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Democracy laid landmines bombing democracies
送交者: 風瀟瀟 2024年07月31日07:49:53 於 [加國移民] 發送悄悄話

Democracy laid landmines bombing democracies   

 Frank(HongdeLi  July 31, 2024, in  Canada     

The United States is the leader of democracies; its rise and fall determines the rise and fall of democracies.

April 27, 2023, the U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan remarks on Renewing American Economic Leadership at the Brookings Institution indicated the key in failing US economy: “The vision of public investment that had energized the American project in the postwar years—and indeed for much of our history—had faded. It had given way to a set of ideas that championed tax cutting and deregulation, privatization over public action, and trade liberalization as an end in itself.” “There was one assumption at the heart of all of this policy: that markets always allocate capital productively and efficiently.”

What Dr. Jake Sullivan indicated wrongful economic policy of the US was derived from Neoliberalism that advocates cut off the intervention of government; the initiation of the Neoliberalism was from ancient thought of China. In 1750s,  the term wu wei of Tao Te Ching that European missionaries sent back from China enlightened French Physiocrat François Quesnay to have coined economic idea laissez-faire – free market without Government intervention; which inspired British Adam Smith writing economic bible the Wealth of Nations in 1776 to further develop as Invisible Hand.

But the idea Wu Wei has never made harm in birth place China besides benefiting; while Western free world evilly developed it as Neoliberalism for meeting the need of free plunder by cutting regulation of Government.

Here is a good example; August 2012, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank and Silicon Valley Bank jointly established SPD Silicon Valley Bank China. In view of the bankruptcy of Silicon Valley Bank US, on March 11, 2023, SPD Silicon Valley Bank China specially announced that the bank has been operation strictly following the laws and regulations of China, with a standardized corporate governance structure and an independent balance sheet; which means that the bankruptcy of Silicon Valley Bank US cannot affect the operation of SPD Silicon Valley Bank China.

From the announcement of SPD Silicon Valley Bank China; we may get the feeling of that; before the U.S. bank crisis, the bankers in SPD Silicon Valley Bank China would hate the strict supervision of the government of China. However, the strict supervision has helped them to avoid operational crises, and now they are grateful and thank for the strict supervision of the government of China; and proudly declare our operation is safe.

The rare rational awareness of Dr. Jake Sullivan has been too late to take action; because of, the Lethal Landmines have been properly settled down in perfect ready to surely destroy American economy and the Federal System. And that Renewing American Economic Leadership has doomed impossible.

Faced with a dooming world that caused by uncontrollable factors, the rational politicians are powerless, they can only self-torturing psychologically, sadly no one can rationally realize the suffering of them, except for criticism.

I noticed that in recent years, National Security Advisor Dr. Jake Sullivan, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, and Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, were all as same as that of officials at the WHO, have aged than others.

It will be same, the rational officials of the West can only self-torturing psychologically to age quicker, due to that the five landmines have been properly settled down in finishing democracies; and the democracies coerced world countries in madly suicidal destruction towards the graveyard of the suicided civilizations in the Milky Way Galaxy.

The way out is at that for selfish considering the survival of themselves and their beloved families, the democratic politicians should help the transformation of social governance to let entrepreneurs have chance to say.

Firstly: Individualistic values made tragic-life damaging intelligence    Back to Top

No one realized that the radical difference in the quality of civilization related to the difference in the IQ scores or intelligence of people between China and the West; it was the poor IQ scores or poor intelligence caused west individualistic civilization.

The West freely fabricating toxic ideologies made chaotic social life badly affected the healthy grow of brain neurons to have degenerated intelligence of people; so that makes society into a self degenerating cycles - the degenerated intelligence made society as more chaos and the chaotic life makes intelligence more degenerated. This is the fundamental reason that why the people of West live bloody killings; while the people of China live in prosperity.

 May 7, 2022, a report that monozygotic twins were born 1974 rose apart in South Korea and the United States, 2018 reunited, the test in IQ scores, the US one is 16 points lower with more individualistic values from an stricter, religiously-oriented conflict atmosphere of adoption family; while the Seoul one is in high IQ score with more collectivistic values from the cohesive Mather family. The individualistic values may possibly make the US one crime for livings making as a social destructor; while the collectivistic values will make the Seoul one as quality social members as builder.

The broad reading promotes people in highest IQ scores             Back to Top

Sept. 11, 2017, a report How reading rewires your brain for greater intelligence and empathy said that, reading has been shown to make us healthier, smarter, and more empathic.

May 242017, article For the Illiterate Adult, Learning to Read Produces Enormous Brain Changes said that in May 24, 2017, a study published in Science Advances reports that a broad-ranging group of researchers—from universities in Germany, India and the Netherlands—taught reading to 21 women, all about 30 years of age from near the city of Lucknow in northern India, comparing them to a placebo group of nine women. The majority of those who learned to read could not recognize a word of Hindi at the beginning of the study. After six months, the group had reached a first-grade proficiency level.

When the researchers conducted brain scans—using functional magnetic resonance imaging—they were startled. Areas deep below the wrinkled surface, the cortex, in the brains of the new learners had changed. Their results surprised them because most reading-related brain activity was thought to involve the cortex.

The new research may overturn this presumption and may pertainpertain to child learners as well. After being filtered through the eyes, visual information may move first to evolutionarily ancient brain regions before being relayed to the visual and language areas of the cortex typically associated with reading.

For learning or reading, at the Era that has no much public media available, the book and written records has been only the available to help people in more reading, the more reading promote more perfection in brain and intelligence; which contributed in today’s people of China in highest average IQ scores globally.

