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Vinegar can end Covid-19 health 120 years
送交者: 風瀟瀟 2024年06月23日13:17:35 於 [加國移民] 發送悄悄話

Vinegar can end Covid-19 health 120 years

June 19, 2024 reports that deaths in COVID-19 doubled in Taiwan, PR China

Frank (Hongde) Li,  June 23, 2024 in Canada

June 19, 2024, reports said that Taiwan province of China, the severe cases and deaths in COVID-19 doubled in a single week.


The officials of Taiwan’s Department of Health and Welfare Centers for Disease Control urge people for vaccination.


The suicidal mutation of the Covid-19 Omicron virus reduced its infectivity to have made people mistakenly believing that the pandemic Covid-19 is over and cheered for that the life has returned to normal. But now, the new Covid-19 variant KP.2 from JN.1 is going to dominant in many countries with sharply increasing the rate of infection.

Studies proved that Vinegar can kill Covid-19 and increase immune ceslls. 

Actually people are able to home cured easily by taking vinegar, and also daily inhaling Vinegar or/and HOCl mixed air is able to prevent airborne infectious diseases to uproot pandemic COVID-19; by spraying vinegar or/and HOCl in feedlots; we are able to avoid massive slaughterer of poultry and livestock. Significantly vinegar and HOCl can increase the outputs of the eggs and the meets.

Home self-help taking 500mg vinegar capsules x2/50kg and x3/75kg in 4 times daily; it can cure Covid-19 within 2 days; which is able to cure and prevent the most of airborne infectious diseases to empty emergency room of hospitals; while multi-combines with melatonin, vitamins and other cheaper handily available remedies, we will be able to cure chronic degenerative diseases and reduce the occurrence of illness; by taking daily once as health-keeping to timely repair the lessons of aging, it will extend our prime life to disease free healthy 120 years.

My wife and my son were both Covid infected, in the state of fever, cough, lethargy in sleeping did not eat or drink for a day long; after take vinegar slept 3 hours got up asking for drinking and eating, then took another dose sleeping hours cured quickly. I take the preparation daily, did not know whether infected.

Today we have been torturing by pandemic Covid-19 for more than 4 years; people trust-addicted scientific experimental based Western medicine has developed neither effective drugs nor vaccines; but it exhausted government finance. The reason is that Western medicine has the same magic of democracy to make people take wrong as right.

It was just such kind of people who seized Gov-positions in promoting bad for good. Such people cannot be educated, but must be convinced.

This was extracted from June 16, 2024 in Canada article Vinegar melatonin vitamins make healthy 120 years, that was adding-reedited emails sent to Singapore & Germany in May & June, 2024, but the sent emails was useless as same as that of I have sent hundreds emails, faxes and phone calls in past 4 years since the beginning of pandemic Covid-19; western civilization totally distorted the cognition of people, so that too many people were addicted in happily harmed by childish democracy and western medicine. 

Please forward this article to your friends; it is easy to healthy for 120 years by timely repairing the lesions of illness & aging with cheaper available remedies of diet vinegar, melatonin, honey, vitamins and the natural medicinals of TCM.

Please get rid of the ignorant state of being willingly evil cheated into confident idiotic addiction to discern truth by soberly self-reasoning and then doctor yourself by correct philosophy and cheaper handily remedies here provided.

We must humanize people by TCM to view human as human as emotional organic whole from lifeless assembly.

1... Integrating TCM humanize western medication

Now easily containable pandemic Covid-19 has totally destroyed the life of people by destroyed world economy. In undeveloped countries, people have to sell own organs to support the survival of own families, in developed countries; increasingly people cannot make ends meet even hard work anymore.

It was human selfish instinct driven greedy people kicking away the cheaper profitless medications for profiting expensive protein antibody drugs and vaccines to have made containable Covid-19 out of control to kill 20 million people and destroyed world economy; and helps Covid-19 still in killing people.

Since the outbreak of pandemic Covid-19, there were too many people psychotically exited, medical experts, Gov-officials, media professionals, and ordinaries were all yell unscientific and unproven to scare people dared not self held in curing infections by handily remedies.

Now, many studies have proved that vaccination was not only ineffective in the prevention of Covid-19 infection; but rather it promotes infection, critical ill and death. Many reports said that vaccinations of Covid-19 caused bad complications. Since the beginning of pandemic Covid-19, everywhere hunts the post about cheaper folk remedies, hunts the reports about the dead side effect of protein antibody drugs and vaccines.

Dec. 2022, article Covid-19 isn't a pandemic of the unvaccinated anymore  indicates that since the beginning of the pandemic Covid-19, the people are 65 and older accounted for 75% of all American Covid deaths. That numbers even dropped below 60 percent as Sept 2021; today, 94% of American seniors vaccinated, but the numbers of the new Covid deaths among American 65 and over were accounted for 90%.

There was report that in Singapore, among the severe cases of the Covid-19, the proportion of people who have not been vaccinated is 0.13 percent, but the proportion of people who have been vaccinated is as high as 0.27 percent.

May 19 2024, Ex-CDC Director Says It's High Time To Admit 'Significant Side Effects' Of COVID-19 Vaccines: Dr. Robert Redfield, former director of CDC, said that many officials who tried to warn the public about potential problems with COVID-19 vaccines were pressured into silence and that it’s high time to admit that there were “significant” side effects that made people sick.

Mar. 2020, Australia reports that a COVID-19 patient self-recovered after the natural increase of immune cells in blood, the increased immune cells kept the level for 7 days after patient recovered. 

Studies show that since the birth of mammals; it is immune cells releasing HOCl killing virus. The Covid-19 vaccine is just undermining the increase of the immune cells of vaccinated people.

To this day, the West is still questioning whether China has concealed the number of deaths from Covid-19; such western medicine tamed one has never understood that the natural medicinals of TCM are just promoting the increase of immune cells.

As earlier as Feb. 2020, the top leadership of China has to special meeting replaced the leader of Western medicine expert, who deadly rejects the participation of TCM experts in the treatment of Covid-19 patients and force western medicine doctors integrating TCM in the treatment of patients and then quickly cured patients in less death and less bad complications.

However in the western countries, it is still in rejecting the use of TCM in medication by the name of unscientific or unproven; even the officials of WHO did same thing by warning the unsafe of natural medicnals of TCM.

If you trace back the contribution of the officials of WHO, it was extremely bad in doing evil, banned the use of effective drugs, delayed use of masks for about two years, If we did not establish such a bloody sucking health authority; the COVID-19 epidemic would not have gotten out of control. Evidence proved that WHO played much inhuman role than that of Covid-19 virus and we may say that it was not the virus but the officials of WHO killed 20 million and ruined human life by destroyed world economy.

However, in past 4 years of period, the psychologically torture from helplessly devastated seeing the Covid-19 virus infection cause a large number of deaths, those officials of WHO aged much more than any of us, which proved that they were full hearted fulfilled their duty with truly human nature and quality; they only worked as the mouthpiece of globally distributed medical consultantsof WHO; in final analysis; it was western medicine medical experts acted as virus killed 20 million and destroyed world economy.

