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送交者: 圣地亚哥 2007年05月12日15:01:58 于 [加国移民] 发送悄悄话

加籍华人,如果你痛恨赖昌兴, 高山之流。最好的办法就是写信给你们的议员,据说是邮票都不用。知道加国的政客最怕什么吗? 当然不是中共。 抨击中共常常可以为他们捞政治资本。 而愚蠢的民众又最容易欺骗, 认为凡是中国通辑的逃犯, 一定是受中共迫害。 根本就不知道这些人正是中共中最坏的一类。 但是这些政客最怕的是自己的选民, 为了选票他们可以作任何的事情。 在加拿大有的选区, 华人选民成千上万, 如果每个选民都写信给自己的议员,成千上万的信, 他(她)的压力就来了。 他们总要回信, 回信也就是自己政敌的把柄。凭加籍华人现有的人数, 是完全可以左右加拿大政局的, 唱双簧也可以。 高山的女儿都可以带同学去法庭, 闹得越凶, 华人就越有利。


Your honorable PM

My name is John Du. I reside in your District and voted for you (or the opponent) as my representative to Ottawa in last Federal Election. As a proud citizen of our great nation with the Chinese heritage, I think that it is my responsibility to write to you in regarding to the recent situation of several Chinese fugitives staying in Canada. Canada is a peace loving nation with the great respect to the human rights; it is also the nation of justice. However, recent incidents for some of the Chinese fugitives, in my opinion, damage our nation’s reputation and our relationship to China. It also sets a bad example for our nation to harbor criminals and terrorists. Canada respects universal value of human beings and variety forms of governments, monarch, republic, socialist, and so on. However, our government should not adapted different standards towards China for some political reason. Two of the most famous fugitives from China who now staying in Canada should be indicted and putted in jail for the rest of their lives by any standard of any reputable nations.

Mr. Lai, Changxin who was an armed smuggler illegally accumulated billions of dollars by bribing and life threatening government officials and customs agents. He and his gang forced many young Chinese women as sex slaves in a confined environment to provide sexual services to the corrupted government officials for the green light of his operation. He used forged documents to sleek into our country and cheated our government for his protection. This is a crime in Canada too. Yet our government treats this fugitive like a hero, and provides him millions of our tax dollars as his legal fee for his freedom and stay in our country. What a shame of our government. There are millions of Chinese really needs our help and protection both in China and in Canada, but we choose the wrong one.

Mr. Gao, Shan was a manager of a state owned commercial bank. He and his family had elaborated life than most of the hard working Chinese in China then. He was the one who benefited the most from the Chinese government. However, it was still not enough for him. He chose to commit one of the most horrific financial crime. Imaging a bank official took more than a billion dollars of people’s hard earned deposits and company money for highway projects and disappeared to a different country, resulting the bankruptcy of companies and the suicide of people. He also forged his document to get into our country.
Now, our government tries to spend more of our tax dollars protect him too. What a shame!!!

I am a proud Canadian and I love China too although I acknowledge the difference of the forms of the governments and that not everything is ideal in China, especially for the human rights and environmental issues. However, I strongly believe a good relationship with China will be a mutual benefit to both our nations and our peoples. As a PM, I hope you can do something to improve the situation. As a responsible Chinese Canadian, I am writing to you to express my concern and look to your response.

Yours truly,

John Du

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