China has accumulated large amount books since ancient time        Back to Top

According to Yongle Encyclopedia on Wikipedia, in 1402–1408, Yongle Emperor of the Ming dynasty commissioned 2,169 scholars costing four years to have compiled Yongle Encyclopedia that incorporated texts from ancient times through the early Ming dynasty. The encyclopedia was comprised 22,937 manuscript rolls or chapters, in 11,095 volumes, occupying roughly 40 cubic meters (in paper print), and using 370 million Chinese characters.

It was designed to include all that had been written on the Confucian canon, as well as all history, arts, philosophies, agriculture, astronomy, drama, geology, literature, medicine, natural sciences, religion and technology, as well as descriptions of unusual natural events. It was a massive collation of excerpts and works from the entirety of Chinese literature and knowledge.

Due to the foreign invasion and civil wars, now, the Yongle Encyclopedia has fewer than 400 volumes survive today, comprising about 800 chapters (rolls), or 3.5 percent of the original work; which has been kept in Mainland China, Taiwan China, Britain and the United States. On July 7, 2020, there two volumes were sold at a Paris auction for 8 million, by a Chinese lady bought back to China.

In contrast, at similar period, the books in West were fewer.

According to Book - Wikipedia that was last edited on June 22, 2017, by the 9th century, larger collections held around 500 volumes and even at the end of the Middle Ages (5th to the 15th century), the papal library in Avignon and Paris library of the Sorbonne held only around 2,000 volumes.

Dec 23, 2011, article Optimal IQ’s for Various Groups BY ROBERT A. LINDSAY provides the IQ scores for the people of different countries.

North Coastal China: 115-118, South Coastal China: 112-116

Generalized North Euros: 97-102, Generalized South Euros: 92-102

Generalized Indian: 92-96

Sub-Saharan Africans: 85ish


Photo source; https://www.quora.com/Is-it-true-that-different-countries-have-different-average-IQs

From the difference in IQ scores of people; we can understand that why the people from certain ethnic by new Silk Road builds peaceful coexistence life. Why some people have been constantly provoking wars in bombing every where and why some people have a high crime rate.

The endless manmade disasters revealed sad reality that the people in lower IQ scores are lack ability for reasoning the bad consequence for what they are doing and going to do and promote bad for good.

Luckily, the IQ scores is the statistical average of the people of an ethnic group or country. It can only show that rough approximate average proportion is more or less of the people in high IQ scores.


Photo source: https://defendingthelord.com/qa/religious-people-iq-scores-lower/

Actually, in human world; in any ethnic group or even same families, there are always some people in high IQ scores with high humanized quality, it is the people in the nature of inhuman or human taking Gov-position in making human world into inhuman or human. The endless manmade disasters show that it is the antisocial low IQ scores in taking social leading position.

This is why some politicians use the life saving money of people to develop weapons to bomb everywhere; now is pushing word people; themselves and their beloved families to be atomic cremated; but never improve the lives of their own people. In their own country, the infrastructure is in tatters, drug abuses are rampant, and shooting innocents are constant.

Their people are living in the life threat home yards. Badly, such a life treats life is just impacting the health grow of the brain neurons to lower down IQ scores and low IQ scores make the life more badly; thus falls into a suicidal cycle.

The people in low IQ scores take stupid as smart, take wrong as right and exhaustedly promoting inhuman for human; while was force bloody promoted democracy is just in granting Gov-power to such low IQ scores to ruin world.

This is the reason that the people of China live a relative longer prosperous life and explore old and new Silk Road to provide world life necessaries and rebuild the ruins everywhere after the low IQ scores endless bombing.

The social value of the highest IQ scores of the people Back to Top

The United States

Dec. 15, 2021, Lessons Learned from the Actual USA Response to COVID-19 with Roots in Social Values and Morality, Education and IQ Level.

Few days ago USA reached a grim milestone, of reaching over 700,000 deaths, 45 Million people infected from which 7 Million children, and 6 Million COVID “Long Haulers”, being the champions in COVID, because with 4% of world’s population, recording more than 25% of world’s causalities. This undisputable result made the world leery about “American exceptionalism”, in education, social values and leadership, about the capability of its arrogant population, to understand the man-made or nature generated threats and being able to adapt and prevail, making a clear distinction between the protective measures and their fictitious liberties infringements, mentioned in written documents. Many scientists understanding the aerosolized nano-body propagation of SARS-CoV-2, were watching with horror and dismay how they were silenced by uneducated hoards, transforming the pandemic into a political subject, who ignored all the good advice, paying dearly but even after unable to understand and correct themselves.

The beauty of US democracy, relies in the fact that every other year the population vote to elect leaders that they do not trust, and the selection is mainly based on speeches and tweets, instead on facts, CV and moral qualities of the candidates. To the government mistrust was added the presidential and main agencies misinformation, which in the race for a vaccine as a “big business”, they forgot the hierarchy of pandemic controls, based on engineered protective systems and praised the vaccine as an ultimate protection and saviour, in fact being weaker and less effective than the engineered systems, but requiring minimal knowledge and thinking from the end users.

Looking to understand the causes of this “outstanding” grim result, scientists realized that it is about a complex blending of factors that are pillars of civilization, which were altered over time, in favour of financial gains and masses exploitation, at the heart of an unhinged capitalist system. Basically US put “the Dollar First”, in front of its population life and welfare, supported by a demagogical conservative propaganda unable to realize that freedoms are good only if one is healthy and rich.