European bloody based western individualistic civilization flawed people by taking western medicine for profiting in killing people in many ways, otherwise people will be able to freely self help in curing diseases timely by cheaper handily remedies; especially natural medicinals of TCM, then people would not tortured by unaffordable drugs and overcrowded hospitals.

In Canada and Britain, the long wait for treatment has been a disaster in badly affecting the life of people, in the United States, outrageously high medical charges have been a public nuisance. The cause is that western individualistic civilization dehumanized people madly take medicine for greedy by kicking away profitless one in regardless of the life of people.  

We must humanize Western medicine from being used for greedy to service people, then by TCM of China humanizing Western medicine to view human as human, by natural medicnals compound medications restore Yin-Yang balance as treatment by diet vinegar and handily remedies; then dumping vaccines, antibiotics and protein antibody drugs into garbage bin.

TCM takes Daoism as guidance in viewing human body as emotional organic whole of all parts are connected and influenced; by natural therapies and compound medication of natural medicinals restoring Yin-Yang balance as treatment. In thousands years ago; it has found that psychological factors are in decisively affecting the occurrence and development of disease, so that it believed that the treatment is seven-tenths in psychotherapy, only three-tenths in medication and said that there is a clown in town will be better than that there is a dozen of doctors.

Western medicine develops by taking philosophy Reductionism as guidance in regarding human body as lifeless assembly by subdividing body into micro units as protein, genes, etc., study the development of diseases, by developing synthetic drugs and genetic patches as treatment; without sense of psychology in decisively affecting disease development.

1955, Western medicine found that placebo effect has 50-60% cure rate; and sadly found that the effects of many scientific experimental developed synthetic drugs are lower than that of placebo did with dead side effect, then it has to take double-blind clinical trial testing in single ingredient to prove drug effective than placebo did; thus, it has been training people as killers by dumping the drugs in multi-ingredients.

Modern studies found that the multi-combined medicinal ingredients can produce synergistic interactions of mutually enhancing the positive effects of each others; so that the best medications come from unlimited medicinal combination; more medicinal combined the stronger cure effects the fewer side effects in regardless of synthetics or naturals.

Also any disease is syndrome in multi-lesions development; it is impossible to make clear the cause of each symptom to develop drugs or genetic patch by Western medicine. We must follow TCM philosophy in treating diseases by compound medication restoring Yin-Yang balance. The compound medication is able to provide multi-ingredients that are able to cure the multiple lesions as that of shotguns are able to hit multiple targets in a blind shot by its multi-projectiles.

The envidence proved that in past half century Western medicine has been in killing people by kicking away the effective modifications.

Under the philosophy of TCM; the cheaper, handy, effective and sufficient daily diets; TCM natural medicinals, vitamins & minerals of Orthomolecular Medicine; the chemicals in polar molecular, chemical radicals and HOCl derivatives that are able to produce atomic electronegativities, etc., will be the best medications.

Please Google, individually, diet Vinegar, Melatonin, Vitamins, natural medicinals, some chemicals; all have therapeutic effects as that multi-combined medicinal ingredients produced. 

Diet vinegar affects various physiological activities; can de-structure Covid-19 virus, anti-cancer, increase immune cells in blood; and can regulate physiological indicators returning to normal.

Melatonin participate in various physiological activities; can promote nerve regeneration; rescue kidney failure stem cells, repair aging lessons; repair aging of nerve system and immune system.

Vitamin C and B participate in various physiological activities in decisively affecting health; many diseases are caused by the lack of these nutrients. Individually, Vitamin C and B all can cure diseases; the key is at use in megadose to ensure their concentration in blood.

If we put all of them together in one dose, their synergistic interaction produced therapeutic effect will be surprisingly powerful.

Then we are able achieve breakthrough in the treatment of infectious and non-infectious diseases, especially chronic degenerative dissuades and help people self-help in disease treatment and health keeping at home timely; which will avoid to be hospitalized and uproot the pressure of emergency room with the potential of curing more than 50% of inpatients, and reduce the occurrences of illness, thereby uprooting the dilemma of unaffordable drugs and overcrowded hospitals.

Home self-help taking 500mg vinegar capsules x2/50kg and x3/75kg in 4 times daily; it can cure Covid-19 within 2 days; which is able to cure and prevent the most of airborne infectious diseases to empty emergency room of hospitals; while multi-combines with melatonin, vitamins and other cheaper handily available remedies, we will be able to cure chronic degenerative diseases and reduce the occurrence of illness; by taking daily once as health-keeping to timely repair the lessons of aging, it will extend our prime life to disease free healthy 120 years.

My wife and my son were both Covid infected, in the state of fever, cough, lethargy in sleeping did not eat or drink for a day long; after take vinegar slept 3 hours got up asking for drinking and eating, then took another dose sleeping hours cured quickly. I take the preparation daily, did not know whether infected.

COVID-19 is still in making infections and causing death, actually people are able to home cured easily by taking vinegar, and also daily inhaling Vinegar or/and HOCl mixed air is able to prevent airborne infectious diseases to uproot pandemic COVID-19; by spraying vinegar or/and HOCl in feedlots; we are able to avoid massive slaughterer of poultry and livestock. Significantly vinegar and HOCl can increase the outputs of the eggs and the meets.

The diet use proved vinegar safe in intake; the LD50 of Sodium hypochlorite is 5800 mg/kg or 290g/50kg in nearly double than that of vinegar LD50 165g/50kg; so that the use of HOCL will be safe. Also, many modern studies have directly or indirectly show, individually, they both have full cover multi-therapeutic effects as that of the multi-combined medcinals did.

In 2019, article Disinfect the Natural Way indicates that human immunity is by releasing Hypochlorous acid - HOCl kills viruses and invading pathogens. So, since the birth of mammals, it is HOCl in functioning immunity.

March 2020, article Breadth of concomitant immune responses prior to patient recovery: a case report of non-severe COVID-19 reports that a COVID-19 sufferer self-recovered after the increase of immune cells in blood.

The finding reveals the fact that the recovery of Covid-19 was from the natural restoration. 

That giving patient’s oxygen or drugs are for maintaining their lives to wait for boosted immune cells releasing HOCl to kill virus; but the process is slow; some patients may be too weak to boost immunity, luckily we are able to help by giving medication.

The respiratory tract is a reservoir for airborne infectious virus entry, replication and spread along with normal breath, so that kills virus in respiratory tract is the best way to stop the replication and spread of the viruses.

The report of zero infections in China’s plants Iran by daily HOCl disinfection inspired me to conduct a meats plant zero infection in Canada; I found that daily once inhaling HOCl mixed air is able to prevent airborne infectious diseases to end pandemic COVID-19. Because disinfection and wearing masks in plant cannot prevent employees from being cluster infected at home.

Here needs to indicate that because of the special work environment of meets plant in low temperature and intensive manual operation of operators have to work shoulder to shoulder in difficult maintaining social distancing to have increased risk of coronavirus infections. Globally it is just due to the existence of the meet plant made the area in high infection rate.

