留学生考试甘苦谈 |
送交者: 小瓦 2004年01月24日18:28:21 于 [加国移民] 发送悄悄话 |
彻夜难眠的出国考试 当年也是在 「新东方」读下来的,大约五六年前吧。那时的男朋友,也就是我现在的先生已到美国,两人初尝相思之苦。但由于当时探亲签证不易获准,所以决定还先考托福和GRE,申请美国学校的奖学金,赴美比较有把握。为著两人的未来,学习不敢不废寝忘食,但因报名时已误了新东方三分之一的课,学起来总有些力不从心。 焦虑之中,GRE考期已至。考前一天的临阵磨枪之后,夜 醒来时,外面还是万籁俱寂,心 不禁暗暗叫苦。看了看表,才睡了两三个小时而已。闭上眼从一数到五百多,依然不能入睡。无可奈何又戴上耳机,磁带正反两面都听完了,心情也越来越沮丧,脑子 乱麻似的。长夜漫漫,何时是尽头啊!音乐好似无休无止地响著,不知何时我忍不住开始哭泣起来。 第二天还是支撑下来了,但分数比平时模拟考试低了一二百分,申请奖学金已经无望。后来虽以探亲签证赴美,但此中苦楚,想来只有同走出国之路的人,才能体会吧! 跨过信仰的门槛 赴美之后,就加入中国留学生的潮流,改读会计系。入学前又是一番挣扎,考了GMAT,又补了一年的课。这期间,我因选课的缘故认识了些基督徒,他们介绍我和先生到当地的学生团契参加聚会。起初去的动机只是好奇而已,然而在他们一而再的邀请之下,便有了第二次,第三次。 他们的真挚与热心令我感动,渐渐的,我也很愿意亲近这样的一群人。在团契 不知问过多少个问题,记得最清楚的就是:「假如神是善良的,为什么世界上还会有苦难?」老实说,从没有什么人给了真正让我满意的答案。但好奇心还是把我一次又一次地带回到团契,并促使我开始读圣经。 有一天我看了电影《耶稣传》,非常受感动。我在圣经 读过有关耶稣的描写,但总觉得那只是个虚构的故事而已。但这部电影深深震撼了我的心,我才意识到 是真实的,而且 替我而死!这样的爱,在我来看是不可思议的。我很想更多地认识 。于是我随著电影片尾的祷告,请求 来带领我的一生。 同样的失眠夜,不同的心路历程 时间飞逝,注册会计师考试又提前些日程。考试的范围中,有一半没在美国修过任何相关的课,另一半也已忘记了不少。尤其是写文章部分,更是吃力。补习班开课之前的三个月,我已借了书开始研习。四个月的课程,我也步步紧跟,但没想到,课程安排只给总复习留了两三个星期的时间,对我来说远远不够。我一下子慌了,那些日子 ,整个人高度紧张,从早到晚连吃饭也是手不释卷。 终于又到了考试的前一天,我已近乎心力交瘁了。临睡前,我又一次向耶稣祷告,求 给我一夜好眠。然而一觉醒来,竟仍是漆黑的半夜两点钟。我一下子又委屈又难过,不禁向耶稣抱怨:「跟随你以后不是一切都会变好吗?耶稣啊,你知道我的考前紧张症,为什么不让我一觉睡到天亮呢?难道你不管我了吗?」 黑暗之中,并没有听到什么超自然的声音回答我。然而渐渐地,一股温暖坚定的力量流进我沮丧的心田。我自己并不明白为什么,但整个人开始安静下来,甚至开始欢喜,依稀听到耶稣对我说:「不要怕,我一直与你同在,我会带你走过去。」 我知 掌管明天,也知 牵我手 那个长夜就是这样过去的,我依然是快到天亮才蒙 入睡,浑浑中仍不时为第二天的考试而紧张担心;但与以往不同的是,耶稣一直给我安慰和鼓励,在我最需要的时候,赐给我力量, 的爱使我心中平安,能安然入睡。 那两天的考试 ,我虽然十分疲倦,但心 很平安。结果我不仅顺利地通过了考试,而且每门成绩都在九十五分以上。我知道,数年之后,我也许早已忘记这些关于考试的挣扎,但我会永远记得这个失眠的夜晚。我知道耶稣掌管明天, 的爱和能力是最可依靠的。 生活就像转陀螺一样,我们每天所要面对的压力及需求常常超过我们所能负荷的,我们如何应付对这样的情况呢?但是,你可以拥有梦寐以求的平安,没有一个人是完美的,也没有一个人拥有过完美无瑕的生活,但我们每个人都有机会与神建立个人的亲密关系,藉著 儿子耶稣基督的救赎,经历神应许的完美恩典。 你现在就可以凭信心藉著祷告接受耶稣基督。祷告就是跟 神说话, 神看重你内心?奶裙谘杂铮旅娴牡桓婵勺霾慰?: 「主耶稣,我愿亲自认识您。谢谢您为我的罪死在十字架上。我愿意打开心门接受耶稣作我的救主和生命的主。求您管理我的一生。谢谢您赦免我的罪并赐给我永生。使我成为您所喜悦的女人。奉主耶稣的名祷告,阿们。」 如果这个祷告合乎你的心愿,请你现在就作同样的祷告,基督就会照著 的应许进入你的生命。如果你已经做了这个邀请,你要用祷告感谢 已在你的生命中,并且 要永远与你同在(《希伯来书》十三5),你已经得到永生。当你多知道你与 神的关系,并且体验 神的爱是何等长阔高深时,你的生命就会更丰盛。
Study Overseas: The Toast and Roast Behind the Journey By: Estrella Wei Shortly after my husband and I married we decided to move to the U.S. I hoped to attend college there on scholarship and so I had to take the TOEFL and GRE entrance exams. In the mist of my preparations for the exams, I fell behind on my classes. I was very nervous about the exams and as the date grew closer, my anticipation mounted. The day before the exams finally came. I crammed all day and then tried to go to sleep. I tried everything to get to sleep, but nothing worked. My anxiety grew with each sleepless hour. When morning came I was exhausted and drained. I made it through the tests, but when my results came back my scores were about a hundred points lower than my practice tests. I was devastated. All my dreams of getting a scholarship were gone. The Turning Point: Passing the Doorsteps of Becoming a Believer After coming to the U.S., I was back to square one trying to apply for college admission. I followed the footsteps of many fellow Chinese students and changed my major to Accounting. The process wasn’t easy though. I had to spend a year studying for the GMAT exam and going through a rigorous application process. Meanwhile, I met some Christians in my classes, and I was invited along with my husband to attend some student fellowship gatherings. At first we went there just out of curiosity. Their welcoming invitations continued, and we went again and again. Their sincerity and affection really touched our hearts. I asked countless questions such as “If God is good, why is there still suffering in the world?” Frankly, I wasn’t fully pleased with any of