene therapies are in defraud of scientific research funds and waste social resources. They know full well that the gene therapy they advocate is not feasible, but they still dare to deceive; Western civilization dehumanized too many people.

Vaccines are effective against viruses that do not mutate, such as smallpox. Today, it is clear that vaccines are ineffective against the ever-mutating Covid-19, but have fatal side effects in damaging huamn life and promotion not prevention of infection and severe illness.

Dec. 2022, article Covid-19 Isn't a Pandemic of the Unvaccinated Anymore indicates that since the beginning of the pandemic Covid-19, the people are 65 and older accounted for 75 percent of all American Covid deaths. That numbers even dropped below 60 percent as September 2021. Today, there were 94 percent of American seniors vaccinated, but the numbers of the new Covid deaths among American 65 and over were accounted for 90 percent.

There was report that in Singapore, among the severe cases of the Covid-19, the proportion of people who have not been vaccinated is 0.13 percent, but the proportion of people who have been vaccinated is as high as 0.27 percent.

May 19 2024, Ex-CDC Director Says It's High Time To Admit 'Significant Side Effects' Of COVID-19 Vaccines: Dr. Robert Redfield, former director of CDC, said that many officials who tried to warn the public about potential problems with COVID-19 vaccines were pressured into silence and that it’s high time to admit that there were “significant” side effects that made people sick.

Western civilization dehumanized too many people in recklessly play. 

I infer that the genetic studies and the products can never be benefit; but harm human life by fatal side effect and even used to develop biological weapons as that of Covid-19 by easily messing harmony organic system of human life.

Now the pandemic Covid-19 is still ongoing with emptied government finances by profiting expensive vaccines and protein-antibody drugs, and by anti-epidemic quarantine policies of Western medicine destroyed the world economy.

The expensive vaccines and protein-antibody drugs played extreme bad role besides side effects harm people, also misleads negative prevention without kills virus in respiratory tract to stop the replication and spread of virus.

Please dig out brain cells for vaccines.

Terribly; Western medicine researches were falsified and unreliable 

Jan. 18, 2024, article Critics claim to find flaws in dozens of Alzheimer's studies by Temple scientist reports that Temple University scientist Domenico Praticò helped secure a $3.8 million state grant to study Alzheimer’s disease, school officials hailed the news as a sign that his research center was “poised to become a national leader in dementia research.” However, there were reports that Praticò improperly reused or altered images of mouse brains that accompanied his studies, thereby making his findings appear stronger than they really were. Also his works have numerous instances of data incongruity.

Article said that research misconduct has drawn increased concern in recent years, and in 2023, an analysis by the journal Nature found that more than 10,000 research papers had been retracted that year — meaning they were formally withdrawn due to deliberate fabrication, major errors, or other serious flaws — a record high. Although that represents a small fraction of studies published, the consequences can be severe.

1.11...The optimal use of available medicinals

The drug concept proposed above breaks the traditional cognition and will inevitably cause attacks of Western civilization dehumanized people, who professionally look for attacking to show self smart, but have no sense and ability doing humanized business. 

Humanized people will study of how to medicinally use of cheaper remedies safely, rather than simply rejection as western medicine poisoned people. 

Under the philosophy of TCM; the cheaper, handy, effective and sufficient daily diets; TCM natural medicinals, vitamins & minerals of Orthomolecular Medicine; the chemicals in polar molecular, chemical radicals and HOCl derivatives that are able to produce atomic electronegativities, etc., will be the best medications to achieve breakthrough in disease treatment and help people self-help in disease treatment and health keeping at home timely; thereby reducing the occurrences of illness and avoid to have to be hospitalized, thereby uprooting the dilemma of unaffordable drugs and overcrowded hospitals; due to that individually, they all have full cover therapeutic effects as that of multipple combined medicinals combo.

Google, you will be shocked; then will willingly stop addicted on others, but doctor oneself.

By 500mg vinegar capsules x 2 /50kg and x 3 /50kg + 3-5mg melatonin + 3g vitamin C + 3000 UI vitamin B will make more than 50% of inpatients out of hospitals; radically reduce the occurrence of disease, and as healthcare curing the potential diseases and repairing aging lesions timely; it is possible to extend the prime of life to healthy 120 years.