Significantly; in my conducted plant, those people who work on daily disinfection have inhaled times more HOCI mixed air than others did; but they still do the same job after 4 years.

Since Mar. 2020, for killing Covid-19 in respiratory tract by vinegar & HOCI, I failed hundreds emails, phone calls, even bought a fax machine to fax.

Mar 12, 2024, Japan Health ministry urges caution after measles outbreak reports that Measles is highly contagious disease in virus spreads through airborne transmission. The health ministry urged residents to get their measles shots following the confirmation of eight cases of the illness among passengers who arrived on a flight from overseas in late February, amid a continuing global spread of the disease; followed by seven secondary infections confirmed.

Obviously, airborne diseases continue to emerge, threatening people's lives and economic development, and continuous vaccination will drain government finances. Only using anti-virus air to kill viruses in the respiratory tract is a once-and-for-all. The medical experts in Western medicine have invented disease X to deceive more investments.

I suggested above formula is due to that the ingredients are being long used in easily acceptable and handy available by majority people, actually there were more effective one than that, but that will cause the arguments of people, due to the social elements from inhuman Western civilization damaging their cognition, so that they confidently taking wrong as right and promoting bad for good, by making the reasons in people can't question to kill all of effective medications.  

People can't stop breathing, because the physiological activities of human body need the divalent electronegativity of oxygen atoms. Although the physiological activities are the process that needs to the participation of many intermediate and permanent derivatives in the complex process, but the basic driven force is the electronegativities of atoms.

The chemical effect of atomic electronegativities from the atoms of polar molecular are able to kill viruses and bacteria by damaging their covalent bonded structure; while the atomic electronegativities are able to stimulate the physiological activities of covalent bond structured human body; thereby produce broad cure effects without formation of drug resistance.

Therefore, the medicinal use of atomic electronegativity is the potential hope for curing chronic degenerative diseases. Thus the atoms and chemicals that can produce electronegativity will be able to medicinally used as the carrier of atomic electronegativities, such as, according to Periodic Table of Elements, the electronegativity values are F (4.0) > O (3.5) > Cl (3.0) = N (3.0) > Br (2.8) > C (2.5) = I (2.5) = S (2.5) , etc.; the hydroxide radicals, carbonate radicals, sulfate radicals, and so on.

The medicinal use of atomic electronegativity is the potential hope for curing incurable chronic degenerative diseases by activating the physiological activates as the role of knocking open the physiological door of body to make other medicinals enter and take effect by getting synergistic interaction to magnify their therapeutic role. 

I infer that the full cover therapeutic effect of Vinegar is from atomic electronegativity of oxygen in the molecular of vinegar. Therefore, the medicinal use of atomic electronegativity is the potential hope for curing chronic degenerative diseases.

Although; chlorine dioxide, carbonate, etc. are more effective; but, people may not accept them at present. Fortunately, the above convincing reliable remedies to compose therapeutic combo have enough.

Please see attached article Integrate TCM philosophy to humanize medication.

3... Rationalize medical philosophy to optimize disease treatment and medication

3.1... Drug concept revolution:The electronegativities of atoms in polar chemicals can be used for therapy.

3.2... Drug concept revolution: The synergistic interactions of compound medication will be god medicine

3.3... Drug concept revolution: Melatonin will be the God medicine by perfecting nutrition processing

3.4... Drug concept revolution: The Orthomolecular Medicine is best drug sources

3.5... Develop new drug based on brand new drug concept

1.1... The philosophy of TCM is suitable for human life

Human body is complex organic system in dynamic developing under the impact of unknown or known but uncontrollable factors; so that it must be regarded as Chaotic System to deal with by Chaos Theory, in this concern, the macro dialectic philosophy Daoism guided Traditional Chinese medicine –TCM is suitable for human life; while the micro precision seeking philosophy Reductionism guided Western medicine is opposite; this was the reason that western medicine has to coined incurable diseases and chronic degenerative diseases.

Dec. 21 2011, I once wrote article Chinese Medicine - A Promising Therapeutic Approach, excerpt some as below.

TCM takes Daoism as guidance in viewing human body as emotional organic whole of all parts are connected and influenced; by natural therapies and compound medication of natural medicinals restoring Yin-Yang balance as treatment. In thousands years ago; it has found that psychological factors are in decisively affecting the occurrence and development of disease, so that it believed that the treatment is seven-tenths in psychotherapy, only three-tenths in medication and said that there is a clown in town will be better than that there is a dozen of doctors.

TCM has developed unique methods in diseases diagnosis and treatment by natural ways, such as Pulse diagnosis, Tongue diagnosis, Acupuncture, Massage, especially a large number choice of natural drugs.

According to the statistic of national investigation of mainland China in the 80's of 20th century, there are 11,146 plants, 1581 animals and 80 minerals as medicinal using. The <Dictionary of Traditional Chinese Medicine Prescription> selected nearly 100 thousands of experience-based formulas from prescriptions of TCM since there are written records in the history of China, which covering almost all known diseases. Thanks the scientists of China, they have made many useful modern researches on Chinese medicinals by emulating the methods of western medicine, and to have had those experience-based formulas updated and produced great many OCT drugs in the forms of convenient for using. Such as, injections and sugar covered tablets with the labels of providing treated-ranges, precautions and dosages.

Modern studies from the level of molecular, protein and gene found those natural drugs containing a wide range of bioactive constituents. Some of them have therapeutic effect that is similar to that of synthetic ones in killing the pathogenic agents directly, and some of them have nutritional effect that is similar to that of orthomolecular medicine. For ill-debilitated patients, nutrition is even more important than that of drugs. I think that this is the unique advantages of natural drugs, and also it is the unique advantages of TCM.

Modern researches revealed that some of Chinese medicinals can improve human immunity, such as, boosting the weight gains of immune organs, increasing the number and activity of the phagocytes, NK cells and so on. Therefore, in subjective viewing, TCM is to regulate the physical balance, but in objective practicing, the process of the regulations plays a role of improving the immune function, then the pathogenic agents to be killed by enhanced immune system. Although, in TCM there are no concepts of modern immunology, such as, immune organs or immune cells, the experience-based formulas were never to have considered on immunity, however, some of preparations by those formulas are playing the therapeutic role through enhancing human immunity. More significant is that when the physical balance of patient is restored, the most of uncomfortable symptoms of patient would be largely improved, such as, poor appetite, angst and insomnia, patient would feel much better not only in physical but also in psychological. Indeed, the physical improvement also plays the role of psychotherapy. The recovery of the diseases can certainly be accelerated.

The compound prescription is unique therapeutic method of TCM, which is to put many different natural drugs together as one dose. Studies have proved that drugs in compound using are able to generate synergy effect of multiplying the positive effect of each other. The findings revealed the mystery that preparations by experience-based formulas of TCM are more effective on some specific diseases and provided clear guidance for selecting effective natural drugs aiming on specific pathogenic. This is the reason that, in my hand, Chinese natural drugs seem to have gained magic in treating some thorny diseases, such as, Schizophrenia, fat liquefaction of incision and so on. Chinese medicinals will be a powerful therapeutic approach on the diseases both communicable and non-communicable, which not satisfied by the treatment of synthetic drugs. Clearly, Chinese medicine is promising resource in developing new therapeutic approaches both drugs and therapies. Also it has huge market potential.