The deterioration if the national IQ factor, due to an education enforcing memorization and compliance, instead cognitive functions, creating a society where moral values and life models are enforced by Hollywood and social media fake models, with an appetite to alternate realities, lying themselves and other coherently in order to hide the unpleasant realities, is a main factor that have driven to this result. US, on the brink of losing the world leadership position, due to unilateral development of military industrial complex is still unable to connect the dots and understand the best corrections and is pushing a “shock and ore” militaristic doctrine that was proven a failure in the last 50 years, in opposition with a “economic development and cooperation” politics proposed by its opponents with a higher average IQ. In fact analysing the pandemic response and drawing the “lessons learned”, will serve not only the future response to another pandemic, but has a holistic value for planetary actions in the future, facing more serious challenges.

The P. R. China

Mar. 31, 2020, Reuters From zero to hero: Italy's Chinese help beat coronavirus reports that in the storm of infection and death sweeping Italy, 50,000 ethnic Chinese who live in the town of Prato were zero infection. In Italy, the most of Chinese people wear masks when they go out since the pandemic started; also other reports said that Chinese people are no longer seen in the public entertainment venues since the start of the pandemic. Please remember, this happened in the democratic governed Italy without the pressure of dictatorship but in the state of freedom as free as that of herding cats.

Sep. 20, 2015, article Israel to bring in 20,000 Chinese construction workers said that the work-speed of China's worker is 50% higher than that of others.

No one will doubt that, if there were no China's workers, there would be no Western and Atlantic Railroad of the United States and Pacific Railway of Canada. Some people say that the others are in destroying the world in everywhere, but the people of China are in rebuilding them in everywhere.

Nowadays, only the Confucianism cultured people of China with Asian values are able to finish larger construction projects timely. This is the practical value of the Asian Values of Collectivism contributes to the social reality.

In the poorest time 1950s of the early days of the establishment of the People’s Republic of China after second Sino-Japanese War 1937- 1945 and civil war (1945-1949), in the Korean War (1950-1953), the army of China with backward weapons defeated the "United Nations Army" of 16 national armies and 5 national medical forces led by the United States and forced U.S. to have signed armistice agreement. In Indian War (1960), the army of China defeated Indian army as a Westerner described as that of driving a herd of buffaloes.

The won of the wars of China was from the high quality intelligence of people. Once the wars start, the soldiers of China will always keep in a sober state and will be able to fight properly, even independently, while the soldiers of other countries will be fear and lose their sober without clear mind for proper fighting. The high quality intelligence made the combat effectiveness of a single Chinese soldier exceed dozens or hundreds of foreign soldiers.

The facts that China, with backward weapons, defeated the well-equipped United Nations Army and later Indian army that once army-equipped by many Western countries firmly proved that, for winning a war, the advanced weapons are not the decisive factor; without high-quality people control, they are a pile of rubbish; and their soldiers will be fear to flee as that of the herd of buffaloes.

Now, the democratic politicians in low IQ scores are not putting people’s life saving money to develop a better life for their own people and their families; but wasted to make others live bad as same that of they are.

Secondly: The democratic political design made government as casino       

The civilization of China humanized West, but its self-dehumanized again.

Since 1400s, missionaries sent China’s culture back home and 1434 the Fleet of China presents large amount of book to Italy to have enlightened the modern economics; Renaissance, Enlightenment and ended Dark Ages. As the efforts of Enlightenment leaders French Voltaire and German Leibniz, Europe will follow China by examination granting Gov-power to properly humanized scholars; but the efforts were pushed into the dirty gutter by the childish Separation of Powers of French Montesquieu.

The democratic design hopes that multiparty opposition can ensure a quality government; but human selfish instinct driven the multiparty opposition as means to fight for ruling position to enjoy luxury salaries, luxury benefits and political privileges.

Please look at the names that coined for making livings by playing democracy: Hawks, Dovish, Donkey, Elephant, Left wing, Right wing, Extreme right, Extreme left, Green Party, Tea party, Liberal party, Conservative Party, Democratic Party, new Democratic Party, and more. No one will believe that the people in such intelligence are able to legislate of rational policies. The only ability of such people is to look for targets attacking by saliva as cannonballs; and jump around the world like a monkey.

Please look at photos: https://www.google.com/search?q=parliament%2C+fight&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUK

Please look at those democratic politicians, the most of them never show smile but hatred gnashed vows in fierce face. The unlivable world showed those politicians only exert evil mentality; without care about the life of people and their families.

The purpose of establishing a government in human society is for using the administrative power of the government to suppress the wrongful behaviors of the mental flawed individuals to create an easy-to-live living environment for people. But the democratic political design made the government as stage for the mental flawed individuals play as living making by blood sucking on people.

Because it prides itself on the fact that anyone can run for election, without quality control on the candidates; the democratic politics has been in handing over the steering wheel of the State Apparatus to the mentally flawed individuals to destroy world,

In playing presidential campaign, everyone is excited supporting own favorite one, but no one asks that why as higher animals as human being, social governance has to be governed by childish gambling.

It is just such a childish democratic political design in providing excuse and means for some mentally flawed individuals exerting their sick mentality by the name of good for people, but actually kills people, people are still taking such play as the best to promote globally.

It is just such a childish democratic political design in providing excuse and means for some mentally flawed individuals exerting their sick mentality by the name of good for people, they act as monkeys by staking world countries as forest jumping to mess other countries.

That's not enough, for self-beautifying, such people condemn that selects quality certain people without election as autocracy as inhuman way; while touts by quality uncertain people free election as democracy as human way. So that they condemn China making policy by selecting quality certain people in self-reliance as lawmakers in friendly discussion as inhuman illegitimacy; while touts democracies making policy by quality uncertain people ganged as gangs fight as enemies as human legitimacy.