Although; chlorine dioxide, carbonate, etc. are more effective; but, people may not accept them at present. Fortunately, the above convincing reliable remedies to compose therapeutic combo have enough.

Please see attached article Integrate TCM philosophy to humanize medication.

3... Rationalize medical philosophy to optimize disease treatment and medication

3.1... Drug concept revolution:The electronegativities of atoms in polar chemicals can be used for therapy.

3.2... Drug concept revolution: The synergistic interactions of compound medication will be god medicine

3.3... Drug concept revolution: Melatonin will be the God medicine by perfecting nutrition processing

3.4... Drug concept revolution: The Orthomolecular Medicine is best drug sources

3.5... Develop new drug based on brand new drug concept

1.12... Western medicine poisoned people deadly reject effective medications

But, the good cheaper effective medicinals are not east to be used; due to that double blind clinic trial of Western medicine has poisoned the cognitive function of too many people; especially those ignorant people who are reckless in over active and often seized the leading position academically and officially in taking decisive role; such people will reject the use of handily remedies as that of psychosis according to the illusion caused by brain defects.  

Mar 16 2022, article Apple cider vinegar efficiency in treating Covid not yet proven showed that even if many people reported that they were cured by vinegar intake or steam fumigation; but the medical expert still says that it was not proven. It is clear that only proven by double blind clinic trial is a proven, but people have been cured was not proven, which is a typical manner of psychosis.

May 8 2020, article Chinese netizens mock Swedish Customs' 'testing' of Chinese medicine reports that Swedish Customs' accusation and embargo of Chinese medicine Lianhua Qingwen capsule; because they test the capsules, only found menthol.

But as mentioned above, Lianhua Qingwen capsule has 160 bioactive ingredients and 57 proteins to cure Covid-19 by 35 signal pathways. The deeds of Swedish medical experts and officials were the vivid evidence that I said the ignorant people who are reckless in over active and often seized the leading position.

In the birthplace of TCM; a medical expert in western medicine; who was extremely excited and acting over active since the start of pandemic Covid-19 until this day; he endlessly talkative conducting anti-pandemic Covid-19; as earlier as Feb 2020, he published book said that vinegar and TCM medicinals are ineffective for Covid-19 virus. 

March 2020, article Breadth of concomitant immune responses prior to patient recovery: a case report of non-severe COVID-19 reports that a COVID-19 sufferer self-recovered after the increase of immune cells in blood.

The finding reveals the fact that the recovery of Covid-19 was from the natural restoration. That giving patient’s oxygen or drugs are for maintaining their lives to wait for immune cells releasing HOCl to kill virus; but the process is slow; some patients may be too weak to boost immunity, the vinegar and TCM medicinals are just good at development of immune cells.  

In China; Western civilization dehumanized people also rejected the experts of TCM in curing Covid patients; the top leadership of 7 members’ politburo has to hold special meeting to replaced the leader of Western medicine expert and force them cooperating with the experts of TCM and then quickly cured Covid patients in less death and less patients in complications.

People have been questioning that whether the government of China concealed the number of deaths in Covid-19 and the patients in serious complications; now you have understood that they were Western medicine harmed.

Western medicine dehumanized medical experts were too many in globally distributed; they were and are acting as the actual killer in massively killing people by kicking away the most effective and cheaper handily medications.

The facts show that Western medicine is evil as same as that democracy is doing.

Please see attached articles; you will be shocked by the ignorance of medical experts in Western medicine; especially WHO plays a role in bad than good under the misleading of Western medicine expert consultants in globally distributed. If there is no WHO, it will have no authoritative organization to endorse and enhance the wrongful results of Western medical experts; the pandemic Covid-19 would not be out of control to have killed 20 million and badly destroyed world economy.   

Being anger resigned White House Coronavirus Adviser Prof. Scott Atlas, who sighs that the tragedy of SARS2 pandemic and the need to restore trust in the country’s vital institutions: the management of this pandemic has left a stain on many of America’s once noble institutions, including our elite universities, research institutes and journals, and public health agencies. Among the most damaged has been the harm to the essential functioning of science, research, and debate.

Inhuman Western civilization has dehumanized too many people.