the answers I got. But I was curious, so I kept going and continued reading the Bible. One day I watched a movie called Biography of Jesus, and it deeply touched me. I had read about Jesus in the Bible, I knew his story, but as I watched the movie it really struck me that he was a real person. I understood that he died in my place and I wanted to know more about him. Right then I prayed and asked him to take control of my life An Incredible Finish: Sleepless Night Yet Again, but a Brand New Journey Before long it was time to study for the CPA exam. I started studying three months before the exam. That didn’t give me much of an advantage, though, as half of the topics covered in the classes were completely new to me. I tried my best to keep up with the pace of the class, but there was not much time for the final review. Toward the end, I started to panic and didn’t know what to do. I don’t know how I managed to live through those days. The night before the big exam I was really stressed. I prayed before I went to bed, asking God to give me a good night’s sleep. But when I woke up, it was just 2:00 in the morning. I was really sad and complained to God. I grumbled to God about my anxiety before exams. “Shouldn’t everything be smooth once I followed your path?” “Why didn’t you let me sleep through the night?” “Are you just going to leave me here to fight my own battles?” As I continued through the list of complaints to God. I didn’t hear any response in the darkness of the night. Yet there was a warm and firm force building inside my heart that I just can’t quiet explain. I could hear Him saying: “Don’t be afraid, I’ll be here with you and guide your way.” Like the old times, that long night passed with me still unable to sleep until almost sunrise, and the anxiety about the exam was still there. Nonetheless, the difference was that God there with me to support me, to guide me, and to give me strength when I needed the most. I passed the CPA Exam and my score for each of the four parts is more than 95%. I know my struggles with these exams may be long forgotten in a few years. But I will never forget this sleepless night. I know He holds tomorrow, and you can take that to the bank. Life can be a roller coaster. The demands and pressures that modern women face can be overwhelming. What is the answer? Where does peace come from? You can have the peace that you are looking for; there is a way to balance your life. No one can be perfect, or have a perfect life. But every one of us has the opportunity to experience perfect grace through a personal relationship with God through His Son, Jesus Christ. You can receive Christ right now by faith through prayer. Praying is simply talking to God. God knows your heart and is not so concerned with your words as He is with the attitude of your heart. Here's a suggested prayer: Lord Jesus, I want to know you personally. Thank you for dying on the cross for my sins. I open the door of my life to you and ask you to come in as my Savior and Lord. Take control of my life. Thank you for forgiving my sins and giving me eternal life. Make me the kind of woman you want me to be. Does this prayer express the desire of your heart? You can pray it right now, and Jesus Christ will come into your life, just as He promised. If you invited Christ into your life, thank God often that He is in your life, that He will never leave you and that you have eternal life. As you learn more about your relationship with God, and how much He loves you, you'll experience life to the fullest.
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