The low quality people takes the illegality of government as weapon to confidently commit evil, by color revolution overthrowing the government in effective governing to make people cannot make livings in home place into refugees. Also; the legality provides excuse for low quality people confidently acting as world leader as those gorillas take world countries as forest jumping.

Tracking back the wars and unrests provoked by the West, mostly were initiated by some individuals who seized certain Gov-power from democracy; it is the individuals in ruining world by Gov-power from democracy.

Democracies developed many evil tools; the person who likes war can take it to provoke war at will, the person who likes to overthrow the government of other countries, can take it to overthrow the government of other countries at will, and the person who likes to financial plunder, can take it to destroy economy at will; everything is ready for the play of low quality people.

The wars, color revolutions, social unrests, etc., were mostly made by democratic promoters for good; which are the inhuman social elements of Western civilization provide excuse for bad one harming human society. It was the individuals who use the name of democracy and life saving money of people provoked war in killing people.

World widely, the most of social unrests, the most of wars today are provoked by the populists kidnapped democratic politicians, who provoked unrests to move the attention of voters to reverse their unfavorable situation in own country for keeping their political position to enjoy self-given luxury payments, luxury benefits and privileges by messing world. The democracy grants Gov-power to be shared by too many individuals as personal crutch to ruin world unlivable.

Rare humanized Prof. Niall Ferguson who wrote The War of the World: Twentieth-Century Conflict and the Descent of the West to have indicated that why the twentieth century history was bloodiest by far? Why did unprecedented material progress go hand in hand with total war and genocide? The rise of democracy during the 20th century should have reduced the incidence of war, however, the waves of democratization were followed by increases in the number of civil wars and wars of secession with around 19 or 20 million people were killed in around 100 military conflicts. 

The evil of the Western civilization is at that it always easily creates unquestionable holy excuse for inhuman one making disasters.

Thirdly: Democracy promoted US self-castrated Global Leadership     Back to Top

The confidence of appealing for the Renewing American Economic Leadership and making America great again as Global Leadership were certainly derived from the U.S. once was respected as the beacon of democracy as global countries trust-relied world leader that gained from the contribution for ending WWII and postwar economic reconstruction; but since then everything went to opposite.

2019, article US the most warlike nation in the history of the world: Carter, former President Jimmy Carter indicated that, the U.S. is the most warlike nation in the history of the world and has been at war for all but 16 years of its 242-year history, due to a tendency to force others to adopt American principles.

2023, the nephew of former President John Kennedy, Dr. Robert Kennedy, who indicated the deeds of the United States and China: “Over the past decade, our country has spent trillions bombing roads, ports, bridges, and airports.”“China spent the equivalent building the same across the developing world.”

The bombing disasters revealed reality - the democracy is a tool for low quality people seizing Gov-power.

Now, such politicians have destructed globally trusted America and dollar as fearsome as that of Covid-19 driving people fleeing away in wave as that of tsunami; in Global South, Middle East, Latin America, and Asia, except those being US coerced vassal democracies.

Now when European and American politicians go to Global South, what they get is condemnation in front of their faces and behind their backs.

People always claim the government is good or bad, without thinking about that the government is composed of people; it is some individuals in exerting the Gov-power at personal will to make a government showing good or bad.

Therefore, the good or bad of a government shows that their political system is good or bad in the process of the formation of government.

Fourthly: Democracy joins toxic ideologies as noose killing democracies  Back to Top

The ideologies values, freedom and human rights have been used by low quality people to hijack social governance; so that low quality people dared reckless play without need caring about responsibility. Such social environment encourages people lazy to have dehumanized the quality of people in full hearted strike for social justice by striking for more by doing less, people lost sense and ability for a proper work; which have destroy productivity of the democracies.

The democracies have lost survival foundation after the left WWII quality generation of work hard live frugally brought labor productivity away. Even so, for pleasing voters; the democratic politicians are still endlessly yelling values; freedom and human rights to further corrupted social environment. In such a society, No matter how much money invested, it will be no infrastructure renewed.

The evil of the Western civilization at that it always provides undoubted excuse for idiots making disasters. The toxic ideologies are in dehumanizing good people as bad people to harm society in acting as noose tied on the neck of the democracies in cannot untie; if untie it right now; the democracies will die immediately from lost ideological foundation for cheating; if that it is not untie; the democracies will die gradually.

Today, except China; no one is able to budgeted finish larger infrastructure and unable live without made in China.

Boeing airliners were once a safe travel tool trusted by world people without concerning about safety; but now the accidents keep happening in so simple and frequently in unbelievable. It was a big loss for world people. Now when people plan travel in the state of worry about safety in all of airliners.

Government officials and Boeing managements are trying their best to help improve quality. Some proposed using bonuses promote workers improving quality in production. However, well-intentioned officials and managements will be helpless, due to that historical culture has forged the fate to fall good Boeing airliners. The populist hijacking of democratic politics has completely destroyed the social production environment.

It was the European bloody soiled social elements killed good Boeing; it was the bad Western civilization killed good Boeing. It is the big loss for world people. As people's need for air travel increases rapidly, people have lost the best air travel airliner - Boeing.

Please look at airplanes and warships, accidents continue shows that their labors have lost essential sense of responsibility; which was the result of western civilization fabricated too much toxic ideologies culturing people in wrongful cognitive functions.

The democratic politicians have destroyed good manufacturing industry of all of democracies by touting toxic ideologies for self-beautifying for cheating voters to corrupt their quality.