Drug giants turn to TCM seeking way out

Recently, after huge expenditures on drug R&D failed, several pharmaceutical manufacturing giants announced the withdrawal of the drug development on Alzheimer’s.

A few years ago, there were pharmaceutical giants withdrew from new version antibiotic R$D due to the rapid mutations of the virus to have largely shortened the marketing time of new developed antibiotics.

The reality is urging us to serious consider the way out for the dilemma in human health care. The best way is to explore therapeutic approaches that are easy in home use, cheaper in private affordable, so that people can be self-help in health keeping and diseases treating; by which helps people get rid of fully relying on unaffordable mainstream medicine and thereby get rid of the harm of wrongful social governance and greed of people’s inborn nature that free play in over commercialized world.

For such a concern, that folk ancestral medicine may provide help.

Among variety of the folk ancestral medicines, the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) was the best one with the profound theories of thousands years accumulation in written records, which provide effective methods in diseases diagnose and treatment with broad availabilities in natural medicine - 11,146 medicinal plants, 1581 medicinal animals and 80 medicinal minerals with nearly 100 thousands of experience-based formulas.

The convincing therapeutic effects of natural Chinese medicinals have encouraged the FDA, EU and Canada to issue laws to promote its popularization by treating it as OTC in the name of supplements or food additives.

In Cuba, due to short of money, they promote preventive medicine and hardly seek cheaper effective medications, in which, Chinese medicine has been playing a key role.

Reports: Natural and Traditional Medicine in Cuba: Lessons For U.S. Medical EducationCuba's Green Revolution - Natural Medicine Advances.

In addition, there was report that in the US, the not-for-profit and public hospitals have developed unsustainable.

28 August 2018, article Research Announcement: Moody's - US NFP & public hospitals’ annual medians show expense growth topping revenues for second year reports that: Expense growth continues to outpace revenue growth for US not-for-profit and public hospitals, and the widening gap places the sector on an unsustainable path. This is the second consecutive year expenses have topped revenues, and will remain the largest strain on NFP hospital profitability through 2019.

The report said, Revenue pressures continue to overshadow expense saving initiatives, while the median annual expense growth rate decelerated to 5.7% from 7.1%, but, annual revenue growth rate declined faster, to 4.6% from 6.1%."

The evidence of psychotherapy and restoration

More valuable, Chinese medicine emphasizing that psychological factors play decisive role in affecting human health with a long practice that treatment is seven tenth in promoting psychological rehabilitation, only three tenth in medication. Its correctness proved by modern double-blinded-placebo cured rate 50-60% and many self-recovered incurable cases.

1.. The people who live in a normal life after damaged-half-brain was fully removed, MRI scan found that some areas on right brain has developed as the function of disappeared brain.

2.. A British stroke man who has been 'left to die” by doctors, but himself stood up in 6 months through moving bodies by will, which started from a big toe, then other areas of body.

3.. The transplanted-cancer of rats disappeared or shrunk by group socially activities with large group of 25 in a larger room, but, has no changes for those rats were in small group of 5.

4.. A 10 years old British girl Kirsty Collier's heart grew back after a third was removed when she was in 4 months old due to heart attack.

Chinese medicinals can magnify the effect of psychotherapy by regulating physical balance.

The philosophy of Western medicine is the Reductionism that regards human body as assembly of inanimate parts, the treatment is to find and kill pathogens, which led it less effective for degenerative diseases. It is also increasingly ineffective for infectious diseases, due to quick mutation of the virus, which triggered the rise of TCM.

In medicine field, the emergence of systems biology and evidence-based medicine shows that medical philosophy has been quietly updating from Reductionism towards Holism by gradually increasing the holistic ingredients.

1.2... Synergistic effect can magnify therapeutic effect

1980s, Germany once made about 300 herbal studies and many other studies found that multiple medicinal ingedients can produce synergistic interaction; the more ingrediets combined the stronger cure effect the fewer side effects.

The facts proved the correctness of hounds years ago compound medication of TCM; which has revolutionized the concept of drugs - the beast medication comes from unlimited combination in regardless of natural or synthetic.

For example, if it used individually, lithium, trametinib and rapamycin can extend life span of fruit flies to 11%, if two of them combined to 30%, and if all of combined together to 48%.

The 13 natural medicinals made Lianhua Qingwen capsule of TCM achieved care rate over 90% in Covid-19 patients by 160 bioactive ingredients; 57 proteins, and 35 signal pathways.

Also, any disease is syndrome in multi-lesions developing; therefore, it is impossible to develop drugs by making clear of each symptom as Western medicine has been in doing. It is necessary to follow the compound prescription of TCM; which provided multi-medicinals at the same time will be able to cure multi-lesions as shotgun is able to hit multi-targets by multi-projectiles in blind shot 

1.3... The philosophy of Western medicine is not suitable for human life

Western medicine develops by taking philosophy Reductionism as guidance in regarding human body as lifeless assembly by subdividing body into micro units as protein, genes, etc., study the development of diseases, by developing synthetic drugs and genetic patches as treatment; without sense of psychology in decisively affecting disease development.

People will never believe that trusted scientific double-blind clinic trial of Western medicine acts as killer in past 60 years to have killed many people and helps Covid-19 kills 20 million and destroyed world economy.

I never deny the great contributions of Western medicine in saving human lives. However, in terms of medication of drug treatment, it has been in playing the negative role in large scale killing people.

1955, it found that placebo effect achieved 50-60% cure rate in similar with that TCM recognized in thousands years ago; and then found that the effect of many synthetic drugs are lower than that of placebo did with side effect, Western medicine has to take double-blind clinic trial test in single ingredient to prove drug effective than placebo did, thus, in the process of doing for good in doing bad; since then it has been dumping the best one in multi-ingredients.

It was just the deception in unquestionable scientific reliability; the double-blind clinical trial addicted many people as psychosis in yelling those medicinals are unscientific, that folk treatment is unproven; by such a way scaring people dared not self-help by handy remedies to save life. Otherwise the pandemic Covid-19 would not kill 20 million to have ruined life of people by destroyed economy.

The tragedy of Western civilization is that it made too many ideologies for reckless people doing bad for good.

1.4... Kill virus in respiratory tract to stop replication

The respiratory tract is a reservoir for airborne infectious virus entry, replication and spread along with normal breath, so that kills virus in respiratory tract is the best way to stop the replication and spread of the viruses.

The report of zero infections in China’s plants Iran by daily HOCl disinfection inspired me to conduct a meats plant zero infection in Canada; I found that daily once inhaling HOCl mixed air is able to prevent airborne infectious diseases to end pandemic COVID-19. Because disinfection and wearing masks in plant cannot prevent employees from being cluster infected at home.