Since Mar 2020, I have sent hundreds emails, phone calls and then I specially bought a fax machine to send faxes to officials of WHO and countries to suggest ending pandemic by vinegar or HOCl; but all failed; which included Gov-officials and hospitals of Singapore, you may ask assistants of Gov-officials: which was not their fault, I also cannot convince my sister and brother; finally they even refused to talk with me.

The psychotic manner of so many people also revealed the reason that why there are too many people addicted in democracy. These people, like those addicted to gambling and drugs, have being damaged brains.

Dear Chin Soo Fang:

Please don’t waste time to try to convince any of others; but simply buy a bottle of 500mg vinegar capsule to prove safe by self at first and then give to Covid-19 infected relatives and colleagues in taking 2x capsules/50kg, 2 to 3 times will cure infections. For kids may use water diluting diet vinegar + honey in concentration ratio of similar pure vinegar in body weight; or by water vinegar smear kids’ skin. Thus will get positive evidence in 2 to 3 days; then reports it.

My wife and my son were both Covid infected, in the state of fever, cough, lethargy in sleeping did not eat or drink for a day long; the two times vinegar cured quickly. I take vinegar daily, did not know whether infected.

The efforts of the Media Professionals at The Straits Times will trigger revolution in medication by attracting people willingly studying on my suggested in attached articles.

Thus, the Media Professionals at The Straits Times successfully humanized Western medicine, then please humanize the inhuman democracy of Western civilization.

2... Humanize social governance

Since ancient time, the people in Confucian peace seeking China have been enjoying in relative longer prosperous life; but the people in war seeking Europe looting & killing based west has been killing until this moment. Humanized people have recognized that reckless democratic players have dehumanized world in the edge of ruin.

Western civilization cultured people have justifiable reasons for killing; but the root reason is at inborn war-like genes that seeks killing for pleasure. Human society is composed of people; the governance is also in people governing people, so that for better governance must consider the quality of people to properly dealing with social problems.  

People are the body of a skin wrapping 206 bones by populations of brain cells reasoning base on acquired knowledge to signal behaving, so that the quality of people are lifelong reshaping by acquiring knowledge. The defects in brain and the wrong in knowledge will make people abnormal behave, so that it is not all people in human quality, some are in antisocial mentality by seeking to harm others as pleasure. Only learned people, such as, entrepreneurs, scientists, etc. are able to make a rational judgments with lesser mistake.

For the mentally normal people, the life experience promoted Ideology or values are in decisively affecting their way in thinking and behaving. In this regard, the best example is the difference in the quality of people between Confucian collectivistic qualities or values of people of China and the European looting and killing life threat environment cultured individualistic qualities or values.

This is the basics for easy understanding this topic

The origin of China based Eastern Collectivistic Civilization

Since the time it can be called as nation, China controls ideologies by developing rituals, music and Confucian to culture people, later even outlawed schools of thought; by which cultured people in collective discipline with peace-like genes and collectivistic values, and by choosing learned people govern a prosperous life and attracted neighbor countries share same values to be called as Confucian Asia or Asian values to have developed China based Eastern Collectivistic Civilization.

The origin of Europe based Western Individualistic Civilization

Since the time it can be called as nation, Europe based west never cultures people as people; but freely fabricating ideologies brainwash people mutually hating and killing in war-like genes and individualistic values; which torn culture and society hatred fragmented by people competing govern a warlike life threats social environment in regarding looting and killing others for self-survival as a matter of course; by such a silly way to have developed Europe based Western Individualistic Civilization.

The different quality of civilization caused people in different quality

It is just like the computer memory, the brain neurons act as memory supporting human intelligence. Confucian peace-like life promotes the development of brain neurons; but the Western war-like life in opposite.

May 7, 2022, article Psychologists found a “striking” difference in intelligence after examining twins raised apart in South Korea and the United States reports that there twins were born 1974 in Seoul, in two years old, one lost and adopted to US, in 2022 reunited, the IQ score of US one is 16 points lower with more individualistic values from adoption family of stricter, religiously-oriented conflict family; while the Seoul one is in higher IQ score with more collectivistic values from a cohesive family.

Please look at global IQ map https://x.com/empireenjoyer10/status/1663734597417312256

It was the different way in dealing with people caused different quality of people and the different quality of people made different quality in the civilization; the poor civilization worsened the quality of people; the quality worsened people fatherly worsen the quality of civilization; the Europe based west has been in such cycling to far away from human.

