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A thank letter to Technical Team of Google Search
送交者: 风潇潇 2023年11月22日07:45:46 于 [加国移民] 发送悄悄话

A thank letter to the Technical Team of Google search 

Frank Li, Morning, Nov. 22. 2023 in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

Thanks the Technical Team of Google Search for reediting searching page to reach the core of the article; to reach the feelings and longings of writer, thanks a lots. 

Many people enjoy the convenience of Google search but they may not know the hard work of the Technical Team of Google Search, they have to read too much in work to ensure the quality of searching results.


 Thanks again with a lots thanks in 90 degree bow.

--- Frank Li, Morning, Nov. 22. 2023 in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

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