In this kind of countries, not only is it unable to build new infrastructure, but it also has no ability to renovate old dilapidated infrastructure. It only has the instinct to destroy the infrastructure all over the world.

Ideologies corrupted social systems of the democracies

Western countries have used highly toxic ideologies of values, freedom, human rights, and social justice to have completely corrupted social systems; in which workers dare to act recklessly, trade union and lawyers are supervising, preparing to make money by lawsuit. In such a social environment, the managements dare not strictly management. Now it is not only Boeing, but also the major manufacturing of Western countries is finished. Now, people all over the world cannot live without made in China.

Please look at USA, the silver line of the Washington Metro began planning in 1968, officially launched in 2000, but began the construction until in 2009. The first phase of the project was completed in 2014, which was 46 years later from the start of the planning, but, that only completed 5 stations of planned 34. The professor sighed that it’s even harder to know when the second phase of the connection to the Dulles Airport will be completed.

Please look at Canada, RIM - Research In Motion, later renamed as BlackBerry Limited; it was a Canadian software company specializing in cyber-security. Founded in 1984, it originally developed the BlackBerry brand of interactive pagers, smartphone and tablets. In the global smartphone industry, RIM can be called as originator or father; but now, the most of people may don't know it anymore; it was a sadness of Canada manufacturing industry.

The evil of the Western civilization at that it always provides undoubted excuse for idiots making disasters.

Please look at the childish play of the descendants of the main inventor of liberal democracy and its relied ideologies – values, freedom and human rights.

Great Britain: 2016, Professor of Economic Development at the University of Hertfordshire, britain, Hulya Dagdeviren, who wrote article How did Britain fall out of love with privatisation to disappointed indicate that, privatization was supposed to reduce the burden on the taxpayer and force these sectors to become more competitive, efficient and deliver better value for customers. But over the long term, it has become clear that private services do not deliver good value. 

For the ticket of 35-minute railway journey, in Britain was £358 monthly, but in Italy was £37 only. The most recent data show that for Department of Health projects which delivered over £11 billion of capital investment, the undiscounted cost of the unitary charges to be paid until the end of these projects was around £80 billion.

Professor said that the leader of Labor Party vows to renationalize their failed infrastructure again.

I think that the renationalize is not willingly, but have to; this was in repeating the same business. The Britain was the country that flips its economy upside down twice likes baking cake; and now is ready to bake once failed side.

Obviously, the economic thoughts of the great sons of the Britain, Adam Smith and John Keynes, were all beaten by own ancestors kindly coined ideologies and failed in saving the lives of own countrymen by saving their economy, even if their micro and macro economics have been in conducting world economy by complementary of each other.

Briton YouTube comments that the cost of finished project in China cannot finish the process of targeting in Britain.

French republic: Feb. 2013, the article French minister hits back at 'three hour day' attack reports that: "Arnaud Montebourg, minister for industrial renewal in France, was subject to a written barrage of abuse from Maurice Taylor, chief executive of US tyremaker Titan, after the French politician appealed for financial support for an ailing Goodyear factory."

"Mr. Taylor berated French workers for putting in just "three hours" a day, and said his company would be "stupid" to invest in the loss-making tyre plant in Amiens, northern France." "'The French workforce gets paid high wages but only work for three hours. They get one hour for breaks and lunch, talk for three and work for three. I told this to the French union workers to their faces. They told me that's the French way!' Mr. Taylor wrote."

An on line survey, there were 81 percent of French people said support the view of American boss. The fact vividly showed that majority French people are rational; but in a stupid social environment, they have to be coerced stupid play.

It was also same, in Boeing production; it was not no rational employees for a good production; but the bad working environment coerced them in the state that cannot do a rational job. In an absurd social environment, the irrational absurd behavior of vulgar people will kill the rational behavior of high-quality people.

This is the negative effect of the Crowd Psychology that is naturally formed when human beings gather for social activities. In social activities, rational people are always in a state of passive obedience in blindly following.

Now besides China, no country is able to finish large infrastructure project under budgeted; some are due to the quality of race that is difficult trained as quality labor, the mostly is due to that toxic ideologies have destroyed labor productivity.

From primitive ancient to modern day, the West stays in childish play.

Fifthly: Ideologies driven people away from making life necessaries         Back to Top

In 2000 years ago, China outlawed schools of thought respecting Confucianism culturing people and society in prosperous peace life. Today the most of the toxic ideologies were fabricated by the West and have been in dehumanizing people and society to live in bloody looting and killing that started in his own homeland, then colonizing, looting and killed the whole world.

The West prided itself in rich of thoughts, but the social effect of the thoughts is to provide toxic stuff for a large amount of people chewing, then bloating, burping, farting, and polluting society, as that of wild dog’s estrus in universities, in think Jars, they never consider the production of life necessaries.

The rich of thoughts attracted large amount of people confidently chewing it as a career for living making. In such a childish made majority population to stay far away from the production of life necessaries.

Now, people are howling about overpopulation and also howling about labor shortages. They have never think about the childish social design made many people engaged in something that is far away from considering human survival, the stupid West developed human world into stupid way. 

The evil is at that such people confidently educate too many good kids as social parasites making livings by blood sucking on people, and leads to the shortage of labor for the production of life necessaries.

The greatest sin of the Western civilization is at that it has evilly invented too many reasons for majority of people getting away from the production of life necessaries as parasites make a living by blood sucking on people.

The toxic ideologies provided excuse and tools for democratic players’ self-glorification into divine world saviors and then full-hearted cheat public by yelling toxic ideologies as business to looking for attacking to mess society into chaotic state.