It is the war-like genes drive West persisting in killing 

This is the reason that West has been in killing since ancient to this moment; people have sound reason for killing; but the root reason is war-like Genes. Without killing the war-like genetic people cannot live.

If I sum up Western civilization in the concise way, it would be freedom; it acted as main axis penetrating politics, economy and society in favoring human evil souls free exert and create all kinds of disasters.

The social elements of Western civilization are all set up for enjoying the stuff that could not be enjoyed in the past of mixed aristocratic and religious rule; liberal democracy, values, freedom, human rights, etc., all in all, everything goes against the past. Due to mindlessly emphasizing equality for all; such over humanized social elements went extreme; and paved boulevards for the free exertion of low-quality people; it is not only the legislature designed in the state of encouraging lawmakers look for fight, the social system is also designed in the state of encouraging people acted as bullfight to have messed society as bubbling boiler.

In April 18, 2023, in the speech at the European Parliament Plenary on the need for a coherent strategy for EU-China relations, the President of European Commission Ms. von der Leyen, who rare soberly indicates that: “for centuries China have helped to shape world civilization; and in the last decades, they have really transformed the economy of their country, lifting more than 800 million people out of poverty in the last 45 years and transformed into a modern-day economic powerhouse, key global player and a leader in many of the cutting-edge technologies that will certainly shape the next decades of global civilization and progress.”

Please remember that the achievements of China were made based on the destroyed ruins with huge war reparations from a century long killing and looting of the allies of Western democratic played countries and the US black ship tamed Japan; which started in 1839 China banned opium trade that started in 1773; then British armed selling opium.

The civilization of China enlightened the end of Dark Ages

British submarine lieutenant-commander Gavin Menzies, as career life, once visited many countries and shocked by the ancient monuments that left by Zheng He Fleet of China. After retirement, on own spending, he cost 14 years to have researched on Ming treasure Voyages by visiting historic sites of 120 countries and more than 900 libraries, museums and archives. Then accordingly wrote books 1421: The Year China Discovered the World (2002) and 1434: The Year a Magnificent Chinese Fleet Sailed to Italy and Ignited the Renaissance (2008).

In the book, Mr. Gavin Menzies appreciated the practice of Zheng He Fleet with 7 times around the world, besides fair trade, did not carry out colonial ruling. He wrote that, in 1434, a Chinese fleet arrived in Tuscany Italy and presented the pope with a large amount books, from a diverse range of fields: geography, astronomy, mathematics, art, printing, architecture, steel manufacturing, civil engineering, military weaponry, surveying, cartography, and more. The knowledge of China sparked the inventiveness of the Renaissance to have formed the basis of European civilisation. From that date onward, Europeans embraced Chinese ideas, discoveries, and inventions.

Also, since 1400s, European missionaries continuously enter China and translate the culture of China back home to have triggered Renaissance, Enlightenment, and French Revolution; but the low IQ people developed human as inhuman and push Europe entered the new Dark Ages with new type of barbaric play, and continued provoking wars driven by warlike genetic hobby. 

According to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imperial_examination#West, Imperial Examination was introduced to Europe as early as 1570; and was disseminated broadly in Europe. During the 18th century, the Imperial Examinations were often discussed in conjunction with Confucianism, which attracted great attention from contemporary European thinkers such as Leibniz, Voltaire.

According to the practice of François Quesnay, Voltaire, Leibniz and other enlightenment thinkers; Europe nearly followed China in Technocratic Democracy through Examination selecting learned people as officials; then Human society would avoid the catastrophe of the World Wars. But the bright future was turned dark by French political philosopher Montesquieu (1689–1755).

In the "Spirit of Law", Montesquieu defined China as an autocratic country in imperial dictatorship; by which he provided confidence for people condemning China in today and misled west into democracy of childish play as this days. As my view, the term of “autocratic country” was neutral or biased to good, only for distinguishing the numerous mob governments in Europe.

The civilization of China enlightened modern economics

In 1767, French Physiocrat François Quesnay (1694–1774) coined Laissez-Faire according to the term wu wei of Tao Te Ching. Later the laissez-faire inspired British Adam Smith proposed the term of Invisible Hand, and then Invisible Hand was touted as lawless Neoliberalism in making disasters; and then British John Keynes, who developed macroeconomics. Since then controls currency issuance, government investment in infrastructure and adjusting interest rates to 2% become the means of government regulating economy.