Here needs to indicates that because of the special work environment of meets plant in low temperature and intensive manual operation of operators have to work shoulder to shoulder in difficult maintaining social distancing to have increased risk of coronavirus infections. Globally it is just due to the existence of the meet plant made the area in high infection rate.

Significantly; in my conducted plant, those people who work on daily disinfection have inhaled times more HOCI mixed air than others did; but they still do the same job after 4 years.

1.5... Vinegar and HOCL is the safe antiviral disinfectant

The long use proved vinegar safe in intake; the LD50 of Sodium hypochlorite is 290g/50kg in nearly double than that of vinegar LD50165g/50kg; so that the use of HOCL will be safe. Studies indirectly show that HOCL has full cover therapeutic effects as that of the multi-medcinals.

In 2019, article Disinfect the Natural Way indicates that human immunity is by releasing Hypochlorous acid - HOCl kills viruses and invading pathogens. So, since the birth of mammals, it is HOCl in functioning immunity.

Studies show that both of vinegar and HOCI can disinfect Covid-19 virus. HOCI is more effective than vinegar.

Studies proved that vinegar can effectively inactivate SARSCoV-2

Jun. 24, 2020, Japan, study report Virucidal effect of acetic acid and vinegar on SARSCoV-2: Both 4% and 6% acetic acid aqueous solutions effectively inactivated the virus after 5-min incubation with a reduction over 4 log, resulting in a viral titre below the detection limit. In addition, white distilled vinegar (5% and 6% acetic acid concentrations) inactivated SARS-CoV-2 after 1-min incubation with reduction of over 4 log and a viral titre below the detection limit.

July 20, 2020, Italy, study report Vinegar and Its Active Component Acetic Acid Inhibit SARS-CoV-2 Infection In Vitro and Ex Vivo: both vinegar and acetic acid strongly inactivate SARS-CoV-2 infectivity in Vero cells. The vinegar treatment caused a 90% inhibition of the infectious titer when directly applied to a nasopharyngeal swab transfer medium of a COVID-19 patient. The fumigation of vinegar at low concentration (0.34%) ameliorated the symptoms of mild SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Feb 8, 2023, report Effect of acetic acid inactivation of SARS-CoV-2: 6% acetic acid, a concentration typically found in white distilled vinegar, effectively inactivated SARS-CoV-2 after 15-min incubation with a complete loss of replication of competent virus as measured by TCID50. Transmission electron microscopy further demonstrated that 6% acetic acid disrupts SARS-CoV-2 virion structure. In addition, 6% acetic acid significantly inhibits and disrupts the binding of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein binding to ACE2, the primary SARS-CoV-2 cell receptor, after contact with spike protein for 5, 10, 30 and 60 minutes incubation.

Above study by vinegar in 4%-6% concentration is for getting killing effect in minutes, but such concentration of vinegar cannot be used as in-take, but I believe that one molecular of vinegar will be able to kill one Covid-19 virus. Though, it may not be possible to inactivate it immediately, but the replicating ability of virus can be eliminated immediately; and little longer time, the virus will be killed also; which means that in taking vinegar in lower concentration can kill Covid-19 virus.

The Covid-19 infection and all of airborne infectious diseases can be prevented and cured by inhaling Vinegar or/and HOCI mixed air. By Vinegar or/and HOCI mixed air fills out emergency room, in couple of hours, the most of patients will be cured to home.

I infer that by spraying vinegar or/and HOCl in feedlots; we are able to avoid massive slaughterer of poultry and livestock. Significantly; studies show that vinegar can increase the immune cells and increase the outputs of the eggs and the meets of livestock, the HOCl will be much better.

I wet a corner of a handkerchief with diet vinegar; then cover my mouth and nose to inhale vinegar mixed air once a day before going to bed; which can prevent Covid infections and stop snoring.

Actually, diet vinegar and handily remedies are the best to cure Covid-19 infections effectively without the need of vaccinations.

1.6... Vinegar & melatonin has effects as multi-medicinals

Don’t addict on others; please Google by self, vinegar, melatonin, hypochlorite derivatives, some chemicals; vitamin C and B, individually, all have multi-therapeutic effect as multi-medicinals.

Diet vinegar affects various physiological activities; can de-structure Covid-19 virus, anti-cancer, increase immune cells in blood; and can regulate physiological indicators returning to normal.

Melatonin participate in various physiological activities; can promote nerve regeneration; rescue kidney failure stem cells, repair aging lessons; repair aging of nerve system and immune system.

Vitamin C and B participate in various physiological activities in decisively affecting health; many diseases are caused by the lack of these nutrients. Individually, Vitamin C and B all can cure diseases; the key is at use in megadose to ensure their concentration in blood.

Vitamin C and B belong to Orthomolecular medicine; which is a form of alternative medicine that aims to maintain human health through adding nutritional supplementation.

It can be imagined that if they all added into one dose, the synergistic interaction will magnify their therapeutic effect to incredibly powerful; and take regularly will uproot illness from buds and timely repair lessons of aging to extend prime life; it is easy to healthy 120 years.

1.7... Chemical electronegativity can cure all of diseases

People can't stop breathing, because the physiological activities of human body need the divalent electronegativity of oxygen atoms. Although the physiological activities are a complex process that needs to the participation of many intermediate and permanent derivatives in the process, but the basic driven force are the electronegativities of atoms.

I infer that therapeutic effect of vinegar is derived from the atomic electronegativities of the Oxygen in vinegar molecular. The chemical effect of atomic electronegativities are able to kill viruses and bacteria by damaging their covalent bond that is in bonding their structure; while the atomic electronegativities are able to stimulate the physiological activities of covalent bond structured human body; thereby producing wide range of therapeutic effects without the formation of drug resistance.

The medicinal use of atomic electronegativity is the potential hope for curing incurable chronic degenerative diseases by activating the physiological activates as the role of knocking open the physiological door of body to make other medicinals enter and take effect by getting synergistic interaction to magnify their therapeutic role. 

I infer that the full cover therapeutic effect of Vinegar is from atomic electronegativity of oxygen in the molecular of vinegar. Therefore, the medicinal use of atomic electronegativity is the potential hope for curing chronic degenerative diseases.

1.8... Derivatives of HOCI and Radicals will be best medication

The atoms and chemicals that can produce electronegativity will be able to medicinally used as the carrier of atomic electronegativities, such as, according to Periodic Table of Elements, the electronegativity values are F (4.0) > O (3.5) > Cl (3.0) = N (3.0) > Br (2.8) > C (2.5) = I (2.5) = S (2.5) , etc.; and Hydroxide Radicals, Carbonate Radicals, Sulfate Radicals, and so on.

The HOCl and its derivatives are not only safe in use; but also are more effective than vinegar did; due to there are two atoms O (3.5) and Cl (3.0) in higher electronegativity values. Studies show that it is able to anti-aging by facilitating to unfold the mis-folded proteins that caused by aging and potentially pathogenic; such as, in the Alzheimer’s disease, atherosclerosis, and arthritis.