Sixthly: Idiotic professions made no labor for making life necessaries         Back to Top

Too toxic ideologies provide tools for developing too much useless professions.

For long time, people have been condemning about overpopulation; while also condemning about shortages in labor; but they have never reflect about the childish social design with too much useless professions to have attracted the majority population engaged in the play of such professions as career as parasites of living on blood sucking and made more people get far away from the production of life necessaries, the idiots coerced human world into idiotic play.

From the inhuman past to the inhuman right now, in the West, it is always in facilitating the minority low quality coercing majority high quality taking stupid as smart, taking wrong as right to promote inhuman for human.

Seventhly: The over developed financial economy kills real economy       Back to Top

Raising interest rates to curb inflation is counterproductive by further curbing the manufacture of necessities for life.

In 1865, President Abraham Lincoln who worried about the expansion of company rights; at the end of his life; he said that the company has been over hailed, and the corruption in high-level will come. The money powered group will try to extend its rule by influencing the prejudice or preconceived idea of people until the wealth is accumulated a certain extent in the hands of some people, they will lead to the demise of the United States of America.

Now, many renowned scholars indicated that United States has functionally gone from being a democracy towards a plutocracy, which was what that President Abraham Lincoln had indicated in 158 years ago 1865.

The money powered group promoted plutocracy over developed financial economy was one of Lethal Landmines.

Jul 29, 2014, in the documentary The Ascent of Money: A Financial History of The World, professor of History of Harvard University, Dr. Niall Ferguson indicates that: “In our time, we've witnessed the zenith of global finance. 2006the world total economic output was worth around $47 trillion, that's 47 followed by 12 zeroes, the total value of stock and bond markets was roughly $110 trillion, more than twice the size. And the amount outstanding of the strange new financial life form known as derivatives was $473 trillion, 10 times larger."

In 2019, in book The Finance Curse: How Global Finance is Making Us All Poorer, Nicholas Shaxson exposed tax havens, monopolists, megabanks, private equity firms, Eurobond traders, lobbyists, and a menagerie of scoundrels quietly financializing our entire society, hurting both business and individuals. The financial sector has become so big that its gravitational field has distorted everything around it. Instead of serving the real economy, it now preys on it.

As democratic player, current Canadian deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Chrystia Freeland was able to point out the fatal harm of over developed financial economy and the dead knot of liberal democracy; it seems rare politician having realized this point of the root cause in ruining human world; which showed her high quality in intelligence.

In 2012, current minister of finance and deputy prime minister of Canada Chrystia Freeland, published book Plutocrats: the rise of the New Global Super-Rich andthe Fall of Everyone Else revealed the reason that why the higher animals live in the Law of Jungle of the lower animals way: the Plutocrats exercise immense and unchecked power for greedy in messing human world to make the Fall of Everyone Else.

---In the last few decades; the means to be rich has changed dramatically; so that the income gap is not between the 1 percent and the 99 percent, but within the wealthiest 1 percent. Plutocrats prove that it is the wealthiest 0.1 percent who are outpacing the rest of us at break-neck speed. What’s changed is more than numbers. Today, most colossal fortunes are new, not inherited. 

---As a transglobal class of successful professionals, today’s self-made oligarchs often feel they have more in common with one another than with their countrymen back home. Bringing together the economics and psychology of these new super-rich, Plutocrats puts us inside a league very much of its own, with its own rules. They exercised immense and unchecked power in their countries. 

---Wealth, corruption, and populism are no longer constrained by national borders, this new Gilded Age is already transforming the economics of the West as well, the entire globalized world is concentrated in fewer and fewer hands.

---The New Global Super-Rich Plutocrats made the Fall of Everyone Else, a joblessness, debt, and economic uncertainty to the sovereign nation of the plutocrats, where each crisis seems to offer a new business opportunity. 

---In America, where the 2008 financial meltdown cost $4 trillion in economic output, fortunes were made by the very people who precipitated the disaster while millions lost their homes and their savings. In Europe and Asia, the austerity caused economic stagnation, a "lost generation" of the young and unemployed.

---The world of the 1% has arrived, and the wealth gap is now greater in many countries than during the Gilded Age, the era of the Rockefellers, Carnegies and Vanderbilts. Can our stressed democracies deal with the fallout? Or have governments simply become instruments of the new elite?

In 2013, American economist, Professor Robert Reich distills the story through the lens of widening income inequality to have presented documentary film Inequality for All. Below are the video screen-shots from the film of Inequality for All.


The two times economic crashes well match the peak point of top 1% income share in 1928 and 2007. From the huge relative financial wages, we can easily speculate the huge volume of financial economy or paper economy that is buying and selling on the financial markets to make money by money, or to make capital by capital; and nowadays the operation is as easy as a finger click to drive large amount hot money that is able to easily destroy the financial system to bankrupt a country. But usually; which are the demon tools for demons living on plundering on real economy to make the profit margin of real economy too narrow to survive.

May 5, 2023, in Canada, I met a mother with three children, bought a tomato, a green pepper and an apple.

The over developed financial economy in the US was also a cause of de-dollarization, because of, US dollar is the basic composition of financial instruments used to loot. For avoiding the repeating of such disasters; the diversification in world's reserve currency and the diversification in world's currency for circulation are only feasible way out.

Even so, for solving the problem; people are still arguing how to make democracy more democracy; so that I said that for getting a way out, the scholars and officials are acting as grave digger to take poison as antidote.

In an increasingly messing world, no matter democratic players or bankers, no one can stay a safer life along.