Above was the reason that Ms. von der Leyen said “for centuries China has helped to shape world civilization”.

China has well developed the preferential policy for ethnic minorities

The conflict of interests between races is one of the main causes of social unrest. Many countries have not completely solved this problem from the root of policy formulation. Such as India, where now is suffering large-scale racial riots due to the preferential policies. Indian Prime Modi and the Foreign Minister Dr. Jaishankar are all outstanding politicians in contemporary world. But they are inability ideally dealing with the racial problems in India. Due to times alien civilizations invading to accumulate all toxic ideologies and religions of the world to make the country ungovernable.

China has 55 of 56 ethnic minorities enjoying preferential policies; the family plan (one child) policy is limited to the ethnic Han, which was the reason for the large population growth in Xinjiang and Tibet autonomous regions. I am Mongolian, in 1978, National University Entrance Examination, the admission line is 320 points, however, I only got 302 points in the test, and the government has policy to add minority ethnic students 20 points; so that I can study in university. My university bursary was 2 yuan more others 19. At that time, the price of rice was 16 cents/kilo.

Because in modern society, the cross-border study and job hunting is becoming more and more common, it is difficulty keeping ethnic groups together, as a result, interracial marriages are becoming more and more common, the blood inheritance in the ethnic groups is diluted due to increasingly mixture, therefore, the concept of individual ethnicity is also diluted, in my family, my grandpa's generation and before was keeping marriages in Mongolian. Since my father generation, wives are all the ethnic Han, includes my wife of a university classmate.

In the workplace, there are mostly mixed ethnicities, unless people with special face feature may be asked private curiously, other than that, there is no difference. For example, in my daily work, I have no Mongolian concept at all. Due to my mother was ethnic Han, so that my feature has no big different with ethnic Han.

In comparison, different from the government of China rationally handle the ethnic relations, social conflicts in many countries stem from ethnic conflicts.

The democratic political design just meets the play of reckless people

The multiparty political design hopes that multiparty opposition can ensure quality social governance; but human inborn selfish instinct made the multiparty opposition as maliciously opposition for replacing the ruling position to enjoy self given luxury salaries, luxury benefits and privileges in regardless of ruining the life of people and beloved families.

The partisan politics has been playing the role as best career in attracting reckless people ganged as political gangs to make livings. Please look at the names of political gangs: Hawks, Dovish, Donkey, Elephant, Left wing, Right wing, Extreme right, Extreme left, Green Party, Tea party, Liberal party, Conservative Party, Democratic Party, and in coining.  

The political gangs legally enjoy the feed of people and then driven the power of State Apparatus to ruin the life of people.

Please look at the countries where own people are driven to kill or killed. They are all coerced by the dictatorship of individual leaders who are empowered by the democracy in dictatorial play by the name of making good for people.

The endless manmade tragedies proved that the west globally promoted democracy is not a government of the people, by the people, for the people, but it acted as a means for those childish individual to exert wrongful mentality.

Humans are born selfish instinct, without selfish survival seeking social activities; there would be no economic development and society. However, the selfish behavior often conflicts and badly influences social governance. Democracy attracts individuals to group as parties; which will magnify the harm of selfish behavior of individuals; so that the partisan politics must be ended.

Save Singapore by learning to China forming civil legislature

Singapore new Prime Minister Lawrence Wong has wisely warned that in Singapore due to the democratic politics legally set and encouraged opposition parties have focused on seeking more transparency and accountability from the government; it was “not unimaginable for two or maybe three opposition parties to come together, form a coalition and run the government.”

Once Singapore has to run by childish coalition; then Lee Kuan Yew worked hard created livable Singapore will be ruined unlivable as that of being democracy ruined democracies in America and Europe by legally encouraged oppositions.

This is caused by common flaw of human nature, without exception, supposed that you or I were on the position of parties in such a childish political system, you and I would be possibly doing same thing; because we sharing the same inborn selfish instinct in tending to do according to selfish accord. Also Crowd Psychology or Herding Effect forced rational people to blindly follow the irrational ideas of irrational people to follow with the wrongful trends or waves.