Chlorine dioxide is stronger in therapeutic effects. According to post A word from Jim Humble, the chlorine dioxide can eradicate a wide range of disease, including cancer, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, HIV/AIDS, malaria, autism, infections of all kinds, arthritis, high cholesterol, acid reflux, kidney or liver diseases, aches and pains, allergies, urinary tract infections, digestive problems, high blood pressure, obesity, parasites, tumors, cysts, and much more.

The LD50 of chlorine dioxide is 292 mg/kg or 14g/50 in rat, oral, LC50 is 0.29 mg/L by inhalation. I infer that the safe and effective dose for medicinal use of chlorine dioxide should be 300 - 600mg/50kg in 4 times daily; by comparison with that of vinegar; the effect of chlorine dioxide is more powerful.

Dec 2021, article Chlorine dioxide is a more potent antiviral agent against SARS-CoV-2 than sodium hypochlorite said that by concentrated SARS-CoV-2 viruses were treated with various concentrations of ClO2 and sodium hypochlorite and 50% tissue culture infective dose was calcurated to evaluate the antiviral activity of each chemical. Altogether, the results strongly suggest that although ClO2 and sodium hypochlorite are strong antiviral agents in absence of organic matter but in presence of organic matter, ClO2 is a more potent antiviral agent against SARS-CoV-2 than sodium hypochlorite.

1.9... Carbonate Raducal has wide range of therapeutic effect

The best example for the medicinal use of chemical radicals is the use of Amorphous Calcium Carbonate.

Dec. 22, 2021, article Israeli drug prevents 100% of COVID patients from deteriorating in trial reports that all 18 COVID-19 patients hospitalized with moderate or severe symptoms who received the drug Amor-18 developed by Israeli biotech company Amorphical recovered and were discharged in a few days. Of the 19 individuals who were given a placebo, six had to be transferred to intensive care, and two died. As part of compassionate care, two other patients in a very serious condition were given the drug; both were recovered and were discharged.

Amor-18, which uses Amorphous Calcium Carbonate (ACC) as the main ingredient, was administered orally or by inhalation.

A Mandarin report said that Amorphous calcium carbonate (ACC) has significant effects in regulating microenvironment pH, local anti-inflammatory activity, enhancing immunity, affecting cancer cell metabolism, etc. Clinical results show that amorphous calcium carbonate (ACC) can be used as a creative new treatment for a variety of calcium-related diseases such as bone diseases, hypothyroidism, cancer (lung cancer, thyroid cancer, breast cancer, rectal cancer, prostate cancer, leukemia, etc.), inflammation, skin diseases, psoriasis, etc.

1.10...Genetic studies and its products can never benefit but harmful

In 2003, we once cheered for the completion of Human Genome Project with the happy that we could uproot all diseases as easy as that of adjusting the clock time by turning the hands of the clock. Since then, the medical spending was mostly wasted in the studies of genetic therapies and such stuff reported endlessly; but, until today, there no one is stable clinically.

Because of, human body is complex organic system; there are dozens even hundreds different gene-fragments in affecting one disease; and under the decisive affecting of the uncontrollable psychological factors.

It is already clear that even a single disease involves numerous gene segments, and there are many uncontrollable factors that influence the occurrence and development of the disease. Therefore, Western medicine's misguided genetic research will not produce beneficial results for humans. This is why, reported gene therapies cannot be stably used clinically.

American chemist, the Nobel Prize winner professor Linus Pawling, who was firstly studying how the atoms bonded as basic unit of life and accordingly wrote book of The nature of chemical bond. He once said that, if I were an atom, then the Length of protein will be up to the moon; which shows the hugeness and complexity of the structure of human cells. 

Human body composed of cells (genes) in huge numbers that can be compared with the huge numbers of the planets in Galaxy; so that human body is extremely complex organic system; there are dozens of gene-fragments in affecting the development of one disease and subject to many unclear and uncontrollable factors, especially the psychological factors in playing decisive role.

The manner of the study on genetic therapy and vaccines is as same as that of the kids want to change the Galaxy by jumping on Earth. I infer that the genetic research will never produce the result that is able to good for human life, besides evil used dooming human life by messing human harmony organic system easily as that of covid-19 virus in doing. 

Those who report on surprising gene therapies are in defraud of scientific research funds and waste social resources. They know full well that the gene therapy they advocate is not feasible, but they still dare to deceive; Western civilization dehumanized too many people.

Vaccines are effective against viruses that do not mutate, such as smallpox. Today, it is clear that vaccines are ineffective against the ever-mutating Covid-19, but have fatal side effects in damaging huamn life and promotion not prevention of infection and severe illness.

Dec. 2022, article Covid-19 Isn't a Pandemic of the Unvaccinated Anymore indicates that since the beginning of the pandemic Covid-19, the people are 65 and older accounted for 75 percent of all American Covid deaths. That numbers even dropped below 60 percent as September 2021. Today, there were 94 percent of American seniors vaccinated, but the numbers of the new Covid deaths among American 65 and over were accounted for 90 percent.

There was report that in Singapore, among the severe cases of the Covid-19, the proportion of people who have not been vaccinated is 0.13 percent, but the proportion of people who have been vaccinated is as high as 0.27 percent.

May 19 2024, Ex-CDC Director Says It's High Time To Admit 'Significant Side Effects' Of COVID-19 Vaccines: Dr. Robert Redfield, former director of CDC, said that many officials who tried to warn the public about potential problems with COVID-19 vaccines were pressured into silence and that it’s high time to admit that there were “significant” side effects that made people sick.

Western civilization dehumanized too many people in recklessly play. 

I infer that the genetic studies and the products can never be benefit; but harm human life by fatal side effect and even used to develop biological weapons as that of Covid-19 by easily messing harmony organic system of human life.

Now the pandemic Covid-19 is still ongoing with emptied government finances by profiting expensive vaccines and protein-antibody drugs, and by anti-epidemic quarantine policies of Western medicine destroyed the world economy.

The expensive vaccines and protein-antibody drugs played extreme bad role besides side effects harm people, also misleads negative prevention without kills virus in respiratory tract to stop the replication and spread of virus.

Please dig out brain cells for vaccines.

Terribly; Western medicine researches were falsified and unreliable 

Jan. 18, 2024, article Critics claim to find flaws in dozens of Alzheimer's studies by Temple scientist reports that Temple University scientist Domenico Praticò helped secure a $3.8 million state grant to study Alzheimer’s disease, school officials hailed the news as a sign that his research center was “poised to become a national leader in dementia research.” However, there were reports that Praticò improperly reused or altered images of mouse brains that accompanied his studies, thereby making his findings appear stronger than they really were. Also his works have numerous instances of data incongruity.

Article said that research misconduct has drawn increased concern in recent years, and in 2023, an analysis by the journal Nature found that more than 10,000 research papers had been retracted that year — meaning they were formally withdrawn due to deliberate fabrication, major errors, or other serious flaws — a record high. Although that represents a small fraction of studies published, the consequences can be severe.

1.11...The optimal use of available medicinals

The drug concept proposed above breaks the traditional cognition and will inevitably cause attacks of Western civilization dehumanized people, who professionally look for attacking to show self smart, but have no sense and ability doing humanized business. 