Idiots can never recognizing that the happening of the de-dollarization and US-de-unitization are not due to the bad of American or America; or the trouble making of any other country; but it was America defeated America or exactly say that it is some low quality politicians of America destructed America; because of, that liberal democracy has been in endlessly granting the Gov-power of the United States to low quality individual for reckless play at will.

Eighthly: The Childish social governance will ruin home yards           Back to Top

The greatest tragedy of Western civilization is at that it distorts people's cognitive abilities, so that they take stupidity as wisdom, take mistakes as right, and promote bad for good; and promoting democracy grants Gov-power to brainless idiots to wrongful play Gov-power to ruin human life under the kidnap of toxic ideologies, liberty, freedom, human rights and great more.

There many uncontrollable factors in de-humanizing the human life; the Gov-officials worsening of society are one of the causes. Such as, in U.S.A robbing less than $950 is not a crime encourages zero-dollar purchase in vogue. San Francisco pharmacy chain Walgreens lost more than $1,000 a day and have to close five stores.

Only democratic players think that they are able to save a country that cultures lawless citizens killing economy.

Supreme Court & Amendment II killing people

December 15, 1791, United States ratified The Second Amendment (Amendment II) to the United States Constitution protects the right to keep and bear arms.

It was reasonable in the war-torn times when society lacked effective governance, but at 233 years later today, the effective social governance has outdated it.

In addition, Montesquieu's political design of separation of powers has laid a deadly landmine to destroy human society.

Leave the survival fate of the people of the country to be determined by the dictatorship of a few judges in Supreme Court. It is these same judges who continue using 233-year-old Amendment II to nullify collective resolutions of hundreds of legislators in state and federal chambers.

In human society, due to human self-reproduction accompanied with 23% of teenagers reduced to 12% of population with brain defects in lifelong antisocial behaving and large amount wrongful ideologies brainwashed population in the abnormal mentality, so that it is at least there are more than 50% population in the antisocial behaving.

Therefore, it is the judges in Supreme Court in killing people by Amendment II.

A mother was from the United States and lived in China for 20 years, who said that: I am happy for that my children do not live in the United States where guns, drugs and crimes are rampant. If I had to make a choice again, I would still choose China.

In her home country USA reports that nearly 43,000 people died from gun violence in 2023, and 5,000 people have died in gun violence in 2024.

A rigorous legal system supported by a powerful police force team cannot control increasingly lawless citizens; while ideologies of values, freedom and human rights are in dehumanizing more good citizens into the quality of lawless.

The private guns can never be banned, more and more innocent people will be shot.

In China, there should be a similar proportion of people with antisocial nature. China uses facial recognition cameras all over the country to catch criminals in a timely manner. However, it is not allowed in the West due to personal privacy must be protected.

A Chinese woman living in the United States returned China and complained that the camera had destroyed her personal privacy. Her mother said, do you think your privacy is more important than your life?

Obviously, in the great USA, any quality people would be tamed as idiot.

Ninthly: Democracy and liberty serve as sacred excuses to legitimize crime  Back to Top

The stupidity is that legal design in seeing people in abnormal mentality violently destructing society under the name of fighting for social justice, human rights, freedom, democracy, and much more as a manner of the demonstration of perfect political design in legally protecting people protecting social justice.

The wrongful design in social elements based on wrongful ideologies produce increasingly more lawless citizens will make federal system uncontrollable and which will force individual State to make policy for self-governing to survive, eventually, it will lead to the collapse of U.S. Federal System.

Such as, the harm in Illegal immigration and federal irrationally wastes in spending people's life saving money forced state governments to independently legislation and action as self defence.

Please look at the play of lawless citizens in the Great French Republic of the one of the major inventor countries of the liberal democracy and its relied ideologies, now is in enjoying the bitter fruits of own ancestors kindly planted. This wrongful social design has been harming all countries globally, especially the democracies.

May 25, 2015, French Paris Eiffel Tower shuts down as staff strike over pickpockets.

Feb. 01, 2019, Yellow vests, blue vests and red scarves — Here's why the French are protesting.

Mar. 16, 2019, Paris in flames as ‘Yellow Vest’ anarchists burn restaurants and shops and police fight back.

Apr. 09, 2019, Police union says ’It's a massacre': One French police officer commits suicide every four days.

Image result for Paris in flames as a€˜Yellow Vesta€™ anarchists burn restaurants and shops and riot police fight back with batons and tear gasImage result for Paris in flames as a€˜Yellow Vesta€™ anarchists burn restaurants and shops and riot police fight back with batons and tear gasImage result for Paris in flames as a€˜Yellow Vesta€™ anarchists burn restaurants and shops and riot police fight back with batons and tear gasImage result for Paris in flames as a€˜Yellow Vesta€™ anarchists burn restaurants and shops and riot police fight back with batons and tear gas

 Look those photos that happened in Paris in Mar. 16, 2019, the beautiful Capital City Paris seems a battlefield in brutal battling. Look at those pitiful French police officers, some of them took own life already in a peace Era but in a non-peace Capital City.

Such incredible manmade tragedies are still a human civilization. Such manmade tragedy, is there any different with the behavior of antisocial criminals? Is there any different with the behavior of invaded enemy?

Why Paris went into such a mess? It cannot get rid of the doubt that is the second fight field of the opposition of the political parties. How great ironic is it for own ancestors invented democracy and valueless values. 

Hong Kong China: the democracy protects beasts’ free play


Jul 1, 2019, article Protesters storm and vandalise Legislative Council as anarchy and violence engulf Hong Kong



Photo source: Nov 17, 2019, Financial Times reports Police storm Hong Kong university after day of violence.

