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Why are criminals pampered by the high society?
送交者: jingchen 2021年11月15日09:25:13 于 [加国移民] 发送悄悄话

Why are criminals pampered by the high society?


For anyone who rob, loot or kill, there is an army of lawyers, counselors and social workers to serve him. They are there to protect his human rights. But for an ordinary hard working, law abiding person, he is always abused by ever increasing taxes, money printing and deductions. He is forced to be injected billions of tiny monkey ranches into his body. No one is there to protect his human rights.

There is a serial killer called Robert Pickton. He killed about fifty persons. The Canadian government spent over six hundred million dollars defending his human rights. All these millions of dollars transform into the salaries of the highly paid judges, lawyers, counselors and other professionals. Every criminal worth millions to the professionals. Without criminals, these highly paid and hence highly respected professionals are worthless. That is why criminals are so pampered by the high society.

You might protest. The high society is paid by tax dollars, tax dollars collected from hard working, law abiding people. Well, this is true. But tax is mandatory. You don’t have a choice not to pay taxes. Do you? You are treated like a slave because you are a slave. But criminals have the freedom to choose. If people like Robert Pickton choose not to kill, the high society will immediately become worthless. That is why the high society have to pamper the criminals, have to beg the criminals. That is why the high society have to incite the crowd to engage in “mostly peaceful” activities.



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