As mentioned above, nowadays, social governance has evolved as legislature legislating policies as orbit, and then society runs accordingly. Therefore, to achieve a humanized life is at making a humanized legislature.

For rescuing soon being ruined Singapore; we must learn to China; since ancient time by selecting quality people as officials; for which even developed Imperial Examination; today it is by quality professors; entrepreneurs, scientists, engineers, and so on., working as lawmakers in part time self reliance form legislature. The top leadership is a politburo of 7 members that gradually promoted from grassroots in step by step according to quality; without consensus from meeting; no one allowed to talk at will; thus avoided personal dictatorship and ensured the collective wisdoms in governance under the strictest accountability world widely.

For acceptable concern without causing social unrest; we cannot directly copy the practice of China in democratic joked Singapore; we must not touch current political system and the interest of lawmakers; then learn to China form a civil legislature by taking 30% of vote right to parallel run with Gov-legislature as patch to patch the inhuman flaw of democracy.

The civil legislature will naturally end partisan politics

The online platform provides possibility for easing voting, recording, supervising and thereby enlarging the numbers of the lawmaker of civil legislature into group based, such as, in the unit of town, county, factory, school, university, hospital, farmers’ association, and so on., in the numbers of tens thousands to reach the scale in no one can coerce or lobby, which will cover the most of population with the result as powerful as that of the result of the referendum.

With the advantages of broad social coverage in legislative members, the suggestion to form a civil legislature will be no one dared to question. Also the vote results of civil legislature will no one dare to challenge.

The significance of civil legislature is at it will be no limitation in the issue and time for voting, any issue of people concerning will be able to vote immediately with the result as final resolution, thus we will revere the sadness that democratic political parties take the fate of country as gambling chips plays; thereby enabling government runs in humanized way.

By no one dared challenging way, from the legislative base; we are able to get rid of the democracy doomed fate of being finished by democratic players; and tp live a humanized life as that of humans should be.

Gradually the civil legislature will naturally end partisan politics

The initial sponsors and leaders of civil legislature

Firstly, please discuss with professor Kishore Mahbubani and George Yeo, they both have made great efforts for a better social governance; but useless without practical effects; and they will willingly take action and then together with them to discuss with Lee Hsien Loong, Tharman Shanmugaratnam; Lawrence Wong and more officials.

Professor Kishore Mahbubani and George Yeo are qualified working as initial sponsors and leaders; the newly launched model of the civil and government cooperated legislation needs the powerful people as leaders, who have strong appealing that supported by the strong influence from the supporting internationally and domestically.

The practice in Singapore will play a role as pioneer to lead world out of the tragedy of being finished by democratic players.

Waiting good news

Thanks for all

Frank (Hongde) Li, May 26 2024 in Canada

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Teo Lay Lim, Deputy Chairman and CEO: laylimteo@gmail.comlteo@sph.com.sg

Susan Long. Life Editor: suelong@sph.com.sg


LEE Hsien Loong: lee_hsien_loong@pmo.gov.sg

Tharman Shanmugaratnam: tharman_s@istana.gov.sgloh_pang_shing@istana.gov.sggayathri_krishnasamy@istana.gov.sg

Lawrence Wong:  lawrence_wong@mof.gov.sg

Kishore Mahbubani: kishore.mahbubani@mahbubani.net

George Yeo: george_yeo@visitor.nus.edu.sg

QUAH Danny, d.quah@nus.edu.sg

Ong Ye Kung: ong_ye_kung@moh.gov.sgjoanne_kh_tan@moh.gov.sg

Ms Indranee RAJAH: indranee_RAJAH@mof.gov.sg


Denise Labelle, Assistant to Jean Chrétien,denise.labelle@dentons.com

Radhika Desai, Professor University of Manitoba: Radhika.Desai@umanitoba.ca

Alan Freeman, Professor University of Manitoba: alan.freeman@umanitoba.ca

United States

Bill Gates: media@gatesfoundation.orgbillg@gatesnotes.comteam@gatesnotes.com

Jeffrey Sachs: sachs@columbia.edu

Joseph E. Stiglitz: jes322@gsb.columbia.edu



李世默 复旦大学中国研究院 zgyjy@fudan.edu.cn
施一公 西湖大学

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