Humanized people will study of how to medicinally use of cheaper remedies safely, rather than simply rejection as western medicine poisoned people. 

Under the philosophy of TCM; the cheaper, handy, effective and sufficient daily diets; TCM natural medicinals, vitamins & minerals of Orthomolecular Medicine; the chemicals in polar molecular, chemical radicals and HOCl derivatives that are able to produce atomic electronegativities, etc., will be the best medications.

Please Google, individually, diet Vinegar, Melatonin, Vitamins, natural medicinals, some chemicals; all have therapeutic effects as that multi-combined medicinal ingredients produced. If we put all of them together in one dose, their synergistic interaction produced therapeutic effect will be surprisingly powerful.

Then we are able achieve breakthrough in the treatment of infectious and non-infectious diseases, especially chronic degenerative dissuades and help people self-help in disease treatment and health keeping at home timely; which will avoid to be hospitalized and uproot the pressure of emergency room with the potential of curing more than 50% of inpatients, and reduce the occurrences of illness, thereby uprooting the dilemma of unaffordable drugs and overcrowded hospitals.

By 500mg vinegar capsules x 2 /50kg and x 3 /50kg + 3-5mg melatonin + 3g vitamin C + 3000 UI vitamin B will make more than 50% of inpatients out of hospitals; radically reduce the occurrence of disease, and as healthcare curing the potential diseases and repairing aging lesions timely; it is possible to extend the prime of life to healthy 120 years.

Although; chlorine dioxide, carbonate, etc. are more effective; but, people may not accept them at present. Fortunately, the above convincing reliable remedies to compose therapeutic combo have enough.

Please see attached article Integrate TCM philosophy to humanize medication.

3... Rationalize medical philosophy to optimize disease treatment and medication

3.1... Drug concept revolution:The electronegativities of atoms in polar chemicals can be used for therapy.

3.2... Drug concept revolution: The synergistic interactions of compound medication will be god medicine

3.3... Drug concept revolution: Melatonin will be the God medicine by perfecting nutrition processing

3.4... Drug concept revolution: The Orthomolecular Medicine is best drug sources

3.5... Develop new drug based on brand new drug concept

1.12... Western medicine poisoned people deadly reject effective medications

But, the good cheaper effective medicinals are not east to be used; due to that double blind clinic trial of Western medicine has poisoned the cognitive function of too many people; especially those ignorant people who are reckless in over active and often seized the leading position academically and officially in taking decisive role; such people will reject the use of handily remedies as that of psychosis according to the illusion caused by brain defects.  

Mar 16 2022, article Apple cider vinegar efficiency in treating Covid not yet proven showed that even if many people reported that they were cured by vinegar intake or steam fumigation; but the medical expert still says that it was not proven. It is clear that only proven by double blind clinic trial is a proven, but people have been cured was not proven, which is a typical manner of psychosis.

May 8 2020, article Chinese netizens mock Swedish Customs' 'testing' of Chinese medicine reports that Swedish Customs' accusation and embargo of Chinese medicine Lianhua Qingwen capsule; because they test the capsules, only found menthol.

But as mentioned above, Lianhua Qingwen capsule has 160 bioactive ingredients and 57 proteins to cure Covid-19 by 35 signal pathways. The deeds of Swedish medical experts and officials were the vivid evidence that I said the ignorant people who are reckless in over active and often seized the leading position.

In the birthplace of TCM; a medical expert in western medicine; who was extremely excited and acting over active since the start of pandemic Covid-19 until this day; he endlessly talkative conducting anti-pandemic Covid-19; as earlier as Feb 2020, he published book said that vinegar and TCM medicinals are ineffective for Covid-19 virus. 

March 2020, article Breadth of concomitant immune responses prior to patient recovery: a case report of non-severe COVID-19 reports that a COVID-19 sufferer self-recovered after the increase of immune cells in blood.

The finding reveals the fact that the recovery of Covid-19 was from the natural restoration. That giving patient’s oxygen or drugs are for maintaining their lives to wait for immune cells releasing HOCl to kill virus; but the process is slow; some patients may be too weak to boost immunity, the vinegar and TCM medicinals are just good at development of immune cells.  

In China; Western civilization dehumanized people also rejected the experts of TCM in curing Covid patients; the top leadership of 7 members’ politburo has to hold special meeting to replaced the leader of Western medicine expert and force them cooperating with the experts of TCM and then quickly cured Covid patients in less death and less patients in complications.

People have been questioning that whether the government of China concealed the number of deaths in Covid-19 and the patients in serious complications; now you have understood that they were Western medicine harmed.

Western medicine dehumanized medical experts were too many in globally distributed; they were and are acting as the actual killer in massively killing people by kicking away the most effective and cheaper handily medications.

The facts show that Western medicine is evil as same as that democracy is doing.

Please see attached articles; you will be shocked by the ignorance of medical experts in Western medicine; especially WHO plays a role in bad than good under the misleading of Western medicine expert consultants in globally distributed. If there is no WHO, it will have no authoritative organization to endorse and enhance the wrongful results of Western medical experts; the pandemic Covid-19 would not be out of control to have killed 20 million and badly destroyed world economy.   

Being anger resigned White House Coronavirus Adviser Prof. Scott Atlas, who sighs that the tragedy of SARS2 pandemic and the need to restore trust in the country’s vital institutions: the management of this pandemic has left a stain on many of America’s once noble institutions, including our elite universities, research institutes and journals, and public health agencies. Among the most damaged has been the harm to the essential functioning of science, research, and debate.

Inhuman Western civilization has dehumanized too many people.

Since Mar 2020, I have sent hundreds emails, phone calls and then I specially bought a fax machine to send faxes to officials of WHO and countries to suggest ending pandemic by vinegar or HOCl; but all failed; which included Gov-officials and hospitals of Singapore, you may ask assistants of Gov-officials: which was not their fault, I also cannot convince my sister and brother; finally they even refused to talk with me.

The psychotic manner of so many people also revealed the reason that why there are too many people addicted in democracy. These people, like those addicted to gambling and drugs, have being damaged brains.

Some officials and medical experts acted as the killer aider of the Covid-19 virus    

It is just that double blind clinic trial misled those top medical experts of consultants of WHO acted as the aider of the Covid-19 virus by kicking away the effective drugs for curing Covid patients; otherwise; there were more than 90% of Covid died people would be still alive and in enjoying life with their beloved families.

In the birthplace of TCM; the Western medicine poisoned people are also rejecting TCM in the treatment of Covid patients; the top leadership of 7 members’ politburo of China have to hold special meeting to force the dehumanized people cooperating with the experts of TCM; so that Covid patients were less death and less long Covid sufferers.

Ban the use of HCQ caused over 50% of global 6.5 million Covid deaths     

Since Mar 2020, WHO launched COVID-19 Solidarity Therapeutics Trial that involves 52 countries, 600 hospitals, 2000 researchers and 14,200 hospitalized patients with CONCLUSIONS by report Repurposed antiviral drugs for COVID-19 –interim WHO SOLIDARITY trial results: these Remdesivir, Hydroxychloroquine, Lopinavir and Interferon regimens appeared to have little or no effect on hospitalized COVID-19, as indicated by overall mortality, initiation of ventilation and duration of hospital stay.