Taiwan province China: the democracy protects beasts free play


Photo source:  April 7, 2021 article Taiwan: 7 years since the Sunflower Movement

Please Google Images by key words: Parliament fight; you will be shocked by the plays in holy parliament.

Why government dare not beat them as beat enemies; because of; they are in protecting democracy. As long the beats put on the cloak of promoting or protecting democracy, all bloody crimes they made will become the holy contributions of people in fighting a human life for people.

Thanks to the thoughtful ancestors of the English and French for their great invention of democracy and its relied ideologies – values, freedom; human rights and so on. Thanks those ancestors for inventing valuable values to have dehumanized many of own descendants and many of the people world widely as the valueless social garbage.

Tenthly: The massive joined speeding de-dollarization            Back to Top

As reserve currency and trade transaction currency, the power of US dollar is too huge; its small fluctuations in the interest rate will destroy the economy of a country.

Such as, last year reports that affected by the Federal Reserve's monetary policy, the exchange rate of the Thai Baht against the U.S. dollar has been in fluctuating fiercely; and has felled to 37.78 Baht to the US dollar, a 16-year low. The anxious leaders of Thailand's central bank seek discussion of Yuan-Baht settlement with the leaders of China's central bank.

April 4, 2023, article PM Anwar: No need to continue depending on US dollar in investments reports that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said that there is no reason for a country like Malaysia to continue to depend on the US dollar, Malaysia and other countries should use the currencies of both countries.

The officials of Asian countries have never forget that dollar looting caused 1997 Asian financial crisis after Thailand ended the currency’s de facto peg to the U.S. dollar to have caused the depletion of the foreign exchange reserves of Asian countries due to that they have to defend against the speculative pressure.

For the grouped efforts of de-dollarization in Asian countries, the motivation for the officials was not only from the fear of dollar-looting on other countries, but it was mainly from the pain of dollar burnt scars in 1997.

The de-dollarization in Asia is in making model to follow for great many economically weak countries.

April 28, 2023, the leader of Indian Kotak Mahindra Bank, Mr. Uday Kotak, who regards the dollar as “the biggest financial terrorist in the world,” “all our money is in nostro accounts and somebody in the US can say- you cannot withdraw it from tomorrow morning- and you are stuck. That is the power of the reserve currency. I think we are at a crucial time in the world history where the world is desperately looking for an alternative reserve currency.”

In fact, the potential for de-dollarization has long been existing since 1960s, but that time it was not for purposefully de-dollarization; but for healthy economic development by regional currency integration from the theory of Optimum Currency Area proposed by Nobel Prize winner, Canadian economist Robert Mundell who was considered the Father of the Euro for his early work encouraging a European monetary union.

Now, the US dollar regarded as an imminent tsunami, people are scrambling to flee from the fatal danger and in the fear of lest the flea has too slow.

The wave of de-dollarization has triggered the resurrection of the Optimum Currency Area with much strong vitality. Now, besides Americans; globally few people will like to see the stay of US dollar; and the speed of the de-dollarization and the de-unitization of the USA will be faster than that of expected.

Although I argue that rationality of the practices of some US politicians, but I sympathetically noticed that, some politicians in major American functional departments were exhausted and aged visibly, such as, United States Secretary of State, Antony Blinken and United States secretary of the treasury, Janet Yellen, obviously, the trouble making country United States made trouble to the kindness people with pressure made them exhausted and aging faster.

The magic of liberal democratic politics lies in using irreproachable rationality to create irreproachable irrationality, the confusion of thoughts and deeds excited politicians to create more confusion of thoughts and deeds.

Thanks wonderful Greatest United States of America for using unique magic to create unique magic.

Now some politicians are in looking for alternative way out by think that they will be better if defeat other economies; but such a mentality drew backfire to kill oneself by causing the fear of others; the de-dollarization was a fatal example. The economic prosperity of any country will bring economic prosperity to the countries all over the world.

Eleventh: The social elements has been legitimizing the evil behavior           Back to Top

Humans are animals that need to live in groups for mutually help of each other; the individualistic values has been ruining human world; and in ruining the life of people in individualistic values coerced countries.

The social elements of West has been used to legitimize the evil behavior and as tools or excuse encouraging low quality people legally exerting evil mentality.

The fatal threat for human world is that those populist coerced democracies have been in the low quality people kidnapped into dead end by endlessly fabricating poisonous ideologies at sick mentality.

Even the Hormone Disorder is also to be used to kidnap social governance and make evil at will.

Liz Truss, the former prime minister of Britain; who indicated that: “If you look at the knots in which people tie themselves in western politics about whether somebody with a penis is a man or not, it shows how effective unfortunately these people have been.”

In such a social environment; a person with a male penis can legally enter a female-only facility simply by self claiming that he has a female mindset even though he has no female hormone promoted vagina.

Even if it is in the universities of Holy Academic Hall, gender-neutral toilets are set up so that anyone, no matter what kind of sexual organ they have, whether it is a man with penis or a lady with vagina, they can legally walk in at will.

Some schools teachers are not teaching kids in knowledge, but full hearted cheating kids perform permanent sex reassignment surgery without the consent of parents; if their parents dared oppose them, they will legally take away their custody rights.

Western countries have never gotten rid of McCarthyism; but have constantly renew it with ideologies that they have constantly invented for sick purpose, especially kidnaps lawmakers to dehumanize policy making.

You can rise more endlessly, due to that Europe bloody soiled social elements are too bad to make good.

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