南京市政府高层代表团一行将于2月访问加拿大温哥华。此行的主要目的之一,出席2月10日下午由南京留学人员服务中心举办的“南京吸引海外高层次人才恳谈会”,与正在温哥华地区工作和进修的高层次华裔专家和留学人员直接对话交流,为南京经济转型和可持续发展招才引智。如果你希望了解: 国家和江苏省最新人才政策解读; 南京在全国力度最大、最系统的科技政策和人才政策,以及配套服务; 南京地区产业发展规划调整和技术合作需求,以及人才岗位信息; 如何接触全国第一支留学人员创业投资基金——南京“海融投资”; 在南京工作或创业的留学人员的甘苦经历. 欢迎你参加我们的活动,共襄聚会,通过交流,了解南京、关注南京、关心南京。 活动时间: 2010年2月10日16:00-19:00 活动地点:(叙香园酒楼 )Shiang Garden Seafood Restaurant (TEI:604-273-8858,#2200-4540 No,3 Road Richmond) 如想参加活动请邮件联系科技参赞沈龙:shenl@most.cn (001-7789962266)
“An Event for Overseas Chinese Professionals and Scholars”: Afternoon Tea and Dinner Reception with NanJing Municipal Delegation The NanJing Municipal Delegation will visit Vancouver, Canada on 10th Feb.2010. The purpose of the visit is to interact with high-level overseas Chinese professionals and scholars of Metro Vancouver. The delegation will host an afternoon tea and dinner reception in (叙香园酒楼 ) Shiang Garden Seafood Restaurant (TEI: 604-273-8858,#2200-4540 No, 3 Road Richmond) at16: oopm, 10th Feb.2010. If you are interested in NanJing’s HR environment for overseas Chinese professionals and scholars and new development plans of the city, and interact with the senior management teams of NanJing city, please come and join us for this wonderful evening event. The admission to the reception is free, but pre-registration is required. For registration and more details, please contact: Mr.Shen Long (001-7789962266) , shenl@most.cn