However, July 2, 2020, article Treatment with Hydroxychloroquine Cut Death Rate Significantly in COVID-19 Patients reports that Henry Ford Health System made a large-scale retrospective analysis of 2,541 patients hospitalized between March 10 and May 2, 2020 across the system’s six hospitals; found that 13% of those treated with hydroxychloroquine alone died compared to 26.4% not treated with hydroxychloroquine. None of the patients had documented serious heart.

Ban the use of Remdesivir caused over 83% of global 6.6 million Covid deaths     

April 25, 2022, article Veklury® (Remdesivir) is First and Only Approved Treatment for Pediatric Patients Under 12 Years of Age with COVID-19 reports that the phase 2/3 single arm, open-label study demonstrated that Veklury (Remdesivir) was generally well-tolerated among pediatric patients hospitalized with COVID-19 with a high proportion of participants showing clinical improvement and recovery, as well as data from trials in adults. Of the 53 pediatric patients enrolled in the study, no new safety signals were apparent for patients treated with Veklury. Overall, 60% and 83% were discharged by Day 10 and Day 30, respectively.

Ban the use of Lianhua Qingwencapsule of TCM caused 90% unnecessary death

In the West, by the name of unscientific or unproven banned the use of Lianhua Qingwen Capsule of TCM to have contributed more than 90% of global 6.5 million Covid-19 deaths; according to the achievements of China in fewer Covid deaths; which should attribute to the magic therapeutic effect of compound medication of TCM.

Jan 20, 2021, article Mechanism and material basis of Lianhua Qingwen capsule for improving clinical cure rate of COVID-19: a study based on network pharmacology and molecular docking technology reports that a total 160 active components in 13 component drugs in Lianhua Qingwen capsule produced therapeutic effects against COVID-19 through 57 target proteins, involving 35 signaling pathways and Toll-like receptor signaling pathway. The results of molecular docking showed that 83 chemical components had total scores no less than 5.0 for docking with 12 target proteins with high binding activities to form stable conformations.

May 16, 2020, article Efficacy and safety of Lianhuaqingwen capsules, a repurposed Chinese herb, in patients with coronavirus disease 2019: A multicenter, prospective, randomized controlled trial reports that “284 patients (142 each in treatment and control group) in the full-analysis set. The recovery rate was significantly higher in treatment by Lianhuaqingwen as compared with control group (91.5% vs. 82.4%, p = 0.022).”

Without proper medications made tragedy of Covid deaths in Britain

Jan. 17, 2021, a report from Britain, Almost a third of recovered Covid patients return to hospital in five months and one in eight die said that out of 47,780 people who were discharged from hospital in the first wave, there 29.4 per cent were readmitted to hospital within 140 days, and 12.3 per cent of the total died. There is a devastating long-term toll on survivors of severe coronavirus, with many people developing heart problems, diabetes and chronic liver and kidney conditions.

Then how did the doctors of Great Britain create such a miracle, a case provides answer.

Feb. 5, 2021, University of Cambridge published report SARS-CoV-2 evolution during treatment of chronic infection to indicate that a 70 years old male was admitted to hospital in positive for SARS-CoV-2. Treatment included two 10-day courses of remdesivir with a 5-day gap in between during the first 57 days. Then two units of convalescent plasma were administered on days 63 and 65. After clinical deterioration, remdesivir and a unit of convalescent plasma were administered on day 95, but the individual died on day 102.

It is really a pity, in the treatment of 102 days; only remdesivir and convalescent plasma were available for the doctors of the Great Britain. However, even if the use of the remdesivir and convalescent plasma were also in against the recommendations of WHO.

Nov. 20, 2020, article WHO has issued a conditional recommendation against the use of remdesivir reports that in hospitalized patients; regardless of disease severity, as there is currently no evidence that remdesivir improves survival and other outcomes in these patients.

Aug. 24, 2020, article WHO cautious on COVID-19 plasma as U.S. issues emergency authorization reports that WHO chief scientist, said only a few clinical trials of convalescent plasma have produced results, and the evidence, at least so far, has not been convincing enough to endorse it beyond use as an experimental therapy.

It is clear that suppose the doctors of Great Britain followed the recommendations of the WHO; above 70 years old British man would face an embarrassing situation without any treatment available.

People certainly remember that WHO once launched “Solidarity” clinical trial for COVID-19 treatments, in which suggested drugs were all have showed hopeful curative effect in curing covid-19 patients, but all of them were proved as ineffective by double blind clinic trial.

It was just that scientific addiction of the double blind clinic trial misleads people working to kick away the effective medication; by such a way, indirectly; they lengthened torturing of the 70 years old British man to die by lasting 102 days.

People can imagine the feeling of the psychological torture for the doctors of the Great Britain when helplessly viewing own countryman being gradually tortured to die without proper treatment available. 

No matter is from which country; whenever I see videos or photos of medical staff wearing full PPE rescuing patients in ICU, I can't help being tearful. I am happy with their happy when they succeeded in rescuing the patients, and I am tearful with their tear for failed to rescue the patients.

Their efforts are the driving force for me, in driving me to persevere in writing the articles with the hope that can eliminate pandemic covid-19 as soon as possible. Though, sent hundreds of emails and dozens of phone calls, there were no one care about my ideas, but the scenes that medical staff wearing full PPE rescuing patients in ICU are always emerging before my eyes and driven me to continue thinking and typing. 

The tragedy happened in Britain may be the same in Canada, because of the similar treatment under same Reductionism guided Western medicine. Please see the sad report Jan. 28, 2021, The tip of the iceberg COVID long-haulers facing financial ruin and report Jan 28, 2021, Insurance claim denials leave some COVID-19 sufferers planning 'for the worst'.

Globally, there many reports that covid-19 survivors were suffering bad complications in the disabled states. We are not only need to save the life of infected people, but also, we have to ensure the cured people are healthy able to enjoy a quality life; and more importantly, only healthy people can ensure healthy labors to create quality economy for quality life.

Please don’t waste time to try to convince any of others; but simply buy a bottle of 500mg vinegar capsule to prove safe by self at first and then give to Covid-19 infected relatives and colleagues in taking 2x capsules/50kg, 2 to 3 times will cure infections. For kids may use water diluting diet vinegar + honey in concentration ratio of similar pure vinegar in body weight; or by water vinegar smear kids’ skin. Thus will get positive evidence in 2 to 3 days; then reports it.

My wife and my son were both Covid infected, in the state of fever, cough, lethargy in sleeping did not eat or drink for a day long; the two times vinegar cured quickly. I take vinegar daily, did not know whether infected.

The efforts of the Media Professionals at The Straits Times will trigger revolution in medication by attracting people willingly studying on my suggested in attached articles.

Thus, the Media Professionals at The Straits Times successfully humanized Western medicine, then please humanize the inhuman democracy of Western civilization.

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